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Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Sonata Op.12 No.1에 관한 분석 연구

Ludwig van Beethoven Violin Sonata Op.12 No.1에 관한 분석 연구
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A Study of Ludwig van Beethoven's Violin Sonata Op.12 No.1
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대학원 음악학부
이화여자대학교 대학원
본 논문은 석사과정 이수를 위한 졸업독주회 프로그램 중 하나인 베토벤의 바이올린 소나타 Op.12 No.1을 분석하고, 이를 통해 베토벤의 바이올린 소나타 및 그 시대의 음악적 특징에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 연주에 도움을 얻고자 한다. 베토벤은 고전주의 전통에서 벗어나 낭만주의 음악으로의 가교 역할을 한 매우 중요한 작곡가이다. 그가 초기와 중기에 작곡한 바이올린 소나타 10곡들은 하이든과 모차르트의 전통적인 소나타 특징과, 베토벤만의 새로운 소나타의 특징을 모두 갖고 있다. 베토벤의 첫 번째 바이올린 소나타 Op.12 No.1는 소나타 알레그로-단락적 변주곡-소나타 론도의 3악장으로 구성되어있다. 1악장은 고전적인 빠른 소나타 형식을 따르고 있으며 제시부-발전부-재현부로 이루어져있다. 2악장은 단락적 변주형식으로, 주제와 4개의 변주들로 구성된다. 주제 선율은 리듬, 조성, 선율의 변화 등 4가지로 변주되어 피아노와 바이올린이 대화하는 듯한 선율들을 주고받는다. 3악장은 론도 소나타형식으로, 1, 2악장의 음악적 요소를 모두 고려하여 발전함으로써 마지막 악장을 경쾌하고 화려하게 끝맺는다. 본 논문에서는 베토벤의 초기 시대의 음악과 바이올린 소나타의 특징 등을 알아보고 바이올린 소나타 Op.12 No.1을 분석함으로써, 각 악장들의 형식구조, 조성, 선율, 리듬, 화성, 악상의 변화 등을 분석하고 연구해보고자 한다.;In this thesis, I analyzed the Violin Sonata Op.12 No.1 (1798-1799) composed by Ludwing van Beethoven (1770-1827) and his musical expressive dictions he employed in his early years. Beethoven’s Violin Op.12 No.1, composed in his early Vienna years, is a piece that imitated the classical traditions of Haydn and Mozart. But at the same time it already shows Beethoven’s unique style. This piece is the first Violin Sonata that he composed in his early Vienna years and it is composed of three movements – Sonata Allegro, Variation and Rondo. Beethoven connected the themes of each movement in a cyclic form and composed the second movement in a slow sectional variation, following the rules of the classical sonata. But he also managed to make music in his own style. The first movement, Sonata-Allegro D major is played in 4/4 beats and in Allegro con brio. Although it is composed in the traditional sonata form, composed of exposition, development and recapitulation, it is unique that it includes a short introduction in the exposition part. The first theme of the exposition is in D major and the second theme is in A major and in a dominant key. They are copied and repeated twice in Piano and Violin and they change according to the characteristics of each instrument. In the development part, the two themes developed and in a compressed and concise manner. This is because the first and the second theme have similar characteristics. The second movement is a slow thema and variation and it has a theme and four variations. Using variations in a slow movement of Sonata is Beethoven’s own musical form. It is one of his many musical attempts that he made all his life. Theme is A major in 2/4 times and marked by Andante con mote. Theme and 4 variations are all two part form and unlike the expectation the third movement A Minor, they all have A major. Finally, the third movement is D major with 6/8 times and is marked by Allegro. The third movement is a classical rondo and ABACABA’s seven-party rondo, which includes a coda. Refrain(A) and Episode(B) are contrasting themes and have relations with D major and A major. C is the same part as the development of Sonata. It is copied and developed with frequent preludes and short thematic elements in various ways. By examining Beethoven’s Violin Sonata Op.12 No.1 (1798~1799), I could expand my knowledge on the musical characteristics in his early years and learned his perspectives. Beethoven viewed violin as an instrument that can perform on its own while earlier musicians only viewed violin as an accompaniment instrument. Beethoven’s observation is reflected in his musical pieces. In this thesis, I could also discovers that Beethoven composed Sonatas that blends the traditional style with his own musical style.
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