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Showing results 1 to 30 of 43

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2009Alkaline Ethanolysis of Y-Substituted Phenyl Diphenylphosphinates and Diphenylphosphinothioates박지은Master's Thesis
2013An Imaging Protocol for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI박지은Master's Thesis
2024Brain Age Prediction using Attention-Enhanced 3D-CNN with structural MRI and Analysis of Brain Age Gap Differences by Various Clinical Factors박지은Master's Thesis
2013Controlling the luminescence emission from palladium grafted graphene oxide thin films via reduction김성진; 박지은Article
2013Effect of pomegranate vinegar on visceral fat reduction via AMPK activation in obese subjects박지은Master's Thesis
2021Electrochemical CO2 Reduction for LaOCl and Effect of Surface Wettability for OER and HER in Pt catalyst박지은Master's Thesis
2023Multicolor Conjugated Polymer Thin Films with Tunable Responsivity to Oxidative and Reductive Environments박소정; 현가담; 박지은Article
2020Peptide-Driven Shape Control of Low-Dimensional DNA Nanostructures박소정; 박지은; 김찬진Article
2007PLLA microfiber /collagen nanoparticle composite scaffold via mixing electrospinning to improve its cytocompatibility박지은Master's Thesis
2021Responsive Thin-Film Interference Colors from Polaronic Conjugated Block Copolymers박소정; 현가담; 박지은Article
2017Shape-controlled syntheses of metal oxide nanoparticles by the introduction of rare-earth metals박소정; 박지은Article
2018Subversion을 이용한 프로그래밍 교육 수행평가용 소프트웨어 설계 및 구현박지은Master's Thesis
2016Surfactant-Assisted Emulsion Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles into Hollow Vesicle-Like Structures and 2D Plates박소정; 박지은Article
2013Synthesis of Carbon and Metal Oxide Based-Nanostructured Materials and Tailoring Their Properties박지은Doctoral Thesis
2016Synthesis of hollow carbon-W18O49 composite and its photocatalytic properties김성진; 박지은Article
2000Totally Positive-Normal Operators박지은Master's Thesis
2016Use of Amide Proton Transfer Imaging as a Biomarker for Tumor Proliferation박지은Doctoral Thesis
2019Vesicle-like assemblies of ligand-stabilized nanoparticles with controllable membrane composition and properties김준수; 박소정; 박지은Article
2009Visceral obesity and carbohydrate intake are associated with CVD risks in patients with type 2 diabetes박지은Master's Thesis
2005구전심수 교육방법을 적용한 초등학교 국악 지도방안박지은Master's Thesis
2000남조 악부민가 연구박지은Master's Thesis
2001노인의 부부간 커뮤니케이션에 관한 연구 : 서울시의 재가노인을 중심으로박지은Master's Thesis
2011다양한 설계변수를 고려한 고온에서의 고강도콘크리트 기둥의 열적거동에 관한 연구박지은Master's Thesis
1999단순, 입체형의 반복을 활용한 동화일러스트레이션 표현연구박지은Master's Thesis
2005대중음악에 대한 청소년들의 인식 및 또래집단의 영향 조사박지은Master's Thesis
2018대학 신입생 여성의 가치에 대한 잠재 프로파일 변화양상 탐색박지은Doctoral Thesis
2018디자인 중심의 성공적 업사이클 비즈니스 전략 연구박지은Master's Thesis
2015박지은의 작품 연구박지은Master's Thesis
2013변인 탐색 활동을 강화한 탐구 수업 전략이 창의적 문제 해결력 신장에 미치는 효과박지은Doctoral Thesis
2010보증인에 대한 채권자의 정보제공의무박지은Master's Thesis