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作为成长小说的钱钟书 《围城》研究 —以与《青春之歌》、《三家巷》对比研究为中心

作为成长小说的钱钟书 《围城》研究 —以与《青春之歌》、《三家巷》对比研究为中心
Other Titles
As Bildungsroman novel's Qian Zhongshu : Centers on Comparative Study of and
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대학원 중어중문학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
成长是什么,人一出生就与成长相伴左右,身体的成长、生理的成长、精神和心理的成长等等。心理学意义上的成长是在身体已经成长长大的基础上,心理的健全和成熟,有成熟而理性的认知,对自身、对他人、对一切存在能够有比较全面而正确的认识,在言行举止、待人接物上能够蜕去儿时的懵懂与幼稚,用成人的思维去理解事物,以成人的方式去处理事情。按照社会学的规定,从年龄上来说18岁就可以把一个人归入到成人队伍中去了,这也就意味着,18岁就具有了社会所承认和规约的法人资格,就能够在经济上获得独立,也可以说就应该在经济上能够独立支撑了。文学作品中书写和记载的大多是心理和社会学意义上的成长,而不是纯粹身体、生理学意义上的成长。作为具有启蒙和教育、教化功能的成长小说,其对社会大众、对后辈的成长者们、对于一代又一代的未成年人来说,都是有着积极而有效的模范和引导意义和作用的。它所承载和展现出来的成长之相,无论是顺理成长、最终达到成长彼岸的完成者,还是仍然在成长路上奋力挣扎、努力实践着的进行者,亦或是最终由于种种内在或是外在的原因不幸终止成长的失败者,对于后来者来说,都是有着一定的指导和规训作用的。 《围城》其实就是这样一部能够给读者提供很多借鉴性成长经验的、个人内在成长书写的成长小说佳作。当然还有另外一种成长样相的书写,尤其是在中国一个特定的历史时期,这种文本如雨后春笋般大量出现,即在革命战争时期、在中国共产党成立之初,为了配合宣传革命思想和主张、号召广大人民群众投入到革命战争的大潮中、抵御外来侵略、反对腐败政府统制、主张建立由中国共产党领导的社会主义新国家等等这样的政治目的,出现了一大批在政治话语模式引导下、在热烈的革命号召下,完全意识形态化了的中国经典红色成长小说文本。《青春之歌》和《三家巷》就是在这个时期出现的具有政治宣传作用的红色经典成长小说的典范之作。 把书写个人内在成长的《围城》与书写时代英雄成长的《青春之歌》、《三家巷》进行成长分析和对比研究是非常必要的。两种不同类型的成长,对人的启发和指导意义是截然不同的,内在成长的书写给人启发和启示是内在的、个人的、私密的。而时代英雄的书写是一个社会意识形态建立最有效的表达方式。两种成长样相的对比分析,可以很好地展现它们的不同作用和价值,不论是对成长小说理论的研究与建设,还是以后对成长小说文本的归类与撰写,都是有着非常实用的指导意义与价值的。 本文在研究框架上将从以下这几个部分着手研究:在第二章中,将对成长小说概念及特征以及成长小说的发展情况进行分析,为文章的写作奠定坚实的理论基础。从本文理论研究方面来看,成长小说在西方已经发展成熟,数百年的历史成就了它独特的个性和特有的地位,成为西方文学史上不可忽视的一部分。在当代中国的文化语境中,“成长小说”这一名词的出现很晚,其概念也还模糊不清,与其相应的文学理论建设也没有被提到应有的高度,缺乏主动和有意识的文本创作。 第三章主要对钱钟书《围城》中的成长性进行分析,结合文本的特点,主要对《围城》主人公方鸿渐的爱情成长历程进行分析。在对整个人物成长过程分析的基础上,探讨主人公在其成长过程中的环境影响和引路人以及成长伙伴对其成长的影响。最后对《围城》中的叙事结构进行分析,探讨成长文本的叙事性。 第四章主要对其他经典红色成长文本进行分析,在分析的过程中,主要以当时两部主流红色成长小说《青春之歌》以及《三家巷》作为对比题材,对两部作品所体现出来的革命成长性进行分别阐述,对林道静和周炳两位成长主人公在成长引路人的带领和引导下所体现出的革命成长进行分析和总结。 第五章将《围城》与《青春之歌》、《三家巷》的成长性进行对比,对其成长中体现的共性以及成长中存在的差异性进行探讨,找出并分析产生这种差异的原因。从《围城》与《青春之歌》、《三家巷》的比较分析来看,可以得出《围城》主要体现了知识分子的内在成长,而《青春之歌》、《三家巷》则主要是在主流革命号召下的成长;从成长途径来看,《围城》主要是基于家庭和爱情所得到的成长,而《青春之歌》和《三家巷》主要是通过爱情与革命所得到的成长;并且从成长叙述格局、叙事形态以及话语特征等几个方面都可以看出《围城》的不同之处。不同的创作背景以及作者不同的人生际遇思想认识都是影响《围城》与《青春之歌》、《三家巷》成长差异的原因。这就需要我们在进行成长小说比较中,既要抓住不同成长小说文本中所体现的文学价值,更要深入探究表象背后所隐藏的更为深刻的差异原因。最后是对文章进行的总结,是对论文后期的研究方向和思路进行展望。;What is growth? As soon as someone is born, they are subject to various forms of growth—physical, physiological, spiritual and psychological. Each stage of growth has its unique characteristics and bearing. Psychological growth presupposes growth of the physical body, mental health and maturity, as well as mature and rational cognition. Psychological growth requires that a person have a comprehensive and accurate understanding of oneself and others. Psychological growth presupposes that a person acts in accordance with their promises, while casting off immature and careless ways of treating others. Psychological growth requires a person to understand and interact with the world using an adult’s mode of thinking. According to sociological regulations, starting from the age of 18 years, a person can be classified as an adult. This means that at the age of 18, a person assumes legal responsibilities admitted and regulated by society and shall be economically independent. That said, most literary works are focused on psychological and sociological growth rather than mere physical and physiological growth. With the abilities to inspire, educate and enlighten, bildungsroman novels can provide positive and effective models to help guide the public, the younger generations and the future younger generations. The growth subjects noted and revealed in these works, no matter whether they are successful passengers to the end of the growth journey, strugglers who spare no effort on the road to growth or losers who fail to grow due to reasons internal or external, all provide a certain amount of guidance and enlightenment. ‘Fortress Besieged’ is a masterpiece of the bildungsroman genre that can provide readers with a lot of reference and growth experience. Of course, there is another kind of writing that was mass produced during a particular period of China’s history, namely, at the beginning of the establishment of the Communist Party of China in the revolutionary war. To meet the propagandistic needs related to the revolution, to call upon the masses to join the revolutionary war, to resist foreign aggression, to oppose the suppression by the corrupt government and to advocate the establishment of a new socialist country under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, a large number of ideologically ‘red-washed’ Chinese bildungsroman novels appeared. These works were no doubt influenced by the political discourse and zealous call for revolution. ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Lanes’ were written during this period, both of which are classic examples of ‘red-washed’ bildungsroman novels with political propaganda. It is important to conduct growth analysis studies on ‘Fortress Besieged’, which describes the inner growth of individuals, and ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Alleys’, which focus on hero growth in a certain era, and do contrastive studies. These distinctly different growth narratives provide very different inspiration and guidance to their readers. The inspirations and revelations that are provided through inner-growth narratives are specifically internal, personal and private. The narrative of heroes in a certain era is the most effective way to establish a social ideology. The contrastive analysis of these two kinds of bildungsroman narratives can well disclose their different functions and values and provide practical guidance to the research and construction of theories on bildungsroman novels and the categorisation and writing of bildungsroman novels. The research presented in this thesis is organised into four chapters. In the second chapter, the author analyses the development of bildungsroman novels, including the development of their concepts and characteristics. This first chapter lays a solid theoretical foundation for the writing of the chapters that follow. Based on this theoretical study, the author demonstrates that the bildungsroman novel developed to maturity in the West. With a long history spanning hundreds of years, the bildungsroman novel established a unique presence and position in the West, such that it is now recognised as a significant part of Western literature. In the cultural context of contemporary China, the term ‘bildungsroman novel’ (chengzhang xiaoshuo) appeared very late and still remains a vague concept. The literary theory related to the bildungsroman novel has not been given the spotlight it deserves, and there still remains a lack of initiative and consciousness for the creation of such texts. The third chapter comprehensively considers and analyses the growth of Qian Zhongshu’s protagonist, Fang Hongjian, during the course of his romantic escapades described in ‘Fortress Besieged’. While analysing growth from many different perspectives, the author considers the impacts that the environment and other characters (leaders and companions) have on Fang Hongjian. Finally, the author analyses the narrative structure employed in ‘Fortress Besieged’ so as to explore the narrativisation of bildungsroman novels. The fourth chapter analyses classic ‘red’ bildungsroman narratives. The analysis focuses mainly on ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Lanes’, to engage in a comparison. The analysis begins by discussing the respective revolutionary growth narratives found in these two works. The author analyses and summarises these revolutionary growth narratives while focusing on the ways in which the protagonists of these two stories, Lin Daojing and Zhou Bing, respectively, are guided and led to growth. The fifth chapter compares the bildungsroman narrative of ‘Fortress Besieged’ with the narratives of ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Lanes’. This chapter discusses the similarities and differences among the bildungsroman narratives found in these stories. After identifying the narrative differences, the author considers and analyses the reasons for these differences. By comparing and analysing ‘Fortress Besieged’, ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Lanes’, the author concludes that the bildungsroman narrative of ‘Fortress Besieged’ is more representative of the inner-growth process of intellectuals, whereas the narratives found in ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Lanes’ are more representative of the mainstream growth narrative during a call to revolution. With respect to the growth trajectory, the growth narrative in ‘Fortress Besieged’ is primarily centred around family and love, whereas the growth narratives of ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Lanes’ are primarily focused on love and revolution. With respect to the narrative design, narrative form and discursive characteristics of these works, the author notes that ‘Fortress Besieged’ is different from the two other works. Different creation contexts and different life experiences of the authors account for the different growth profiles in ‘Fortress Besieged’, ‘Songs of Youth’ and ‘Three Lanes’. Thus, we must fully grasp the literary values reflected in these bildungsroman novels while engaging in our comparison and analysis. We must also further explore the more profound underlying reasons for these differences. Finally, the author puts forth a summary and suggests directions and ideas for future research.
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