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dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted to find a way of analyzing the sensory quality of various low-calorie sweeteners applied to complex food systems and effectively replacing sucrose by utilizing generalized descriptive analysis. 3 kinds of bulk sweeteners (Xylose, Tagatose, Erythritol) and 2 kinds of high intense sweeteners (Sucralose, Stevia) were used. 8~10 female trained panels in their twenties participated in the evaluation. The study was conducted in three steps. First, each sweetener’s sensory quality was analyzed and the relative sweetness was re-derived by applying each sweetener’s relative sweetness derived from the aqueous solution to milk and instant coffee. Here, the effects of milk fat and vegetable cream on thesensory characteristics and relative sweetness of milk and instant coffee varying in sweeteners were investigated. Secondly, the standardized concentration-response curve(C-R curve) evaluation protocol of sweetener was built. Thirdly, using the C-R curve evaluation protocol developed in the previous experiment, C-R curve was derived from skimmed milk and vegetable cream added coffee. Then a database for regression equation of each sweetener was created. Additionally, the synergy effect of sweetener combinations was verified using the concentration calculated in the regression equation. The results showed that the relative sweetness of all the sweeteners was identical to that identified in the aqueous system, except for stevia in the milk system and in the coffee system with added vegetable cream. For the black coffee system, the relative sweetness decreased for tagatose, erythritol and for stevia. Fat and vegetable cream significantly affected the sensory qualities of milk and coffee, respectively. Three types of sensory evaluation method were compared for their accuracy in modeling the C-R curve. The protocols differed in the samples composing one set of tasting sessions. Traditional method measured the sweetness intensities of 5 concentration levels of a specific sweetener in one test set. Hetero-sample-equi-concentration method measured the sweetness of 6 types of sweeteners having similar sweetness intensity level in one test set. Sucrose-sweetener combined method measured the sweetness of 5 levels of specific sweetener as well as the 5 levels of sucrose in one test set. To identify the most accurate sensory evaluation protocol, the concentrations of each sweetener corresponding to the sweetness levels of 1.5% and 4.5% sucrose were interpolated from the C-R curve modeled for each sweetener measured by the 3 methods. The actual sweetness intensities of the interpolated concentrations of each sweetener were validated with the sweetness intensities of 1.5% and 4.5% sucrose levels. The result showed that the sucrose-sweetener combined method was the most accurate protocol. Relative sweetness values of each sweetener were measured at sucrose concentration levels (milk system;1%, 2%, 3.5%, 5% and 7%, coffee system;0.9%, 2.3%, 3.7%, 5.6%, and 7.9%). Concentration-response curve was modeled for each sweetener. Based on the modeled curve, the concentration level of each sweetener eliciting equal sweetness intensity to that of 2.5% sucrose was calculated in milk system. Two sweeteners, each eliciting 2.5% equi-sweetness to that of sucrose, were mixed and compared with 5% sucrose sample. For the coffee system, concentration level of each sweetener eliciting equal sweetness intensity of 2.8% sucrose was calculated using modeled curve. For sweetness synergism study, 1 type of highly intense sweetener was mixed with 1 type of bulk sweetener, each sweetener eliciting 2.8% equi-sweetness to sucrose. The concentrations of mixtures were calculated to be equivalent in sweetness to 5.6% sucrose. In sweetness synergism experiment, most of the sweetener combination did not show significant difference in sweetness intensity when compared with sucrose. In conclusion, sweetness synergism in coffee system was not observed. From this study, we confirmed that sensory quality and relative sweetness was affected by the food system that the sweetener was applied to and the concentration that we intended to substitute. Moreover, this study can provide reference data for studies that apply sweetener to other complex food system by developing a new protocol that can measure accurate relative sweetness.;본 연구는 묘사분석을 이용하여 음료시스템에 적용 한 다양한 저칼로리 감미소재의 관능적 특성을 분석하고 효과적으로 설탕을 대체할 수 있는 방안을 찾기 위해 진행하였다. 3종의 벌크 감미소재(Xylose, Tagatose, Erythritol)와 2종의 고강도 감미소재(Sucralose, Stevia)를 이용하였으며 훈련된 20대 여성 패널 8~10명이 평가하였다. 총 3가지 단계로 연구를 진행 하였는데 먼저 수용액에서 도출된 각 감미소재의 상대감미도를 무지방 우유와 인스턴트 커피에 적용 하여 감미질을 분석하고 상대감미도를 재도출 하였다. 이때 바나나향 전지우유와 바나나향 무지우유, 블랙커피와 식물성 크림 첨가 커피에 감미소재를 적용시켜 각 식품 시스템별 비교뿐만 아니라 유지방과 식물성 크림의 유무에 따른 관능적 특성을 비교하였다. 두 번째로 감미소재의 표준적인 농도-반응 함수(C-R curve) 평가 프로토콜을 개발하였다. 세 번째로 이전 실험에서 개발된 평가 프로토콜을 이용하여 무지방 우유와 식물성 크림 첨가 커피에서 각 감미소재의 농도-반응 함수를 도출하고 데이터베이스화 하였다. 또한 농도-반응 함수에서 계산된 농도를 이용한 감미소재 조합의 시너지 효과를 검증하였다. 상대 감미도 도출 실험의 결과 우유와 식물성 크림 첨가 커피에서는 상대 감미도가 감소한 스테비아를 제외하고 모든 감미소재가 수용액과 동일한 상대감미도를 갖는 것으로 분석되었다. 블랙 커피 시스템에서는 타가토스, 에리스리톨, 스테비아의 상대 감미도가 감소하였다. 유지방과 식물성 크림은 우유와 커피시스템에서 각각 감미질에 유의적인 영향을 주는 것으로 판단된다. 정확한 농도-반응 함수 평가 방법을 개발하기 위하여 1 세션을 구성하는 시료의 종류를 달리하여 3가지의 평가 프로토콜을 비교하였다. Traditional method는 1종류의 특정 감미소재의 5수준의 농도를 하나의 세트로 구성하여 단맛 강도를 측정하였다(xylose 1.6%, 3.2%, 5.6%, 7.9%, 11.1% 등). Hetero-sample-equi-concentration method는 1수준의 특정 설탕 농도와 유사한 단맛 강도를 나타낼 것으로 예상되는 6종류 감미소재를 하나의 세트로 구성하였다 (set 1: sucrose1%, xylose1.6%, tagatose1.2%, erythritol1.7%, sucralose0.002%, stevia0.04%; set 2: sucrose2%, xylose3.2%, tagatose2.4%, erythritol3.3%, sucralose0.004%, stevia0.08%, 등). 마지막으로 sucrose-sweetener combined method는 특정 감미료의 5수준 농도와 함께 설탕 5수준 농도를 하나의 세트로 구성하여 단맛 강도를 측정하였다. 이 평가 방법 중 가장 적합한 평가 프로토콜을 검증하기 위하여 각 평가 방법에서 도출된 농도-반응 함수를 바탕으로 설탕 1.5%와 4.5%에 상응하는 각 감미소재의 농도를 계산하였다. 설탕 1.5%와 4.5% 상응 감미소재의 단맛강도가 설탕과 유의적 차이를 보이지 않는 평가 방법이 가장 정확하게 단맛을 예측했다고 판단하였으며 sucrose-sweetener combined method가 가장 적합한 농도-반응 함수 평가 프로토콜인 것으로 나타났다. 앞서 밝혀진 가장 정확한 평가 프로토콜인 sucrose-sweetener combined method를 이용하여 설탕의 5개 수준 농도에(milk system;1%, 2%, 3.5%, 5% and 7%, coffee system; 0.9%, 2.3%, 3.7%, 5.6%, and 7.9%) 대한 각 감미료의 상대 감미도를 측정하였고 농도-반응 함수를 도출하였다. 단맛 상승 작용을 검증하기 위해 농도-반응 함수를 이용하여 설탕 2.5%(우유) 또는 2.8%(커피)에 상응하는 감미소재의 농도를 계산하여 두 가지 감미소재를 혼합하였고 각각 설탕 5%(우유) 또는 5.6%(커피)와 비교하였다. 모든 감미소재 조합은 1종의 벌크 감미소재와 1종의 고강도 감미소재를 1:1로 혼합 하여 이용되었다. 단맛 상승 작용 연구의 결과 설탕 보다 높은 단맛 강도를 나타낸 감미소재의 조합은 존재하지 않았으며 결과적으로 단맛 상승 작용이 발생하지 않았다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsⅠ. Introduction 1 A. Background 1 B. Objective 5 C. Research model of the study 6 Ⅱ. Review of literature 7 A. Sweeteners 7 B. Sweeteners in food systems (Coffee and Milk) 12 C. Relative sweetness and sensory quality of sweetener in food system 14 D. Sweetness synergism 16 E. Context effect and bias 18 Ⅲ. Relative sweetness and sweetness quality of low calorie sweeteners in milk and coffee model system 24 A. Abstract 24 B. Introduction 25 C. Material & Methods 28 D. Results and Discussion 33 E. Conclusion 54 Ⅵ. Optimal sensory evaluation protocol to model concentration-response curve of sweeteners 55 A. Abstract 55 B. Introduction 57 C. Materials and Methods 60 D. Results and Discussion 68 E. Conclusion 77 Ⅴ. Concentration response curve and sweetness synergism of various sweeteners in skim milk and coffee system 78 A. Abstract 78 B. Introduction 80 C. Material &methods 84 D. Results and Discussion 92 E. Conclusion 104 Ⅵ. Summary and Conclusions 105 Reference 108 Appendix 118 국문초록 128-
dc.format.extent10295348 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.titleDeveloping protocols to measure relative sweetness, sweetness quality and sweetness synergisms of low calorie sweeteners in beverage system-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translated음료시스템에 적용한 다양한 저열량 감미소재의 상대감미도, 감미질 및 단맛 상승 작용 측정을 위한 평가 프로토콜 개발-
dc.format.pageix, 129 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 식품영양학과- 8-
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