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dc.description.abstractThe thesis attempts from a bibliographical point of view to study the development of the Korean traditional paper in the period from the introduction of the hand-made paper from China to that of the Western paper. In the Introductory Chapter as a basic study on the Korean paper, the bibliographical meaning of paper, the writing materials used before the invention of paper and the process of invention and transmission of paper are described. Chapter Ⅰ involves some comments on a few bibliographers' opinions on the time of the introduction of the hand-made paper to Korea and a consideration of the paper of Samkuk Period in connection with its publications. Chapter Ⅱ examines the development of the paper industry in Koryo Dynasty in connection with its publishing culture and describes the kinds and characteristics of paper in the same period. Chapter Ⅲ, having outlined the relation between the development of paper and the publishing culture in Rhee Dynasty, considers the kinds and peculiarities of paper and the paper-making policy at that time. And the last section of Chapter Ⅲ is devoted to the description of the declining process of the Korean traditional paper and the introduction process of the Western paper. In short, the Korean paper, infered to have been made first in Samkuk Period, improved greatly in its quality in Koryo Kynasty and was diversified in kinds, preserving its high quality in the earlier days of Rhee Dynasty. Since 1500s, however, the Korean paper had declined in its quality owing to changes of inner and external conditions. The Concluding Chapter is prepared in order to present the remained problems to be solved by more intensive study of the Korean paper.-
dc.description.tableofcontents目次 = 0 (Abstract) = i 序 = 1 序章 紙의 意義와 起源 = 4 第1節 紙의 書誌學的 價値 = 4 第2節 紙 以前의 書寫材料 = 8 1. 書寫專用 以前의 材料 = 9 2. 西洋의 書寫專用材料 = 14 3. 中國의 書寫專用材料 = 19 第3節 紙의 發明과 傳播 = 24 1. 紙의 發明 = 24 2. 紙의 傳播 = 28 第1章 韓國紙의 誕生 = 34 第1節 紙의 傳來 = 34 第2節 三國時代의 紙 = 39 1. 三國時代의 典籍 = 39 2. 三國時代의 紙 = 44 第2章 高麗時代의 紙 = 49 第1節 高麗時代의 出版事業과 紙 = 49 1. 大藏經의 刻板 = 50 2. 木版書籍의 刊行 = 53 3. 金屬活字의 發明 = 55 4. 製紙業 = 57 第2節 高麗紙의 種類 = 58 1. 白□紙 = 58 2. 備經紙 = 63 3. 靑紙 = 65 第3節. 高麗紙의 質 = 66 第3章 李朝時代의 紙 = 70 第1節 李朝時代의 出版文化와 紙 = 70 1. 出版事業 = 72 2. 한글의 制定 = 75 3. 金屬活字의 發達 = 78 4. 紙의 發展 = 82 第2節 李朝時代 紙의 種類와 特徵 = 84 1. 紙의 種類 = 84 2. 李朝紙의 特徵 = 91 第3節 李朝時代의 製紙政策 = 94 1. 造紙署 = 94 2. 楮田成籍 制度 = 98 3. 外國製紙術의 導入 = 99 第4節 韓國紙의 衰退와 洋紙의 導入 = 102 1. 衰退의 過程 = 102 2. 衰退의 原因 = 104 3. 洋紙의 導入 = 107 第4章 韓國紙의 材料와 製造方法 = 109 第1節 韓國紙의 材料와 種類 = 109 1. 韓國紙의 材料 = 110 2. 韓國紙의 種類 = 113 第2節 韓國紙의 製造方法 = 118 終章 韓國紙 硏究의 問題點 = 129 參考文獻 = 138-
dc.format.extent8086184 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title書寫材料로서의 韓國紙의 發展에 관한 硏究-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translatedA Bibliographical Study on the Development of the Korean Paper-
dc.format.pageii, 142 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 도서관학과- 2-
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