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Robert Muczynski의 Sonata for Flute and Piano Op.14에 대한 분석 연구

Robert Muczynski의 Sonata for Flute and Piano Op.14에 대한 분석 연구
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A Study on Robert Muczynski Sonata Flute and Piano Op.14
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대학원 음악학부
이화여자대학교 대학원
본 논문은 본인이 석사과정 이수를 위한 졸업 연주회의 곡목 중 하나인「Robert Muczynski Sonata for Flute and Piano Op.14」에 대한 연구 분석이다. 무진스키는 피아노 소나타를 비롯하여 협주곡, 실내악곡, 관현악곡, 영화 등 많은 곡들을 작곡하였다. 20세기에는 무조음악, 12음기법 등의 새로운 음악적 양식이 등장하였지만 그는 19세기 낭만주의 방식을 고수 하며 자신만의 독창성 있는 음악방식을 보여주었다. 무진스키의 음악은 러시아 현대악파인 바르톡(Béla Bartók, 1881-1945), 피스톤(Walter Piston, 1894-1976), 바버(Samuel Barber, 1910-1981)등의 영향으로 불규칙적인 박자와 불협화음들이 자주 등장 하였다. 그는 기악형식과 피아노 작품에 애착이 많았으며 자신만의 다양한 리듬을 구사하였고 대부분의 음악들이 생동감이 있으며 불규칙한 악센트와 박자, 도약이 많은 선율, 장음계와 단음계를 동시에 쓰는 복조성이 특징적으로 나타난다. 또한 불협화음과 현대리듬을 가미하여 주제와 형식 구조를 잘 드러나게 하였으며, 종종 민속적 요소와 대중음악, 재즈 등의 기법을 표현하였다. 작품「Sonata for Flute and Piano Op.14」에서는 기존의 낭만적인 플루트 선율과 다른 다양한 기교로 20세기 플루트의 화려함이 표현되고 신고전적인 구조 안에서 활기차게 움직이는 리듬이 매력적인 곡이다. 작품분석에 앞서 20세기 현대음악 조류를 살펴보고「Sonata for Flute and Piano Op.14」의 형식구조와 화음진행 등을 알아보고자 한다.;This these is analysis of「Sonata for Flute and Piano Op.14」, one of the pieces on the investigator's graduation performance list to complete the master's course, based on the musical background of Robert Muczynski(1929-2010). In 1961, he entered the Nice International Competition with his and won the competition with his work chosen by one of the judges, Jean-Pierre Ranpal (1922-2000). He also won an accolade from Internationale Society For Contemporary Music Prize with the work. On of the 20th American famous composer, Robert Muczynski was a followed neo-classicism form that maintained the tonalities and harmonies based on the conservative style of the middle 20th century, added dissonance and modern rhythmic elements to show the themes and form structures clearly, and often expressed the folk elements and popular music with exotic music. Muczynski wrote many pieces including piano sonatas, concertos, chamber music, orchestra music, and film music. Living in the 20th century when new musical styles such as atonal music and Twelve-tone Technique appeared, he stuck to the romantic style of the 19th century and showed his own original musical style. He was much attached to his works of his piano works and used own diverse rhythm. Most of his works are characterized by vitality, irregular accents and beats, melodies with lots of skips, and bitonality of the major and minor scale. In the work comprised of four movements, 1st Movement is in allegro and in the 4/4-beat sonata form with frequent uses of irregular time. 2nd Movement is very fast in vivace with the eighth notes and the tunes over the minor 3rd and minor 2nd playing the main theme. It also uses many of perfect 5th and perfect 4th intervals. 3rd Movement is in andante, has lyrical melodies, and in a complex three-part form, using a lot of 5th and perfect 4th intervals. Last 4th Movement is in allegro con moto with the main rhythmic pattern of hemiola through the mixture of 6/8 and 3/4. It shows many of the performer's techniques including cadenza. The fast movement conveys the sense of color with dynamic rhythms and plays an important role in terms of counterpoint. The work in the sonata form is distinguished for the utilization of theme in each movement and shows various musical languages in the classical form. It also expresses the splendor of the 20th-century flute with various techniques different from the old romantic flute melodies and attracts the audience with the vigorously moving rhythms in the neo-classical structure. His works are fully worth research for his own musical colors, and his flute works have been established as part of the representative 20th-century repertoire among contemporary flute musicians.
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