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老年期 女性의 社會的 不安感과 衣服 行動과의 關係

老年期 女性의 社會的 不安感과 衣服 行動과의 關係
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대학원 의류직물학과
노년기사회적 불안감의복 행동노인학교
이화여자대학교 대학원
本 硏究는 老年期 女性의 衣服行動을 社會心理學的 觀點에서 考察함으로써 衣服을 통해 그들의 心理狀態를 把握하고 老後의 社會生活을 보다 肯定的이고 積極的으로 營爲하는데 도움을 주고 나아가 現在 當面하고 있는 老人問題 解決에 도움이 되는 基礎資料를 提供하고자 한다. 硏究의 具體的 目的은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 衣服滿足度 ,社會的 認定性, 心理的 依存性 3가지 衣服行動 變因들간의 關係를 把握한다. 둘째, 人口學的 變因(年齡, 階層, 敎育, 宗敎, 配偶者 有無)에 따른 衣服行動 變因의 差異를 比較分析한다. 세째 ,衣服行動 變因에 대한 社會的 不安感과 人口學的 變因의 獨立的인 영향을 糾明한다. 測定道具로 社會的 不安感 調査는 Lapitsky(1961)가 作成한 것을 사용하였고, 衣服行動 調査는 Creekmore(1971)의 問項 및 國內 先行硏究에서 사용된 問項을 本 硏究對象者에게 適合하도록 修正, 補完하여 豫備調査를 실시한 후 信賴度와 妥當度가 認定된 問項을 사용하였다. 標集對象은 서울市內 17個 區에 있는 73個 老人學校 中 學校의 特性과 地域性을 고려하여 11個 區에서 各 1個校씩 選定하였다. 質問紙를 통한 面接調査를 실시하여 322부의 資料를 統計處理에 사용하였다. 資料分析은 頻度, 平均, 標準偏差, Pearson의 積率相關係數-, 一元分散分析, 重回歸分析을 실시하였다. 資料分析 結果를 土臺로 내린 結論은 다음과 같다. 1. 老年期 女性들은 全般的으로 衣服滿足度가 높으며, 衣服의 選擇, 着用時에 社會的 認定性보다는 心理的 依存性을 중요시한다. 2. 衣服行動 變因 相互間에는 有意한 相關關係가 있다. 즉, 社會的 認定性과 心理的 依存性을 중요시할수록 衣服滿足度가 낮으며, 社會的 認定性을 중요시하는 集團은 心理的 依存性도 중요시한다. 3. 社會的 不安感과 衣服行動 變因間에는 有意한 相關關係가 있다. 즉,社會的 不安感이 낮을수록 衣服滿足度가 높으며, 社會的不安感이 높을수록 社會的 認定性과 心理的 依存性을 중요시한다. 4. 衣服滿足度는 人口學的 變因 中 階層, 敎育水準에 따라 有意한 差異가 있지만 敎育水準은 衣服滿足度에 대해 직접적인 영향은 주지 않고, 階層과 社會的 不安感만이 衣服滿足度에 직접적인 영향을 준다. 階層이 높을수록 그리고 社會的 不安感이 낮을수록 衣服滿足度가 높다. 5. 社會的 認定性은 階層, 敎育水準, 社會的 不安感에 의해 직접적인 영향을 받는다. 階層과 敎育水準이 낮을수록 그리고 社會的 不安感이 높을수록 社會的 認定性을 중요시한다. 6. 心理的 依存性은 宗敎, 敎育水準, 社會的 不安感에 의해 직접적인 영향을 받는다. 天主敎人이 아니고, 敎育水準이 낮을수록 그리고 社會的 不安感이 높을수록 心理的 依存性을 중요시한다.;The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among Clothing satisfaction, Social approval, Psychological dependence, and Social security-insecurity and to determine the differences of clothing behaviors by the demographic variables such as ago, socioeconomic status, education, religion, and marital status. The following nullhypotheses were established for this study. 1. There will be no significant relationships among subscales of the clothing behaviors. 2. There will be no significant relationships between Social security-insecurity and subscales of the clothing behaviors. 3. There will be no significant differences in Clothing satisfaction according to demographic variables such as age, socioeconomic status, education, religion, and marital status. 4. There will be no significant differences in Social approval according to demographic variables such as age, socioeconomic status, education, religion, and marital status. 5. There will be no significant differences in Psychological dependence according to demographic variables such as age, socioeconomic status, education, religion, and marital status. Clothing satisfaction was measured by Rim's Questionnaire (1974) modified and supplemented for this study. For the measurement of Social approval and Psychological dependence, the Clothing Interest Inventory developed by Creekmore (1971) was adapted for this study. The measurement for the Social security insecurity was adapted form Lapitsky's (1961) Social Security Inventory. Data were collected form 322 purposively selected elderly women over sixty dwelling in Seoul by means of interview, For statistical analyses, frequency distribution, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression were used. The results were as follows : 1. There were significant relationships among Clothing satisfaction, Social approval, and Psychological dependence, Positive significant relationship was found between Social approval and Psychological dependence. Negative significant relationships were found between Clothing satisfaction and Social approval, and between Clothing satisfaction and Psychological dependence. 2. There was negative significant relationships between Social security-insecurity and Clothing satisfactiin, while positive significant relationships were found between Social security-insecurity and Social approval, and between Social security-insecurity and Psychological dependence. 3. There was significant difference in Clothing satisfaction according to socioeconomic status and education. And socioeconomic status and Social security-insecurity directly affected Clothing satisfation. 4. There was significant difference in Social approval according to socioeconomic status and education. Ans socioeconomic status, education, and Social security-insecurity directly affected Social approval. 5. There was significant difference in Psychological dependence according to education and religion. And education, religion, and Social security-insecurity directly affected Psychological dependence.
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