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dc.description.abstractAdolescent risky sexual behaviors are closely associated with adverse health outcomes, and losing future educational and economic opportunities. Sexual behavior is developed through sexual socialization, which is a process adolescent receives and internalizes messages about sexuality from agents mainly by sexual communication. Socio-cultural characteristics and sexual norms play vital roles in shaping patterns and styles of discussion between adolescents and various agents. This dissertation aims to analyze how gendered sexual norms and socio-cultural factors of the Lao PDR influence the relationship between sexual communication and adolescent sexual behaviors. This study also examines the gender differences in the frequency and contents of sexual communication, and the effect of sexual communication with multiple sources on sexual behavior. This study utilizes the following three groups of literature as the theoretical bases for its analytical framework: studies on adolescent sexual behaviors, contextual analysis of sexual communication, and adolescent sexual and reproductive health in development cooperation. The dissertation uses a sequential mixed method design, beginning with a quantitative study, and followed by a qualitative study. The quantitative study includes 493 students aged 15-19 from four secondary schools in the Capital of Lao PDR. For the qualitative study, a semi-structured in-depth interview is conducted with 12 secondary school students and eight clinic visitors. This study shows significant variations in the frequency of sexual communication by topics, and gender of adolescents. It also presents that sexual communication with multiple sources significantly affects adolescents’ sexual engagement. In addition, the dissertation presents that the sexual norms embedded in Lao PDR —including the importance of virginity before marriage, the cultural taboo on the discussion about sex-related topics, and restricting women’s sexual expression— are intertwined with various socio-cultural characteristics. The combinations of sexual norms and socio-cultural factors shaped the messages and style of communication, which in turn affected adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors. This study contributes to the research on adolescent sexual behavior and sexual socialization, and also suggests valuable policy recommendations to promote the health and well-being of adolescents in developing countries in the Asian region. ;청소년의 성위험행동은 건강문제를 야기할 수 있으며 미래의 교육 및 경제활동 기회를 잃는 결과를 초래할 수 있다. 성행동은 청소년이 주로 사회 구성원들과 대화하면서 받는 성에 대한 메시지를 내재화 하는 과정에서 형성되며 이를 성적 사회화라고 일컫는다. 청소년과 사회구성원 간의 대화의 방식이나 패턴은 사회문화적 특성과 성규범의 영향을 받는다. 본 연구는 라오스의 젠더화된 성규범과 사회문화적 요인이 성에 대한 대화와 청소년의 성행동의 관계에 어떤 영향을 주는지 분석하였다. 또한 성별에 따른 성에 대한 대화 내용과 빈도의 차이를 밝히고 다양한 구성원과의 성적 의사소통이 성행동에 미치는 효과를 연구하였다. 본 연구는 청소년 성행동에 대한 연구, 성적 의사소통에 대한 맥락적 분석 연구, 개발협력 분야의 청소년 성 생식 건강 연구 등에 관한 기존 연구를 고찰하였으며 이를 통해 실증연구를 위한 이론적 개념틀을 구성하였다. 연구 결과 도출을 위해 양적 연구와 질적 연구를 혼합한 순차적 혼합 방법을 사용하였으며, 양적 연구는 라오스 비엔티안의 4개 고등학교 재학중인 15-19세 학생 493명을 대상으로, 질적 연구는 비엔티안에 거주하는 고등학생 12명과 진료소 방문자 8명을 대상으로 진행하였다. 연구 결과 성에 대한 대화의 빈도는 대화 내용과 청소년의 성별에 따라 상당한 차이가 나는 것을 발견하였으며, 다양한 구성원들과의 성적 의사소통이 청소년의 성행동에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 혼전순결, 성적 의사소통이 금기된 문화, 여성의 성적 표현 제한과 같은 라오스 내에 존재하는 성규범이 다양한 사회문화적 특성과 결합되어 대화 내용과 대화 방식에 영향을 미쳐 청소년의 성태도와 성행동에 영향을 주는 것을 발견하였다. 본 연구 결과는 청소년 성행동 및 성적 사회화 이론에 기여할 뿐 아니라 아시아 개발도상국 청소년들의 건강과 웰빙 증진을 위한 개발협력 사업 및 정책에 실질적인 지침도 제공한다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. INTRODUCTION 1 III. LITERATURE REVIEW 10 A. Studies on Adolescent Sexual Behaviors 11 1. Factors for Adolescent Sexual Behaviors 11 2. Sexual Socialization and Sexual Behavior 26 B. Contextual Analysis of Sexual Communication 36 1. Gender Analysis of Sexual Communication 36 2. Cross-cultural Studies on Sexual Communication 40 C. Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Development Cooperation 44 D. Analytical Framework 51 IV. BACKGROUND OF LAO PDR 56 A. International and Domestic Context of Lao PDR 56 B. Adolescent Sexual Health and Behavior in Lao PDR 58 C. Factors for Adolescent Risky Sexual Behaviors in Lao PDR 62 V. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 68 A. Research Method for the Effects of Sexual Communication with Multiple Sources on Adolescent Risky sexual behaviors (Quantitative Study) 68 1. Model Specification 68 2. Data Collection 75 3. Description of Variables 77 4. Methodology 84 B. Research Method for the Voices of Adolescents How They Decide ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Have Sex (Qualitative Study) 85 1. Research Design 85 2. Data Collection 86 3. Research Instrument 88 4. Methodology 91 VI. EFFECTS OF SEXUAL COMMUNICATION WITH MULTIPLE SOURCES ON ADOLESCENT RISKY SEXUAL BEHAVIORS 92 A. Key Characteristics of Respondents: Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors 92 1. Demographic Characteristics 92 2. Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors 94 B. Regression Results of the Effect of Receiving Sex Information from Multiple Sources on Adolescent Sexual Intercourse 98 1. Gender Difference in the Patterns of Receiving Sex Information from Multiple Sources 98 2. Effects of Receiving Sex Information from Sources on Adolescent Sexual Intercourse 104 3. Additional Findings: Effects of Sexually Experienced Young People on Adolescent Sexual Intercourse 115 C. Analysis of the Research Findings 118 VII. VOICES OF ADOLESCENTS: HOW THEY DECIDE 'YES' OR 'NO' TO HAVE SEX 131 A. Profiles of Participants: Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors in Adolescence 132 1. Demographic Characteristics 132 2. Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors 133 B. Qualitative Study of the Influence of Sexual Communication from Multiple Sources on Participants Sexual Attitude and Behavior 144 1. Influence of Sexual Communication from Sources on Participants Sexual Attitude 144 2. Influence of Sexual Communication from Sources on Participants Sexual Experience 168 3. Contraceptive Use and Relationship with Partner after Forced Sex 179 C. Summary and Analysis of the Results 185 VIII. CONCLUSION 194 REFERENCES 198 초록 231-
dc.format.extent1847780 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 국제대학원-
dc.titleSexual Communication and Adolescent Sexual Behaviors-
dc.typeDoctoral Thesis-
dc.title.subtitleThe Influence of Sexual Norms and Socio-Cultural Factors in Lao PDR-
dc.creator.othernameJi-Eun Lee-
dc.format.pagexi, 231 p.-
dc.identifier.major국제대학원 국제학과- 2-
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