2012 | Biochemical Characterization of PD associated Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolase L1 | 정재은 | Master's Thesis |
2017 | Calcium Ion Induced Structural Changes Promote Dimerization of Secretagogin, Which is Required for Its Insulin Secretory Function | 이공주; 신동해 | Article |
2020 | Cataract-Associated New Mutants S175G/H181Q of beta Beta 2-Crystallin and P24S/S31G of gamma D-Crystallin Are Involved in Protein Aggregation by Structural Changes | 이공주 | Article |
2009 | Characterization of Secreted Vesicles from Insulinoma cells | 이효선 | Master's Thesis |
2005 | Characterization of the interaction of human nucleolar phosphoprotein p140 (hNopp140) with doxorubicin and protein kinase CKII | 김윤경 | Doctoral Thesis |
2009 | Characterization of vesicles secreted from insulinoma NIT-1 cells | 이공주 | Article |
2013 | Complex of fas-associated Factor 1 (FAF1) with valosin-containing protein (VCP)-Npl4-Ufd1 and polyubiquitinated proteins promotes endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD)S | 이공주 | Article |
2012 | Comprehensive identification of novel post-translational modifications in cellular peroxiredoxin 6 | 이공주 | Article |
2005 | Crystal structure of bet3 reveals a novel mechanism for Golgi localization of tethering factor TRAPP | 이공주 | Article |
2002 | Crystal structure of human nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, a metastasis suppressor | 이공주 | Conference Paper |
2000 | Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of human nucleoside diphosphate kinase A | 이공주 | Article |
2010 | Cytosolic Hsp60 Is Involved in the NF-kB-Dependent Survival of Cancer Cells via IKK Regulation | 이공주; 이수영; 강상원; 김재상; 이두재 | Article |
2016 | Degradation of Redox-Sensitive Proteins including Peroxiredoxins and DJ-1 is Promoted by Oxidation-induced Conformational Changes and Ubiquitination | 이공주; 신동해; 이제진 | Article |
2019 | deMix: Decoding Deuterated Distributions from Heterogeneous Protein States via HDX-MS | 이공주 | Article |
2000 | Determination of enantiomeric amphetamines as metabolites of illicit amphetamines and selegiline in urine by capillary electrophoresis using modified β-cyclodextrin | 이공주 | Article |
2000 | Determination of enantiomeric metabolites of l-deprenyl, d- methamphetamine, and racemic methamphetamine in urine by capillary electrophoresis: Comparison of deprenyl use and methamphetamine use | 이공주; 김화정 | Article |
1996 | Determination of trace elements in human serum by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry with flow injection | 이공주 | Article |
2013 | Differential protective effects of exenatide, a GLP-1R agonist, and piragliatin, a glucokinase activator, under ER stress in pancreatic beta cells | 김미경 | Doctoral Thesis |
2013 | Differential Protective Effects of Exenatide, an Agonist of GLP-1 Receptor and Piragliatin, a Glucokinase Activator in Beta Cell Response to Streptozotocin-Induced and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stresses | 이공주 | Article |
2006 | Doxorubicin binds to un-phosphorylated form of hNopp140 and reduces protein kinase CK2-dependent phosphorylation of hNopp140 | 이공주 | Article |
2009 | Erratum: A splice variant of the C2H2-type zinc finger protein, ZNF268s, regulates NF-κB activation by TNF-α (Molecules and Cells (2008) 26 (175-180)) | 이공주; 강상원; 김재상; 강동훈 | Erratum |
2015 | Evidence for the dimerization-mediated catalysis of methionine sulfoxide reductase a from Clostridium oremlandii | 이공주 | Article |
2013 | Fas-Associated Factor 1 having multi ubiquitin-like domains plays a role in ER homeostasis as a scaffolding protein | 송순화 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Fas-Associated Factor 1 Negatively Regulates the Antiviral Immune Response by Inhibiting Translocation of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 to the Nucleus | 이공주; 장준; 김희정; 이제진 | Article |
2004 | Fas-associated Factor-1 Inhibits Nuclear Factor-κB (NF-κB) Activity by Interfering with Nuclear Translocation of the RelA (p65) Subunit of NF-κB | 이공주; 이수영 | Article |
2016 | Functional and Structural Studies on Calcium-binding Protein Secretagogin in Insulin Secretion | 양서윤 | Doctoral Thesis |
2018 | Functional Characterization of Two Novel Targets, UCH-L1 and Hdhd2, Identified by Hippocampal Proteomics of Chronic Stress-treated Mice | 최정은 | Doctoral Thesis |
2010 | Functional Characterization of Ubiquitin C-terminal Hydrolase L1 | 김유화 | Master's Thesis |
2004 | Functional characterization of UCH-L1(ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L1) as a target molecule in cancer invasion | 林相美 | Master's Thesis |
2016 | Functional studies of Fas-associated factor 1 on immune response and cell motility | 송순화 | Doctoral Thesis |