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dc.contributor.authorLiao, Qiumei-
dc.creatorLiao, Qiumei-
dc.description.abstractWith the development of globalization, China has become one of the most significant economic strengths in the world economy. Many international enterprises flowed into the Chinese’ domestic market, stimulating a great demand for more secretarial elites who are good at office administration, foreign language, business administration, communication, computer skills, and other areas. This article is written to compare Secretarial Science Education between South Korea and China regarding to the status of universities offering secretarial sciences education,educational goals, education areas/courses of this major, the secretary certificate examination, and the secretary association. Then conclusions are drawn based on the comparisons to give insights into the Secretarial Science Education between South Korea and China. To achieve this study’s goals, research questions were as follows: Research Question 1: How many universities or colleges are offering Secretarial Science Program(SSP)in South Korea and China? Research Question 2: What are the educational goals of SSP offered in South Korea and China? Research Question 3: What are the educational areas/courses of this major offered in South Korea and China? Research Question 4: What kinds of secretary certificate examination are operated in South Korea and China? Research Question 5: What are the differences between secretarial associations in South Korea and China? This research was conducted in the following steps: Firstly, key words of secretarial science major were searched via search engine Naver and Baidu to find the status of universities offering in South Korea and China. Secondly, data about the curriculums on the homepages of the universities was collected. Thirdly, data was classified and then the frequency of words appeared in the educational goals, areas/courses was obtained through the analysis using Antconc 3.4.4. Fourthly, conclusions of content analysis and frequency analysis were conducted via Antconc 3.4.4. Finally, information regarding the secretary certificate examination and secretary association were collected by searching on specific homepages. The findings of this study are significant in the following ways: Firstly, the current status of secretarial science education in South Korea and China was revealed. There were only four South Korean universities offering 4-year program regarding Secretarial Science education and 21 2-3 year universities offering SSP in South Korea, while there were 99 Chinese universities offering 4-year program of this major. Secondly, when comparing with the educational goals of Secretarial Science Programs (hereinafter referred to as SSPs) in South Korea and China, it was found that South Korea stressed the requirements of professional administrative because of internalization, while China emphasized on the requirements of secretarial talents due to the domestic personnel market. Thirdly, in comparison of education areas/courses of SSPs between South Korea and China, the former stressed the educational areas of secretarial science of office administration, communication skills, and information management and convention planning skills. In comparison, programs in China placed their emphasis on business administration and the Chinese literacy competence with ignorance of the importance of foreign language and computer skills. Fourthly, secretary certification examinations between South Korea and China were compared. Comparison are made in the details of secretary certificate examination in these two countries. Finally, secretarial associations between South Korea and China were compared to gain insight into future cooperation. Since the number of samples collected was limited and data were researched only through online searching, generation of the results is difficult on behalf of the whole SSPs in South Korea and in China. This findings of the current study can contribute in helping both scholars of Secretarial Science Education in South Korea and China get better understanding of each other’s current educational status and thus to make a more complete and improved curriculum in order to cultivate a new type of executive assistant elites who can fulfill the needs of the human resource market in these two countries.;세계화의 발전이 빨라지면서 중국은 이미 전세계적으로 막강한 경제파워를 가진 나라 중 하나가 되여있다. 많은 국제 기업들이 중국 국내 시장에 진출하게 되면서 사무실 관리, 외국어능력, 경영, 통신, 컴퓨터 기술 등 영역에 뛰여난 재능을 가진 비서전문직 인재의 수요가 현저히 늘어났다. 본 논문에서는 한국과 중국, 이 두 나라에 비서학과를 개설한 대학원이 몇개인지, 그들의 교육 목표, 교육 영역은 무엇인지, 그리고 양국의 비서 협회와 비서 자격 시험에 대해 알아보고 분석해보도록 하겠다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위한 연구 절차는 다음과 같다.첫째, 한국과 중국의 검색엔진(네이버, 바이두)을 이용하여 비서학을 개설한 대학교의개수를 알아본다. 둘째, 그들의 학교 홈페이지를 통해 학과과정에 대한 정보를 수집한다. 셋째, 자료들을 분류한 후에 Antconc 3.4.4를 사용한다. 마지막으로 그들의 교육 목적, 영역 및 과목에 대해 내용과 단어 빈도로 분석한다.본 논문이 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다.첫째, 한중 양국의 4년제 비서학 교육 현황을 알 수 있다. 현재 비서학과를 개설한 4년제 한국 대학교는 총 4개, 중국 대학교 총 99 개가 있다. 둘째, 양국의 비서 과학 프로그램의 교육 목표를 비교할 때, 한국은 국제화에 적응하기 위한 전문 비서로서의 요구 사항을 강조하고, 중국은 자국 국내 인력 시장에 필요한 비서 인재로서의 요구 사항을 강조하고 있다.셋째, 양국의 비서학 교육 영역 및 과목 비교할 때, 한국는 비서학, 사무실 관리, 의사 소통 능력, 정보 관리 및 컨벤션 기획 능력 등 교육 영역을 강조한다. 반면, 중국은 비서학과 경역학의 교육 영역을 강조하며 외국어 및 컴퓨터 기술을 중요시 하고 있다.마지막으로, 본 논문은 비서 협회 및 양국의 비서 자격시험의 비교분석을 제공한다. 이는 두 국가에서 운행되고 있는 비서 시스템에 대한 이해를 도와준다.본 논문은 한국과 중국의 미래 교육 협력이 가일층 심화되는데에 기본 참고 자료를 제공하고 양국의 교육 및 학술 커뮤니케이션을 촉진에 기대를 걸어 보는 바가 있다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. Introduction 1 A. Needs for the Study 1 B. Purpose of the Study 3 C. Definition of Key Terms 5 1. Secretarial Science 6 2. Executive Assistant 6 II. Literature Review 8 A. Studies on Secretarial Science Education in South Korea 8 B. Studies on Secretarial Science Education in China 12 III. Research Methods 15 A. Data Collection 15 B. Analysis Method 17 IV. Results 21 A. Universities Offering SSP in South Korea and China 21 1. Universities Offering SSP in South Korea 21 2. Universities Offering SSP in China 25 B. Educational Goals of SSP in South Korea and China 32 1. Educational Goals of SSP in South Korea 32 2. Educational Goals of SSP in China 34 C. Educational Areas / Courses of SSP in South Korea and China 37 1. Educational Areas / Courses of SSPs in South Korea 38 2. Educational Areas / Courses Secretarial Science Education in China 44 D. Secretary Certificate Examination in South Korea and China 51 1. Secretary Certificate Examination in South Korea. 52 2. Secretary Certificate Examination in China 53 E. Secretary Association in South Korea and China 56 1. Secretary Association in South Korea 56 2. Secretary Association in China. 57 V. Conclusions and Implications 58 References 62 Appendix 66 Abstract( in Korean) 79-
dc.format.extent1395500 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.titleA Comparative Study on Secretarial Science Education between South Korea and China-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.format.pagevi, 80 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 국제사무학과- 8-
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