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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2021A Mobile Healing Program Using Virtual Reality for Sexual Violence Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study차지영Article
2024Aconite-Induced Metamorphosis From Beauty to Ugliness in a Japanese Tale황건Article
2016Analysis of Validity and Reliability of the Health Literacy Index for Female Marriage Immigrants (HLI-FMI)양숙자; 지연경Article
2021Binge Drinking and Obesity-Related Eating: The Moderating Roles of the Eating Broadcast Viewing Experience among Korean Adults김혜경; 안순태Article
2023Comparison of factors associated with postpartum depression from two cohorts of nurses: The Korea Nurses' Health Study and the Nurses' Health Study 3김옥수; 김수영Article
2017Development and psychometric testing of the Health Literacy Index for Female Marriage Immigrants (HLI-FMI) in Korea양숙자; 지연경Article
2015Effects of Health Status and Health Behaviors on Depression Among Married Female Immigrants in South Korea양숙자; 지연경Article
2020Exploring Complicity of Cervical Cancer Screening in Malawi: The Interplay of Behavioral, Cultural, and Societal Influences강윤희Article
2017Factors associated with pregnancy-related knowledge in women of reproductive age with inflammatory bowel disease정성애; 김성은; 문창모Article
2022Sex differences in the progression of cerebral microbleeds in patients with concomitant cerebral small vessel disease정지향Article
2003The impact of micro-credit program on development of women임경래Master's Thesis
2014Useless Men, Entrepreneurial Women, and North Korea's Post-Socialism: Transformation of Gender Roles Since the Early 1990s김석향Article
2019WOMEN AND Q Metonymy of the Basileia of God박인희Article
2022Women's relative earnings and depressive symptoms in dual-earner households in South Korea: Traditional gender role attitudes as moderators설경옥Article