2001 | 3-5세 정상 아동의 말속도 발달 연구 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2001 | 3차원 분석틀을 이용한 중학교 과학 교과서의 탐구활동 비교 분석 : 생물 영역을 중심으로 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2003 | A public key cryptosystem scheme based on the Reed-Solomon code | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2002 | A Rationalist Assessment of Sino-American Relations after the Cold War | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | A standardized extract of the fruit of Hovenia dulcis alleviated alcohol-induced hangover in healthy subjects with heterozygous ALDH2: A randomized, controlled, crossover trial | 권오란; 김지연 | Article |
2021 | ABCA1 유전적 다형성과 제 2형 당뇨병 발생의 연관성 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2011 | Antidiabetic effects of onion peel extracts in insulin-resistance rat induced with streptozotocin and high fat diet | 권오란; 김지연 | Meeting Abstract |
2020 | Association between dietary diversity and metabolic syndrome in Korean adults | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2022 | Association between Dietary Diversity Score and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults: A Community-Based Prospective Cohort Study | 김양하; 김지연; 신윤진 | Article |
1997 | "Atelier" 공간 속에서 파악한 예술가의 portrait | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | CAD/CAM을 이용한 간접 부착술식에서 상악 구치부 교두 높이에 따른 브라켓 위치 정확성 비교 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2011 | Comparison of 1-deoxynojirimycin and aqueous mulberry leaf extract with emphasis on postprandial hypoglycemic effects: In vivo and in vitro studies | 권오란; 김지연 | Article |
2011 | Corn gluten hydrolyzates differentially regulate gene expression in epididymal fat by diet induced obese rats | 권오란; 김지연 | Meeting Abstract |
2003 | e-Learning 환경에서 교수-학습지원체제로서 튜터의 역할 및 역량에 관한 탐색 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2013 | e-러닝에서 협업 필터링을 통한 추천시스템의 활용 가능성 탐색 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2012 | Effect of Chlorella vulgaris on serum cholesterol-regulation in healthy subjects and hypercholesterolemia | 권오란; 김지연 | Meeting Abstract |
2011 | Effect of different nutritional formulas on postprandial glucose and inflammatory responses in healthy subjects and impaired fasting glucose (IFG) | 권오란; 김지연 | Meeting Abstract |
2010 | Effects of corn gluten hydrolyzates, branched chain amino acids, and leucine on body weight reduction in obese rats induced by a high fat diet | 권오란; 김주희; 김지연 | Article |
1999 | Elchoness의 Enrichment 프로그램 효과연구 : 청소년 자아존중감 향상을 중심으로 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) for the patients with hereditary peripheral neuropathy and its use for drug screening | 김지연 | Doctoral Thesis |
2011 | Identification of Human Astrovirus Isolated from Children Hospitalized with Acute Gastroenteritis in South Korea | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2019 | Influence of parathyroid hormone and corticotomy under traction force on osseointegrated dental implants | 김지연 | Doctoral Thesis |
2012 | Mechanism of D-psicose absorption is through glucose transporter or not: in vivo and in vitro studies | 권오란; 김지연 | Meeting Abstract |
2014 | Multiclass classification methods 활용한 데이터 분석 | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2011 | Onion peel extracts ameliorate hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in high fat diet/streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats | 권오란; 김지연 | Article |
2012 | Oxidative stress induces IKK activation by releasing Hsp60 from mitochondria | 김지연 | Master's Thesis |
2024 | Path to Suicidality in Korean Adolescents: Mediating Role of Self-Esteem, Somatic Symptoms, and Self-Harm Amid Depressive Symptoms | 김지연 | Article |
2012 | Pomegranate vinegar feeding enhances fatty acid oxidation : In vitro and in vivo | 김미경; 권오란; 김지연 | Meeting Abstract |
2009 | Postprandial hypoglycemic effect of mulberry leaf in Goto-Kakizaki rats and counterpart control Wistar rats | 권오란; 김지연 | Article |