2009 | 3차원 시변화 모델을 이용한 팔당호 내 취수지점 이전에 관한 연구 | 나윤희 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | A Bayesian hierarchical approach to model seasonal algal variability along an upstream to downstream river gradient | 박석순; 이혜원 | Article |
2006 | A hydrodynamic and water quality modeling study of spatial and temporal patterns of phytoplankton growth in a stratified lake with buoyant incoming flow | 박석순 | Article |
2005 | A hydrodynamic modeling study to determine the optimum water intake location in Lake Paldang, Korea | 박석순 | Article |
2013 | A hydrodynamic modeling study to estimate the flushing rate in a large coastal embayment | 박석순; 이혜원 | Article |
2006 | A mathematical model to estimate nitrate release from ocher pellets applied to anaerobic benthic sediment | 박석순 | Article |
2002 | A micelle inhibition model for the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic systems | 박석순 | Article |
1999 | A numerical model to estimate sediment oxygen levels and demand | 박석순 | Article |
2003 | A sensitive method for the measurement of ammonium in soil extract and water | 박석순; 강호정 | Article |
1997 | A stoichiometric model for water quality interactions in macrophyte dominated water bodies | 박석순 | Article |
2002 | A water quality modeling study of the Nakdong River, Korea | 박석순 | Article |
2002 | An evaluation of a river health using the index of biological integrity along with relations to chemical and habitat conditions | 박석순 | Article |
2003 | An oxygen equivalent model for water quality dynamics in a macrophyte dominated river | 박석순 | Article |
2003 | Anaerobic biodegradation of toluene coupled to sulfate reduction in oil-contaminated soils: Optimum environmental conditions for field applications | 조경숙; 박석순 | Article |
2014 | Application of barley straw to dammed river for algal control | 박석순 | Article in Press |
2007 | Calculation of search volume on cruise-searching planktivorous fish in foraging model | 박석순 | Article |
2009 | Comparison of enzyme activities in vegetated and nonvegetated sediments | 박석순; 최정현 | Article |
2006 | Design of a water quality monitoring network in a large river system using the genetic algorithm | 박석순; 최정현 | Article |
1996 | Development of a sediment redox potential model for the assessment of postdepositional metal mobility | 박석순 | Article |
1997 | Dynamics of chlordane under nonconstant exposure conditions: A numerical bioaccumulation model | 박석순 | Article |
2003 | Dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus, algal biomass, and suspended solids in an artificial lentic ecosystem and significant implications of regional hydrology on trophic status | 박석순 | Article |
2010 | Effective visualization for the spatiotemporal trend analysis of the water quality in the Nakdong River of Korea | 박석순; 이혜원; 방건준 | Article |
2015 | Effects of Climate Change on the Movement of Turbidity Flow in a Stratified Reservoir | 박석순; 최정현; 이혜원 | Article |
2012 | Effects of climate change on the thermal structure of lakes in the Asian Monsoon Area | 박석순; 최정현; 이혜원 | Article |
2010 | Effects of elevated co2 on organic matter decomposition capacities and community structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria in salt marsh sediment | 박석순 | Article |
2005 | Effects of environmental conditions and prey size on locomotion behaviors of planktivorous fish | 박석순 | Article |
2005 | Effects of stream hydraulic conditions on foraging strategies of false dace, Pseudorasbora parva, in the lentic ecosystem | 박석순 | Article |
2002 | Emergy evaluation perspectives of a multipurpose dam proposal in Korea | 박석순 | Article |
2010 | Estimating historic lake stages from one-time snapshot, the shuttle radar topography mission of 2000 | 박석순; 방건준 | Article |
2009 | Evaluation of the surface temperature variation with surface settings on the urban heat island in Seoul, Korea, using landsat-7 ETM+ and SPOT | 박석순; 방건준 | Article |