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dc.contributor.authorYOODEE, NARISSARA-
dc.description.abstractThe South China Sea dispute includes the different six claimant States and the various arguments asserting sovereignty over the two areas called Paracels and Spratlys. Because many countries are involved with the dispute in the same area, the South China Sea dispute causes tension between the South East Asian countries including the East Asian countries such as China. However, each country seems to not have a better argument than the others because the six countries’ claims reflect many flaws and weak points of argument when analyzed with the doctrine of acquisition of the territory or the effectiveness exercising of the sovereignty. Some of claimants assert their right by historical evidence or an ancient Treaty with the colonization countries that invaded the South China Sea before World War II, whereas some new claimants assert their right by relying on the UNCLOS III or the Law of the Sea regulation to claim the land, especially focusing on the continental shelf area and the exclusive economic zone. However, none of claimants have better rights which can be proven consistent with international law. Some countries can show ancient objects left on the South China Sea area or attempt to prove that this area was a free land with the terra nullius doctrine. According to many ICJ decided cases, these reasons are undermined because of the lack of the effectiveness exercising the territory or at least they cannot display that they have the continuous inhabitation as in the case of Palmas or the Mabo where the winner of the case can prove the constant living in the area in question. This means the terra nullius may not be appropriate to apply with the South China Sea disputes because only discovery alone cannot make the State own the rights to asserting tenure over the land automatically. Hence, the main reason creating the flaw or weakness in each claim is because of non-existence of their ability to show that effective sovereignty was previously exercised. Similarly, the countries who assert ownership over the Spratlys in the South China Sea made a significant misunderstanding in the principle applied to the claim such as the continental shelf, straight baselines or even the exclusive economic zone. The States only created their own maps and territory lines without basis with any reasons which can be explained in the sense of international law. There are many resolutions suggested for this issue. In my opinion, ICJ would be the forum for a good resolution, but this conflict is based on many overlapping maritime boundaries which are very complex to answer and it might take a long period reach a decision. Moreover, it can be seen that military forces have settled in the Spratlys and Paracles area resulting in damages and the death of troops and people such as fishermen in the South China Sea; therefore the claimants would certainly not accept nor respect the decision of the Arbitration of the ICJ. Since all of claimants can predict the wealth of the resources in the South China Sea, the absolute sovereignty decision could lead to more violence in this area and other countries, especially the other ASEAN countries and East Asian countries who are not claimants in this issue. The issue is very sensitive and there is a risk of war among the countries around the South China Sea. Therefore, it would better than deciding who has the legitimate right over these small islands if a diplomacy resolution can apply to this issue. In particular, China who is the main claimant of over 50 percent of the South China Sea and has the most powerful military force among the other ASEAN claimants, is the key factor for solving the tensions in this area. In addition, cooperation between China and ASEAN countries is needed. The workshop session from Indonesia is a good example of how to build strong cooperation and exchange each country’s views about this problem. The other resolution to suggest is the doctrine of the Common Heritage of Mankind. Given the complicated nature of the dispute, the Common Heritage of Mankind could be a suitable option for a resolution of the dispute over the South China Sea area. According to the Common Heritage of Mankind, the resources in the South China Sea are supposed to be used for the benefit of all mankind and the freedom to do the research on the resources in this area would equally profit all countries. Even though the doctrine of the Common Heritage of Mankind still has an argument regarding unstable effectiveness in the legal system, a de facto system may be applied to confirm its legal effectiveness to other countries which are not claimants of the South China Sea. The achievement of the Antarctic Treaty can show the effectiveness of the treaty system because the Antarctic zone has been freed from armed forces and has maintained peace for a long time even though the tenure of the Antarctica has not been decided. However, the exact area of the Common Heritage must be clearly specified, in particular the peaceful regulation is very sensitive and needs to be clearly explained. Unlike the other treaties, UNCLOS III does not specify the meaning of peaceful action over the Common Heritage of Mankind in the maritime zone as in the Moon Treaty or the Antarctic Treaty. Therefore, to prevent future conflict, particularly military conflicts over the South China Sea, probably the only solution would be to establish a regime based on the Common Heritage of Mankind doctrine in the troubled region.;남중국해 분쟁은 서로 다른 주장을 내세우는 6개국과 남사군도와 서사군도로 불리는 두 지역에 대한 영유권 주장을 하는 다양한 논쟁으로 점철되어 있다. 같은 지역을 놓고 여러 국가들이 관련되어 있기 때문에, 남중국해는 중국을 비롯한 동아시아를 포함하여 동남아시아 국가 전체에 긴장감을 불러 일으키고 있다. 일부 국가들은 남중국해에 자신들의 고대 유물이 묻혀 있다고 하거나 그 지역은 무주지 (無主地) 개념에 의해 자유로운 땅이라는 것을 증명하고자 시도한다. 국제 사법 재판소의 여러 판례에 따르면, 이러한 사유들은 영유권을 행사할 수 있는 결정적인 권원이 되기에 부족하며, 단순히 그곳에서의 그들의 오랜 거주를 보여주는 것에 지나지 않는다고 한다. 이와 유사하게, 일부 남중국해의 남사군도에 대한 영유권을 주장하는 나라들도 그러한 주장에 적용되는 원리, 즉, 대륙붕, 직선기선, 혹은 배타적 경제 수역 등에 대해 심각한 오해를 하고 있다. 그러한 나라들은 국제법적 관점에서 설명하기에 아무런 근거도 없는 이유들을 가지고 자신들만의 지도를 만들어 영토 경계선을 설정하고 있다. 모든 영유권 주장국들이 남중국해에 얼마나 풍부한 자원이 있는가를 알고 있기 때문에, 이 지역의 절대적 영유권에 대한 결정은 비단 이 지역뿐 아니라 다른 나라들, 특히, 현재 영유권 주장국이 아닌 여타 아세안 국가들이나 동아시아 국가들간에도 심각한 무력충돌 사태를 불러일으킬 수 있다. 이 현안은 매우 민감한 문제이며, 남중국해 부근에 국가들간의 전쟁 위험까지 내포하고 있다. 따라서 공동개발 결의를 이 문제에 적용하는 것이 누가 이 작은 섬들에 대한 정당한 권리를 가질지를 결정하는 것보다 더 나을 수도 있다. 또 다른 해결 제안은 인류공동유산 (Common Heritage of Mankind)의 원리를 적용하는 것이다. 이 지역을 둘러싼 복잡한 문제를 생각할 때, 인류공동유산은 남중국해 지역의 문제를 해결할 수 있는 적당한 방안이 될 것이다. 인류공동유산 원칙에 의거하면, 남중국해의 자원들은 모든 인류의 이익을 위해 사용되어야 하며, 이 지역의 자원을 연구할 수 있는 자유는 모든 국가들에 공평하게 주어져야 한다. 인류공동유산의 원리 역시 법적 시스템의 불안정성이라는 측면에서는 논란의 여지가 있는 것이 사실이다. 또한 이러한 시스템을 통해 남중국해에 대한 영유권 주장국이 아닌 다른 나라들에 어떻게 법적 효력을 부여할 것인가라는 문제도 남는다. 남극조약 (Antarctic Treaty)의 성공은 조약을 통한 문제해결의 지혜를 보여주는 사례이다. 실제 남극의 보유권이 아직 결정되지 않은 상태임에도 불구하고 남극지역은 오랜 기간 동안 무력충돌의 위험으로부터 자유로우며 평화를 유지하고 있다. 그러나 공동유산을 결정하려면 해당 지역을 매우 분명히 지정하여야 하며, 특히 평화유지를 위한 의무규정들은 매우 민감한 사안이고 명백히 설명될 필요가 있다. 여타 조약과는 달리, UNCLOS III는 달조약이나 남극조약처럼 해양 지역의 인류공동유산에 대해 취할 수 있는 평화 조치의 범위를 정하지 않고 있다. 그러므로 향후 남중국해에 대한 갈등, 특히, 전쟁과 같은 문제가 야기되지 않도록 해야 할 것이다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsIntroduction 1 I. History and background of the disputes 3 A. The ancient South China Sea and the historical argument before the European colony era 3 B. The colonization era 4 C. South China Sea, the dangerous zone of the army force and the occupation of the six claimants in the South China Sea archipelagoes 8 D. The map of the territory claimed in South China Sea 11 II. International rules and principles on territorial title 14 A. Territory with a States sovereignty and Sovereignty principle 14 B. The type of sovereignty 16 III. Law of acquisition of the land applied in the claim of the South China Sea 19 A. Res Nullius or Terra Nullius 19 B. The acquisition of the land doctrine 27 C. South China Seas islands in the Law of the Sea 1982 system 36 IV. Flaws of the six claimants according to the international law 46 A. The weakness in the historical evidence claim, first discovery claim and the exercise of effectiveness sovereignty claim 46 B. The weakness in the terra nullius and the land acquisition concept 47 C. The Law of the Sea regulation aspect 49 V. The solution of the dispute over the South China Sea 51 A. The Joint development and diplomatic regulation 51 B. The Common Heritage of Mankind doctrine 53 Conclusion 63 References 65 Abstract (Korean) 70-
dc.format.extent1699675 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.titleUnderstanding the South China Sea Conflict-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.subtitleFlaws in Claimants’ Arguments and Solutions according to the Common Heritage of Mankind Doctrine-
dc.format.pagev, 72 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 법학과- 8-
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