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Showing results 1 to 30 of 56

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2024A circumglobal teleconnection pattern in the Southern Hemisphere박한올Master's Thesis
2015A Rossby Wave Bridge from the Tropical Atlantic to West Antarctica유창현Article
2023An assessment of the impact of external forcing and internal variability on the warming of the East Asian region정다정Master's Thesis
2017An impact of the Ural blocking on the Kazakhstan climate and extreme weather and its relationship with the teleconnection patternsYESKALIYEVA, MULDIRMaster's Thesis
2016Atlantic-induced pan-tropical climate change over the past three decades유창현Article
2015Boreal winter MJO teleconnection in the community atmosphere model version 5 with the unified convection parameterization유창현Article
2020Characteristics of the North Pacific Oscillation in CMIP5 Models in Relation to Atmospheric Mean States유창현Article
2021Classification of wintertime atmospheric teleconnection patterns in the northern hemisphere유창현Article
2021Cold-season atmospheric conditions associated with sudden changes in PM10 concentration over Seoul, Korea최용상; 유창현Article
2019Comparison of equatorial wave activity in the tropical tropopause layer and stratosphere represented in reanalyses유창현Article
2024Contributions of external forcing and internal variability to the multidecadal warming rate of East Asia in the present and future climate유창현Review
2021Coping behaviors in short message service (SMS)-based disaster alert systems: From the lens of protection motivation theory as elaboration likelihood유창현Article
2022Dynamics of Two Distinct Subseasonal Growth Mechanisms of the North Pacific Oscillation유창현Article
2021East Antarctic cooling induced by decadal changes in Madden-Julian oscillation during austral summer유창현; CHANG CHUEH HSINArticle
2024Energetics of extratropical teleconnection patterns of boreal winter and the application to the subseasonal prediction김민주Doctoral Thesis
2021Enhancing Subseasonal Temperature Prediction by Bridging a Statistical Model With Dynamical Arctic Oscillation Forecasting유창현Article
2021Evaluation of subseasonal impacts of the MJO/BSISO in the East Asian extended summer유창현Article
2023Evaluation of the Hadley circulation in the present and future climate simulations of the CMIP6허이제Master's Thesis
2022Hadley Circulation in the Present and Future Climate Simulations of the K-ACE Model유창현Article
2023Interdecadal change in the relationship between the western North Pacific subtropical high and the ENSO유창현; 김정은Article
2019Interpretation of the Top-of-Atmosphere Energy Flux for Future Arctic Warming최용상; 유창현Article
2023Intrinsic atmospheric circulation patterns associated with high PM2.5 concentration days in South Korea during the cold season유창현Article
2020Long-Lead Predictions of Warm Season Droughts in South Korea Using North Atlantic SST유창현Article
2022Markov Chain Analysis of Rainfall over East Asia: Unusual Frequency, Persistence, and Entropy in the Summer 2020최용상; 유창현; 김정은; 이윤경Article
2016Modulation of the boreal wintertime Madden-Julian oscillation by the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation유창현Article
2014On the Causal Relationship between Poleward Heat Flux and the Equator-to-Pole Temperature Gradient: A Cautionary Tale유창현Article
2024Phase dependence of growth mechanisms in the daily energetics of the North Atlantic Oscillation유창현Article
2019Predictability of Northern Hemisphere Teleconnection Patterns in GloSea5 Hindcast Experiments up to 6 Weeks김도경Master's Thesis
2021Predictability of PM2.5 in Seoul based on atmospheric blocking forecasts using the NCEP global forecast system유창현Article
2024Processes Driving the Intermodel Spread of the Southern Hemisphere Hadley Circulation Expansion in CMIP6 Models유창현Article