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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2021Influence of anxiety and resilience on depression among hospital nurses: A comparison of nurses working with confirmed and suspected patients in the COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 units김미영Article
2022University Students' Sleep and Mental Health Correlates in South Korea신수진; 김건희Article
2023Factors Associated with Aging in Place among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Korea: Findings from a National Survey권미영Article
2023Machine learning models for predicting depression in Korean young employees김석선Article
2022Machine learning models for predicting risk of depression in Korean college students: Identifying family and individual factors김석선Article
2022Development of an Online-Coaching Blended Couple-Oriented Intervention for Preventing Depression in Middle Adulthood: An Intervention Mapping Study김석선Article
2023Online coaching blended couple-oriented intervention for preventing depression among Korean middle adulthood: A feasibility study김석선Article
2018Retrospective cohort study on Korean adolescents’ sleep, depression, school adjustment, and life satisfaction양숙자Article
2015Effects of Health Status and Health Behaviors on Depression Among Married Female Immigrants in South Korea양숙자; 지연경Article
2021Effects of Smartphone-Based Compensatory Cognitive Training and Physical Activity on Cognition, Depression, and Self-Esteem in Women with Subjective Cognitive Decline김옥수Article
