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도심지 호텔의 실내디자인에 관한 연구

도심지 호텔의 실내디자인에 관한 연구
Other Titles
(A) Study on the Interior Design of City Hotels : Centering on the Furniture Arrangement of Twin Rooms
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산업미술대학원 산업미술학과실내디자인전공
이화여자대학교 산업미술대학원
本 論文은 都心地 호텔의 經濟的이고 效率的인 適正空間을 家具配置 側面에서 誘導하여 豫懇되는 家具使用을 考慮한 客室디자인의 基本論인 資料를 提供하고자 한다. 이의 具體的인 方法으로 호텔의 性格과 客室의 機能 및 室內構成要素에 關한 一般的 理論과 家具醮置의 機能的인 面을 檢討하여 客室디자인의 基本方向을 設定하고 이에따라 都心地 호텔 투윈·룸의 室內디자인과 家具種類, 치수 및 家具占有面積을 調査 分析하였다. 調査對象의 選定은 '86, '88年의 올림픽 主催國으로서 서울의 位置가 매우 重要한 만큼 서울의 大規模 特級호델 中 조선호텔, 롯데호텔, 신라호텔, 힐튼호텔, 하이야트호텔의 투원·룸으로 制限하고 가장 合理論인 家具配置 樣式으로서 一定한 모델을 5個 選定 調査對象으로 하였다. 그 分析 詰果는 다음과 같다. 1. 室內 家具와 色彩 및 내부마감에 있어서, 바닥재로는 모두 풍부한 感覺의 色彩와 부드러운 觸感, 防音性이 좋은 카페트로 마감되어 있고 壁은 은은한 色調와 自然素材의 무늬를 加味한 것이 使用되고 있다. 그리고 天井은 壁紙나 스프레이 (spray)등의 마감재로서 거의 白色이었고, 家具는 대부분 현대式 家具로써 디자인에 있어서 특별한 傾向은 없고 機能面에 重點을 둔 것이 主였다. 2. 客室空間 分析 ① 客室 面積 26.22 ∼ 35.48㎡ ② 客室의 幅 (width)과 깊이(Depth) 幅, 3660∼4700 ㎜ 깊이, 6900∼8300 ㎜ 幅과 깊이의 比率 1 : 1.2 ~ 2.2 (신라호텔은 除外항) ③ 前室 面績 9.12 ∼ 12.69 ㎡ ④ 居室 面績 17.01 ∼ 22.79 ㎥ ⑤ 家具占有 面績 6.61 ~ 8.98 ㎥ ⑥ 家具面績密度 (家具面績 /居室面積) 32∼43 % 以의 分析結果를 보면, 客室의 全體面積은 家具配置 側面에서도 충분히 餘裕있는 空間이며 幅과 깊이의 比率은 신라호텔( W : 4700㎜ )을 除外하면 1 : 1.8∼2.2로써 약 2倍이며, 前室과 居室의 面積比는 롯데호텔( 1 : 1.6)을 除外하면 1: 1.8∼2로써 居室 面績을 보다 效率的으로 活用하려는 傾向을 볼 수 있다. 充分한 面績에서도 幅과 깊이를 合理的으로 조정하지 않으면 空閒의 浪費가 생길 뿐만 아니라 家具配置를 爲해서도 適合한 空間이 될 수 없으므로 客室의 幅과 깊이, 前室과 居室의 面績比, 前室의 길이와 居室의 길이를 合理的으로 調節함으로써 주어진 空間을 有效適切하게 使用할 수 있을 것이다. 住居空間에 家具가 차지하는 比率은 32∼43%로써, 우리나라 아파트의 家具面績密度( 35,25% )에 비추어 볼 때 다소 높은 水準으로 一般家庭에 比해 家具占有面績을 낮춤으로써 餘裕있는 空間으로 活用할 수 있을 것으로 思料되며, 이는 客室 家具를 몇가지의 機能을 組合해서 設計하는 方案으로 效果的으로 利用할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 家具의 크기에 있어서, 치수가 매우 多樣한 것으로 나타났다. 豫想되는 家具使用을 考慮하여 空間의 浪費를 없애고 經濟的이면서 機能的인 空間을 客室空間計劃에 反映하기 爲해서는 먼저 合理的인 家具의 規格化가 先行되어야 할 것이다. 3. 家具配置의 機能치수를 根據로 한 투원·룸의 面積 誘導 面積 25.56 ∼ 30.8 ㎡ 幅 3600∼4000 ㎜ 깊이 7100∼7700 ㎜ 以上은 室內에서의 人體動作과 家具配置의 機能치수를 中心으로 誘導한 것으로 居住者의 行爲에 拘束을 주지 않고 쾌적한 空間을 이룰 수 있는 經濟的인 範圍로써 都心地 호텔에 있어 可能한 크기로서 提示될 수가 있겠다. 以上으로 都心地 호텔의 室內디자인에 關하여 家具配置 側面에서 考察한 바, 호텔의 性格이 意味하듯 客室의 室內디자인은 마음에 平和를 줄 수 있어야 한다. 이와같은 目的으로 家具配置에 도움이 되는 空間을 提示함으로써 客室의 適正空間計劃에 基本的 資料를 提供하는데 意義를 두고 있다.;The purpose of this study is to contribute some basic and helpful material for convenient interior design of the twin rooms of large city hotels. For this purpose the kind of furniture, the size of furniture, and the furniture-holding-rate in the rooms were researched and analysed. And the arrangement of furniture was reflected in inducing optimal size of the rooms. And human body technology was also considered in it. In order to set up an ideal type of twin rooms many books were consulted at first. Then as examples of this ideal type five models were selected among large hotels in Seoul. They belong to Chosun Hotel, Silla Hotel, Lotte Hotel, Hilton Hotel and Hyatt Hotel. interior design was compared with one another. The interior of each model was examined and The plane of the room and the furniture were studied in order to utilize the space of the room economically and effectively, which is the characteristic of the city hotel. And in doing so how to arrange furniture was the major concern. The result of the study is as follows. 1. Furniture, colors, and interior of the rooms were compared with one another. All the rooms used carpets as flooring material because they had diverse colors and good texture. And they a l s o diminish the noise of the room. The walls of them were covered with wallpapers of elegant colors and natural patterns. The ceiling was treated succintly . As its closing material wallpaper or spray were used and it took on pale tone. Concerning furniture it seemed that the functional convenience was focused on as other ready-made goods 2. The Analysis of the Size of the Room. The dimensions of the room 26.22m(2) - 35.48m(2) The dimensions of the front area 9.12(2) - 12.69m(2) (If Silla Hotel is excluded it will be 9.12m(2) - 10.83m(2) ) The dimensions of living room 17 .01m(2) - 22.79m(2) The dimensions of the furniture-holding-area 6.61m(2) - 8.98m(2) Consequently the dimension ratio between front area and living room was from 1:1.8 to 1 : 2 except Lotte Hotel (l:1-.6), The intention to use space effectively by taking broad living room area was observed. 3. Furniture-Holding-Area, Living Room Area. The dimension ratio between furniture-holding-area and living room is 32-43:lOO. In contrast with that ratio of apartment (35.25:lOO) in Korea it is suggested that that of hotel should be lowered down. By doing so it may be possible to use the space more conveniently and comfortably. And multi- functional design of furniture will be required to diminish the ratio. 4. The Analysis of the Width and Depth of the Twin Room The width of room ranges from 3660m/m to 4700m/m. And the depth of it from 6900/m to 8300m/m. This reveals that the ratio of width to depth ranges from 1:1.8 to 1:2.2 except Silla Hotel (w: 4700m/m). 5. The Ideal Dimensions of the Twin Room Considering Human Body Technology The width of it 3600m/m - 4000m/m The depth of it 7100m/m - 7700m/m The dimensions 25.56m(2) - 30.8m(2) So far the interior design of twin room has been examined. It is desirable that the interior of the room should be cozy and comfortable. And it can give more impression to make it looked simple, succinct and elegant rather than to decorate it with sumptuous and unoriginal material. By adding our traditional beauty to the elaborate and economic arrangement of furniture and simple and convenient interior design it is possible for us to make visitors of our country feel our specific cultural atmosphere. And this cultural influence is too important to be ignored as one of the functions of the hotel. So far the optimal size of the room for adequate arrangement of furniture has been induced. And this reflects OR the urban circumstances under which the usable spaces always lack. All the rooms studied are large enough to have larger spaces than the optimal size . Though a room is large enough to dispose furniture if it has too large width in contrast with depth and vice versa it can not be proved the economic use of the space but the waste of it. So it is desirable that depth- width ratio should be rationally adjusted for the use of furniture when the plane of the room is designed. The facts mentioned above cannot help being a hypothesis. And more positive study is required.
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