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Showing results 1 to 30 of 135

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
20142-Cys peroxiredoxins: Emerging hubs determining redox dependency of mammalian signaling networks이상혁; 강상원Review
2013A High-Dimensional, Deep-Sequencing Study of Lung Adenocarcinoma in Female Never-Smokers이상혁; 김재상; 김완규; 정연주Article
2015A highly recurrent novel missense mutation in CD28 among angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma patients이상혁; 김재상Letter
2018A Novel Drug Screening Method based on Large-scale Bioactivity Dataset권예지Doctoral Thesis
2011A p53/miRNA-34 axis regulates Snail1-dependent cancer cell epithelial-mesenchymal transition이상혁Article
2014A recurrent inactivating mutation in RHOA GTPase in angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma이상혁; 김재상; 김완규Article
2012A simplified homology-model builder toward highly protein-like structures: An inspection of restraining potentials이상혁Article
2011Accurate quantification of transcriptome from RNA-Seq data by effective length normalization이상혁Article
2018An integrated clinical and genomic information system for cancer precision medicine이상혁; 서지혜Article
2019An Integrative Data Mining and Omics-Based Translational Model for the Identification and Validation of Oncogenic Biomarkers of Pancreatic Cancer이상혁Article
1999An NMR study on the conformation of naphthalene-viologen linked compounds: Effect of flexible spacer length박준우; 이상혁Article
2014Analyses of Compound Set using Structural Scaffold and Target Information류한나Master's Thesis
2020Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma-like lymphadenopathy in mice transgenic for human RHOA with p.Gly17Val mutation이상혁; 김재상; 이대기Article
2005ASePCR: Alternative splicing electronic RT-PCR in multiple tissues and organs이상혁Article
2004ASmodeler: Gene modeling of alternative splicing from genomic alignment of mRNA, EST and protein sequences이상혁Article
2012Association of diseases and chemicals by gene set analysis for drug repositioning박혜린Master's Thesis
2006Bayesian hierarchical models for serial analysis of gene expression이상혁Conference Paper
2022Bioinformatics analysis of cellular heterogeneity at the single-cell level조수빈Doctoral Thesis
2020Bioinformatics services for analyzing massive genomic datasets이상혁Article
2019CaPSSA: visual evaluation of cancer biomarker genes for patient stratification and survival analysis using mutation and expression data이상혁; 서지혜Article
2017Characterization of developmental defects in the forebrain resulting from hyperactivated mTOR signaling by integrative analysis of transcriptomic and proteomic data이상혁; 김재상Article
2015Characterization of SLC22A18 as a tumor suppressor and novel biomarker in colorectal cancer이상혁; 김재상; 정연주Article
2020Characterization of TNNC1 as a Novel Tumor Suppressor of Lung Adenocarcinoma이상혁; 김재상; 정연주Article
2006ChimerDB - a knowledgebase for fusion sequences이상혁Article
2010ChimerDB 2.0 A knowledgebase for fusion genes updated이상혁; 김재상Article
2017ChimerDB 3.0이명교Master's Thesis
2017ChimerDB 3.0: An enhanced database for fusion genes from cancer transcriptome and literature data mining이상혁Article
2020ChimerDB 4.0: an updated and expanded database of fusion genes이상혁; 김재상Article
2006ChimerDB--a knowledgebase for fusion sequences.이상혁Article
2011Clinical validation of colorectal cancer biomarkers identified from bioinformatics analysis of public expression data이상혁; 김재상; 김완규; 정연주Article