2021 | 2-3세 일반아동의 부모를 위한 3S 원격 부모코칭 프로그램이 부모 의사소통스타일 개선에 미치는 효과 | 김호빈 | Master's Thesis |
2009 | 3~5세 말더듬 아동의 의사소통태도 특성 | 이지숙 | Master's Thesis |
2010 | 4세 조음장애아동과 정상아동의 말속도와 문장길이에 따른 따라말하기 능력 비교 | 홍새미 | Master's Thesis |
2015 | A longitudinal study of utterance length in morphemes as a predictor of treatment outcome in early childhood stuttering | 심현섭 | Article |
2015 | A study of influential factors on perceptual judgment of hypernasality using the hypernasality perceptual profile | 심현섭 | Article |
2014 | Age-related changes in category decision-making abilities as a function of typicality and animacy of noun exemplars | 심현섭; 성지은 | Article |
2021 | Age-Related Differences in Korean Word Recognition Associated with Phonological Rules and Word Frequency: An Event-Related Potential (ERP) Study | 심현섭 | Article |
2016 | Age-Related Differences in Sentence Processing as a Function of Canonicity and Syntactic Ambiguity | 오세진 | Master's Thesis |
2022 | Age-Related Differences in the Perception of Emotion in Emotional Speech: The Effects of Semantics and Prosody | 심현섭; 이영미 | Article |
2004 | An acoustic study of the temporal characteristics of nasalization in children with and without cleft palate | 심현섭 | Article |
2022 | Articulatory Characteristics as Functions of Articulation Distance and Articulatory Direction in Children with Cochlear Implants [조음위치 및 조음운동방향에 따른 인공와우이식 아동의 조음 특성] | 심현섭; 이영미 | Article |
2020 | Bilateral cochlear implantation versus unilateral cochlear implantation in deaf children: Effects of sentence context and listening conditions on recognition of spoken words in sentences | 심현섭; 이영미 | Article |
2018 | Comparison of perceptual assessment for dysarthric speech: The detailed and general assessments | 심현섭 | Article |
2022 | CVCV 무의미단어에서 조음위치 및 조음운동방향에 따른 인공와우이식 아동의 조음 특성 | 김남규 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Disfluency characteristics of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms | 심현섭 | Article |
2018 | Disfluency characteristics of school-age children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders | 심현섭 | Article |
2006 | Double dissociation of Hangul and Hanja reading in Korean patients with stroke | 심현섭 | Article |
2014 | Effects of listeners' working memory and noise on speech intelligibility in dysarthria | 심현섭; 성지은 | Article |
2018 | ERP components associated with locality dependency of time references between young and elderly adults | 심현섭; 성지은 | Article |
2016 | Fluency predictor variables in early stuttering intervention for children | 심현섭 | Article |
2019 | Grapheme-phoneme conversion in Korean Word Recognition: Evidence from event-related potentials | 심현섭 | Article |
2017 | Ideomotor apraxia in Alzheimer's disease: Intervention using an unaided augmentative and alternative communication system | 심현섭 | Article |
2012 | Lateralization of cognitive functions in aphasia after right brain damage | 심현섭 | Article |
2004 | Lee Silverman Voice Treatment(LSVT) 프로그램이 특발성 파킨슨병 환자의 자발화 말명료도에 미치는 효과 | 김우아 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Linguistic disfluency induced by nonword and sentence repetition tasks in preschool children with and without vocabulary delay | 심현섭; 임동선 | Article |
2020 | Loci of stuttering of English- and Korean-speaking children who stutter: Preliminary findings | 심현섭 | Article |
2017 | Longitudinal analysis of stuttering like disfluencies as a treatment outcome in early childhood stuttering | 심현섭 | Article |
2022 | Longitudinal Study of Child-Parent Verbal Interaction Characteristics of Preschool Children Who Do and Who Do Not Stutter: Mothers’ Articulation rate and Naturalness in Relation to Children’s Disfluencies and Articulation rate [학령전기 말더듬아동과 일반아동 부모의 구어적 상호작용 특성에 관한 종단연구: 부모의 조음속도 및 말의 자연스러움과 아동의 조음속도, 비유창성을 중심으로] | 심현섭; 이영미 | Article |
2014 | Meta-analysis of cognition-focused intervention for people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia | 심현섭 | Article |
2016 | Meta-analysis of constraint-induced language therapy in aphasia | 김영태; 심현섭; 성지은 | Article |