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초등학생의 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통한 책임감 형성 탐색

초등학생의 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통한 책임감 형성 탐색
Other Titles
Investigation on responsibility forming factors through participation in basketball sports club by elementary school students
Issue Date
대학원 체육과학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
본 연구는 유소년농구스포츠클럽에 참여한 초등학생과 학부모들을 대상으로 농구 활동을 통해 체육교육의 목표인 책임감이 나타나고 있는지, 그리고 농구 활동 중에 경험하고 인지한 책임감이 학생들의 일상생활에 전이되어 나타나고 있는가를 살펴보고, 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통해 학생들의 책임감 행동의 변화를 조명하여 책임감 행동의 형성요소와 양상을 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 농구스포츠클럽 참여 경력이 3년 이상 된 초등학생 15명과 동일한 학생들의 학부모 15명을 1차 연구 참여자로 선정하였으며, 이들 중 연구자와 라포(rapport)가 잘 형성이 되어있어서 연구의 목적과 내용을 구체적으로 이해한 학생 8명과 학부모 8명을 최종 연구 참여 대상자로 선정하였다. 이러한 연구 참여자 선정 과정을 통해 총 16명의 연구대상자를 선정하여 2012년 7월부터 2012년 12월까지 6개월에 걸쳐 질적 사례연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구의 자료 수집 방법은 개인일지, 그룹면담, 참여관찰 등을 통해 이루어졌으며, 자료 분석은 개방코딩, 축코딩, 선택코딩을 하여 1차 영역분석과, 2차 분류체계를 통해 귀납적 범주 분석을 하였다. 연구의 타당성 확보를 위해 도출된 내용은 삼각검증법(triangulation)을 통해 신뢰성을 검증하여 정리하였다. 이와 같이 본 연구에서 설정한 연구문제를 중심으로 분석된 연구결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학생의 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통해 책임감 인지요소에 대해 살펴보면 연구 참여 학생들은 게으른 태도와 수업에 대한 몰입부족, 그리고 수업 참여 준비성 미비 등의 무책임한 행동을 보였고, 이는 학생의 개인적인 상황에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 학생들은 무책임 요소들을 최소화하기 위해 자신의 행동들을 반성하며 수정하는 모습을 보였다. 이러한 반성적 성찰로 인하여 학생들은 무책임이 줄어들고 적극적으로 농구수업에 참여하고, 자발적으로 친구들을 리드하는 등 적극성을 갖고 행동하는 모습을 보였다. 둘째, 초등학생의 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통해 책임감 형성 요소를 살펴보면 연구 참여 학생들은 농구스포츠클럽 활동을 통해 친구들과 소통하는 방법을 알아가고 있었으며, 농구 수업 시 어떠한 문제에 봉착하게 되면 서로 의견을 나누면서 문제 해결을 위해 노력하는 모습을 보였다. 또한 타인이 부정적이거나 공격적인 반응을 보이는 상황에서는 스포츠라는 틀 안에서 학생들 스스로가 절제하고 다시 생각해 보는 수용의 자세를 보였다. 연구 참여 학생들은 농구스포츠클럽 참여 시 행동적 격려 표현을 많이 사용하여 원만한 대인관계를 지향하고, 또한 상대방에게 불편함을 느낄 때 서로의 불편한 점을 포용하면서 지냈다. 특히 단체 생활을 할 때 개인사정으로 인해 상대방에게 피해를 주지 않기 위해서 노력하고 이해하는 태도를 보였다. 연구 참여 학생들의 일상생활의 모습을 살펴보면 스포츠 활동을 통해 언제, 어떻게, 누구에게 도움을 받아 자신의 문제점을 해결할 수 있는지에 대해서 알아가고 있었다. 이처럼 연구 참여 학생들은 격려와 이해를 통해 협동하면서 책임감이 형성되어 친구들 간의 사회적 유대감 능력이 향상되고 있었다. 학생들은 성실성과 솔선수범, 자기 주도적 성향을 많이 보였으며, 남보다 앞장서서 모범을 보이는 행동을 주저하지 않고 일상생활에서도 상대방을 배려하여 솔선수범 하기 위해 노력하고 있었다. 이렇듯, 학생들은 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통해 다른 사람의 도움 없이 자기 주도적 학습을 지향하고 있었으며, 특히, 농구스포츠클럽 참여로 인해 자신감이 상승되어 자신이 하고 싶은 것에 도전하는 긍정적인 효과를 얻어 자아효능감과 학습 몰입성이 높아지는 모범적인 행동을 보였다. 셋째, 초등학생의 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통해 일상생활에서의 책임감 실천요소를 살펴보면 연구 참여 학생들은 농구스포츠클럽 활동을 통해 인지한 책임감 요소가 일상생활에 전이되고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 초등학생들에게 강하고 긍정적인 태도를 가질 수 있게 하는 수단으로써의 스포츠 활동을 통해 일상생활에서 나눔을 가르치는 것이 중요한 요소로 보였다. 또한 학생들은 다양한 상황 속에서 나눔을 경험하면서 자연스럽게 나눔에 대해 높은 관심을 갖게 되었고, 긍정적인 태도와 함께 타인과의 갈등을 최소화하기 위해 자기 관리를 통한 만족감을 느끼며 책임을 다하고 있었다. 이처럼 학생들은 일상생활에서 자신의 할 일들을 큰 무리 없이 실천하고 있었으며, 타인간의 상호관계와 서로의 믿음과 신뢰를 위해 친구와 가족 간의 약속으로 자신의 행동을 책임감 있게 실현해 나가고 있었다. 본 연구결과를 통해 알 수 있듯이 초등학생들의 농구스포츠클럽 참여를 통해 나타난 책임감은 게으름의 민폐(民弊)에서부터 실천에 이르기까지 다양한 요소들로 나타났다. 이는 학생들이 농구스포츠클럽에 참여하면서 나타난 변화로 볼 수 있는데, 이러한 책임감 요소들이 일상생활 속에 전이되어 자발적이고 모범적인 행동의 변화를 이끌어 내는 요인으로 발전되어 가고 있음을 본 연구를 통해 확인할 수 있었다.;This research emphasized the importance of team sports through participation of elementary school students in basketball sports club and has its objective in investigating pattern and forming factors of responsible action of students by clarifying the behavior inside and outside regarding how those actions are being changed and when they occur through basketball class. Through this, we intend to provide the effect of team sports activity as basic data for character cultivation desired by examining the behavior of students who are self-centered without any responsibility regarding moral value. To accomplish the objectives of this research, research targets were selected as 15 elementary school students with more than 3 year experience in basketball sports club primarily, then 15 parents of the same students were also selected according to this. Among 15 research targets, those who are thought to be unsuitable in performing the research were excluded securing secondary number of targets and thanks to the good formation of rapport with researches in conducting the research, final targets who are 8 students and parents each understanding the content and objectives of the research well were selected. Through this research target selection process, total 16 research targets were selected and qualitative case study was done for 6 months, from July of 2012 to December of 2012. Thus, data collection method of this research applied qualitative data collection method (Miles, 2000) by triangulation using three methods of participation observation, interview, individual journal. Followings present induced research result through mentioned method and procedures. First, irresponsible factors occurred due to lack of preparation for class participation, insufficient concentration towards the class and lazy attitude of participated students but differently depending on the situation of individual student and one’s own behavior was reflected and corrected to minimize irresponsible factors. Thanks to this reflective introspection, students increased their responsibility participating actively in the basketball class and led friends voluntarily showing active behavior. Second, participated students were learning to communicate with friends through basketball class and showed their endeavor to solve the problem upon encountering one by sharing each other’s opinions. Also, in the situation where other people show negative or aggressive reaction, attitude of acceptance that thinks again and controls oneself within the frame called sports was shown. Third, active participation will was shown to learn more complete basketball with target consciousness through sports activity then a certain amount of endeavor was put for goal accomplishment. Moreover, rather than defining the chance of students’ success just as vague endeavor, target consciousness and will of individuals were important in doing the best not deserting responsibility in every action along with activeness and endeavor. Fourth, students who participated in the research were all forming responsibility when encouraged or encourage tending to use the expression to encourage the action the most and they were also shown to seek the sound interrelationships with friends through encouragement of ‘Let’s do our best.’ to each other through basketball class. Fifth, students led their life understanding each other’s discomfort when they feel discomfort because of other people upon participation of basketball and especially self-realization was shown based on understanding with the awareness that they should not do harm on other people simply because of personal situation in group life. In the daily routine of students who participated in the research, we could see that they were learning to solve their own problem how, with whose help, when through sports activity. Likewise, students who participated in this research were shown to have improved sense of social fellowship between friends thanks to responsibility formed while cooperating through encouragement and understanding. Sixth, they mostly showed self-directed, role model, sincerity tendency. Students were usually performing the plan not delaying it with sincerity and did not hesitate to act like a model ahead of others and showed endeavor to take the lead on one’s own for the purpose of considering others. Also students were aiming self-directed learning without anyone’s help through basketball participation. It was shown that model behavior is induced through basketball participation as confidence increases and students challenge what they want showing positive learning effect with self-efficacy and high concentration. Finally, teaching to share through sports activity was shown to be an important factor as a mean to encourage strong and positive attitude to students. Experiencing sharing in many situations was shown to help responsibility and positive attitude formation as well as increasing attention regarding sharing naturally. Besides, they were completing their responsibility after being satisfied through self management to minimize the conflict with others. Likewise, they were practicing things that they have to do in their daily routine without big difficulty and realizing their action with responsibility because of promises with friend, family for trust and faith with each other, interrelationship with other people. In conclusion, factors that formed responsibility of elementary school students shown through participation in basketball sports club were various from harm of laziness to sense of accomplishment. These factors are changes occurred by basketball participation of students and we expect changes in behavior in voluntary and modeled way through formation of students’ responsibility inside and outside at the background of right character cultivation. This research emphasized the importance of team sports through participation of elementary school students in basketball sports club and has its objective in investigating pattern and forming factors of responsible action of students by clarifying the behavior inside and outside regarding how those actions are being changed and when they occur through basketball class. Through this, we intend to provide the effect of team sports activity as basic data for character cultivation desired by examining the behavior of students who are self-centered without any responsibility regarding moral value. To accomplish the objectives of this research, research targets were selected as 15 elementary school students with more than 3 year experience in basketball sports club primarily, then 15 parents of the same students were also selected according to this. Among 15 research targets, those who are thought to be unsuitable in performing the research were excluded securing secondary number of targets and thanks to the good formation of rapport with researches in conducting the research, final targets who are 8 students and parents each understanding the content and objectives of the research well were selected. Through this research target selection process, total 16 research targets were selected and qualitative case study was done for 6 months, from July of 2012 to December of 2012. Thus, data collection method of this research applied qualitative data collection method (Miles, 2000) by triangulation using three methods of participation observation, interview, individual journal. Followings present induced research result through mentioned method and procedures. First, irresponsible factors occurred due to lack of preparation for class participation, insufficient concentration towards the class and lazy attitude of participated students but differently depending on the situation of individual student and one’s own behavior was reflected and corrected to minimize irresponsible factors. Thanks to this reflective introspection, students increased their responsibility participating actively in the basketball class and led friends voluntarily showing active behavior. Second, participated students were learning to communicate with friends through basketball class and showed their endeavor to solve the problem upon encountering one by sharing each other’s opinions. Also, in the situation where other people show negative or aggressive reaction, attitude of acceptance that thinks again and controls oneself within the frame called sports was shown. Third, active participation will was shown to learn more complete basketball with target consciousness through sports activity then a certain amount of endeavor was put for goal accomplishment. Moreover, rather than defining the chance of students’ success just as vague endeavor, target consciousness and will of individuals were important in doing the best not deserting responsibility in every action along with activeness and endeavor. Fourth, students who participated in the research were all forming responsibility when encouraged or encourage tending to use the expression to encourage the action the most and they were also shown to seek the sound interrelationships with friends through encouragement of ‘Let’s do our best.’ to each other through basketball class. Fifth, students led their life understanding each other’s discomfort when they feel discomfort because of other people upon participation of basketball and especially self-realization was shown based on understanding with the awareness that they should not do harm on other people simply because of personal situation in group life. In the daily routine of students who participated in the research, we could see that they were learning to solve their own problem how, with whose help, when through sports activity. Likewise, students who participated in this research were shown to have improved sense of social fellowship between friends thanks to responsibility formed while cooperating through encouragement and understanding. Sixth, they mostly showed self-directed, role model, sincerity tendency. Students were usually performing the plan not delaying it with sincerity and did not hesitate to act like a model ahead of others and showed endeavor to take the lead on one’s own for the purpose of considering others. Also students were aiming self-directed learning without anyone’s help through basketball participation. It was shown that model behavior is induced through basketball participation as confidence increases and students challenge what they want showing positive learning effect with self-efficacy and high concentration. Finally, teaching to share through sports activity was shown to be an important factor as a mean to encourage strong and positive attitude to students. Experiencing sharing in many situations was shown to help responsibility and positive attitude formation as well as increasing attention regarding sharing naturally. Besides, they were completing their responsibility after being satisfied through self management to minimize the conflict with others. Likewise, they were practicing things that they have to do in their daily routine without big difficulty and realizing their action with responsibility because of promises with friend, family for trust and faith with each other, interrelationship with other people. In conclusion, factors that formed responsibility of elementary school students shown through participation in basketball sports club were various from harm of laziness to sense of accomplishment. These factors are changes occurred by basketball participation of students and we expect changes in behavior in voluntary and modeled way through formation of students’ responsibility inside and outside at the background of right character culti
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