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dc.contributor.advisorThomas Kalinowski-
dc.contributor.authorSHRESTHA, Scheme-
dc.creatorSHRESTHA, Scheme-
dc.description.abstractHuman trafficking is a shame on humanity. It is a fast-growing illegal trade with a high profit at minimal risk. Nepal is a source, transit, and destination country in terms of human trafficking. Nepal is, thus, recognized as a Tier-2 country as categorized by UNODC. Hundreds of Nepalese, especially women and girls, are being trafficked internally and externally. The internal human trafficking in the entertainment sector has become a serious concern for the Government of Nepal. The government has increased its efforts to combat human trafficking and transportation. Despite this, it has been increasing annually. Since 2012, the NPA has been implemented by the government focusing on five thematic areas: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution, Capacity development, and Cooperation, Coordination, and Collaboration. This paper intends to analyze the challenges faced by the Government of Nepal to combat human trafficking domestically as well as internationally. This paper argues that the NPA is well formulated, but it lacks effective implementation because of the inadequate programs and budgetary allocation. Lack of an integrated information management system, education and awareness, competent and sensitized government officials and so on are more responsible for women trafficking. The limited employment opportunities, the unbalanced power structure of the society, armed conflict, natural disaster, corruption, rampant poverty, and violence are against women are some of the challenges for the Government of Nepal to complete eradication of human trafficking. Therefore, to combat human trafficking, Government of Nepal has to focus on coordination, cooperation, and collaboration in anti-human trafficking activities to strengthen the networking among stakeholders for transforming collective energy into synergy. Keywords: Human trafficking, Sexual exploitation, Labor exploitation, Prevention, Protection, Prosecution ;인신매매는 인류의 큰 부끄러움이지만 낮은 위험성과 높은 수익으로 인해 불법 거래가 급성장하고 있습니다. 네팔은 이러한 인신매매의 시작과 중간, 그리고 끝 모두가 이루어지고 있습니다. 따라서 네팔은 UNODC의 2단계 지역으로 지정되어 있습니다. 주로 여성과 어린 소녀들로 이루어진 수 백명 이상의 네팔 사람들이 네팔 안쪽으로, 또는 바깥쪽으로 인신매매를 당합니다. 네팔 정부는 여성들이 유흥지역에 인신매매되는 것을 매우 걱정하고 있으므로 인신매매와 수송을 막기 위해 적극적으로 대처하고 있습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 인신매매는 매년 증가하는 추세입니다. 2012년 이후로 정부는 예방, 보호, 고발, 역량 개발, 그리고 협력과 협동, 조정이라는 다섯 포인트에 초점을 맞춘 NPA를 시행하고 있습니다. 이 보고서는 네팔 정부가 국제 인신매매 뿐만 아니라 자국내의 인신매매에 직면한 상황을 분석하기 위해 쓰였습니다. 그리고, NPA가 얼마나 잘 구성되어 있는지와 그럼에도 적절하지 못한 프로그램 및 예산배정 등으로 효율적이지 못한 부분에 대해서도 다루고 있습니다. 여성 인신매매에 대해서는, 통합된 정보관리 시스템, 교육과 인식수준, 유능한 공무원 등의 부재가 큰 원인입니다. 제한된 취업의 기회와 사회의 무너진 권력구조, 무장단체와의 갈등, 자연재해, 부패, 만연하는 가난과 여성에 대한 폭력은 네팔 정부가 인신매매를 뿌리뽑기 위한 필수사항입니다. 그러므로 네팔 정부는 인신매매에 맞서기 위해 반인신매매 활동의 협력과 협동, 조정에 초점을 맞추고 당사자들간의 유대를 통해 시너지를 낼 수 있어야 합니다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. Introduction 1 A. Problem statement 1 B. Research objectives 4 C. Research questions 4 D. Study arguments 5 E. Analytical framework 6 F. Research methodology 9 G. Organization of the study 9 II. Literature Review 10 A. Human trafficking and its forms 10 B. Gender and human trafficking 11 C. Globalization, migration, and human trafficking 12 D. Human trafficking and human security 14 E. Government response to combat human trafficking 15 1. Prevention, protection, and prosecution (3Ps) 15 2. Coordination, cooperation, and collaboration (3Cs) 17 F. Challenges to combat human trafficking 18 1. Violence against women 18 2. Unequal socio-economic status 20 3. Armed conflict and Natural Calamities 21 4. Corruption 22 III. The general background of Nepal 24 A. The socio-cultural and economic structure of Nepal 24 B. Human trafficking situation in Nepal 25 1. Human trafficking trends in Nepal 25 2. Human trafficking by age and sex 27 3. Human trafficking by marital status 28 4. Human trafficking by caste and ethnicity 29 5. Human trafficking by religion 30 6. Human trafficking by education 31 IV. Analysis and findings 33 A. Background 33 B. Implementation status of the anti-human trafficking strategy under the NPA 35 1. Prevention 36 2. Protection 39 3. Prosecution 46 4. Capacity development 50 5. Coordination, cooperation, and collaboration 52 C. Challenges for combating human trafficking in Nepal 54 1. Socio-economic factors 54 2. Geopolitical Factors 60 3. Administrative factors 63 V. Conclusion and Policy Recommendations 66 A. Conclusion 66 B. Policy recommendations 69 References 73 Abstract (in Korean) 82-
dc.format.extent1070376 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 국제대학원-
dc.titleDealing with a Deadly Issue-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.subtitleGovernment’s Efforts on Combating Human Trafficking in Nepal-
dc.format.pagexii, 83 p.-
dc.identifier.major국제대학원 국제학과- 2-
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