2019 | Absence of Cytosolic 2-Cys Prx Subtypes I and II Exacerbates TNF-alpha-Induced Apoptosis via Different Routes | 강상원; 권종범; 강동민; 이두재; 강동훈; 민성춘 | Article |
2011 | Altered mitochondrial function in type 2 granular corneal dystrophy | 강상원; 이두재 | Article |
2023 | Conserved miR-370-3p/BMP-7 axis regulates the phenotypic change of human vascular smooth muscle cells | 이상혁; 강상원; 김재상; 이두재; 정연주 | Article |
2010 | Cytosolic Hsp60 Is Involved in the NF-kB-Dependent Survival of Cancer Cells via IKK Regulation | 이공주; 이수영; 강상원; 김재상; 이두재 | Article |
2015 | Cytosolic Hsp60 orchestrates the survival and inflammatory responses of vascular smooth muscle cells in injured aortic vessels | 이상혁; 강상원; 김재상; 이두재; 정연주; 강동훈 | Article |
2013 | Erratum: Reactive oxygen species and tumor metastasis (Molecules and Cells (2013) 35 (93-98) DOI/10.1007/s10059-013-0034-9) | 강상원; 이두재 | Erratum |
2017 | Interaction of tankyrase and peroxiredoxin II is indispensable for the survival of colorectal cancer cells | 이상혁; 강상원; 이대기; 이두재; 강동훈 | Article |
2011 | Peroxiredoxin II restrains DNA damage-induced death in cancer cells by positively regulating JNK-dependent DNA repair | 강상원; 권종범; 이두재 | Article |
2013 | Peroxiredoxin-2 represses melanoma metastasis by increasing E-cadherin/β-catenin complexes in adherens junctions | 강상원; 이두재; 박윤정 | Article |
2013 | Reactive oxygen species and tumor metastasis | 강상원; 이두재 | Review |
2012 | Reactive oxygen species mediated DNA damage is essential for abnormal erythropoiesis in peroxiredoxin II -/- mice | 강상원; 이두재 | Article |
2013 | Vascular injury involves the overoxidation of peroxiredoxin type II and is recovered by the peroxiredoxin activity mimetic that induces reendothelialization | 강상원; 권기환; 이두재 | Article |
2015 | Vascular proteomics reveal novel proteins involved in SMC phenotypic change: OLR1 as a SMC receptor regulating proliferation and inflammatory response | 강상원; 권기환; 이두재; 강동훈 | Article |