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都堂굿의 巫舞에 대한 考察

都堂굿의 巫舞에 대한 考察
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대학원 무용학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
古代人들은 狩獵時代부터 食生活을 山에서 찾기 위해 採取生活을 해야 했고, 또 猛獸에 犧牲이 되는 事例가 많았기 때문에 그들의 生存은 山을 담당하는 守護神의 의지에 따라 生存의 여부가 결정되는 것으로 믿었기 때문에 都堂굿이 발생되었다. 이 굿은 中世社會인 高麗時代에는 주로 開城을 中心으로 首都守護에 利用되었으며, 朝鮮朝時代를 거쳐 오늘에 이르렀다. 京畿道의 都堂굿은 다른 지방의 굿에 비하여 巫舞가 많이 추어지므로 이것을 硏究 對象으로 擇했으며, 주로 巫舞를 舞踊學的에 見地에서 考察해 보고자 하였다. 硏究 方法으로는 都堂굿의 巫舞를 四代째 世襲으로 이어 온 金淑子씨를 中心으로 現地 調査를 하였고, 都堂굿의 儀式 節次와 巫服과 儀物 等을 調査 記錄하였으며, 춤사위에 重點을 두었다. 巫祭인 都堂굿은 마을사람들이 한데 모여서 그 마을을 지키는 守護神에게 福을 비는 굿이다. 이 굿의 儀式 節次는 모두 아홉 거리로 나누어 進行되는데, 각 거리마다 特異함을 풍기고 있다.그 중에 여섯번째인 ‘터벌림’은 주로 춤으로써 構成되었는데, 內容 動作 등이 藝術的으로 처리된 것을 볼 수 있으며, 그 內容은 굿을 하는데 있어서 터를 잡는다는 뜻으로 춤은 매우 섬세하고 다양하다. 都堂굿에서 進行되는 巫舞의 特徵을 간단히 살펴 보면 다음과 같다. 1. 習巫 過程이 嚴格하다. 2. 발동작이 섬세하며, 각 거리마다 獨特하게 쓰이는 보법들이 있다. 3. 목젖놀이와 어깨춤이 獨特하다. 4. 방수가 있다. 5. 構成, 內容, 動作이 잘 조화를 이룬다.;In ancient times, because man had to hunt for food in the wilderness, it was believed that the matter of life and death lat in the hands of tho god of the mountains. This is how the Do-dang gut originated. During the Goryeo period, this gat was considered to be a means of enhancing the safeguard of the capital city, Gaeseong, and over the years, was handed down through the Yi dynasty, to the present day. The Do-dang gut of the Gyeonggi province is notable for its shaman dance which plays a major role tn the gut when compared to the relatively minor role the shaman' s dance may take in any gut. It was in this light wherein lay the research prupose of this thesis, and further, to enable a closer look into the shaman's dance to be taken from the standpoint, of the theory of dance. The study was approached by means of a series of on-the-spot observations of the dance as performed by Ms. Kim, Sook-Ja who is the fourth generation descendant in a hereditery line of the Dodang gut. In addition, the writer made a study of the ritual of the procedure of the foresaid gut, it's costumes and apparel, and props, concentrating mainly on the chuinsa-wi (steps). The Do-dang gut, the shaman's ritual of sacrifice, takes place with the whole village gathered together to pray to the guardian god of the village for prosperity and good fortune, and is considered to be one and the same with the sacrifice to the god of the mountains. The gut, is carried out by enacting each of the 9 georis (Scens) in succession, each geori having its own unique trait. The sixth geori, which is called the "Teoboelim" (or the deciding of the setting or lot) consists mainly in subtle and diverse dancing apparent in the aesthetic way it is carried out. The shaman's dance which appears throughout the Do-dang gut shows itself as being unique in: 1) the strict and demanding learning process required for the acquirement of the skills in order to perform the dance. 2) delicate movements of the feet with a different step characteristic of each geori. 3) unique movements of the neck and shoulders. 4) regular spacing. 5) overall unity comprised throughout by its movements structure, and content.
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