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dc.description.abstractI attempt to estimate on the basis of the following research,as to whether the curriculum for a major field of physical education is efficient in accomplishing the end of education of higher institutions in Korea. Conclusion I have come to the conclusion as follows as a result of anaclastic research of the curriculum of physical education major, adopted by universities throughout the country. 1. About majoring requirement subjects. a. The critical subjects number 83,while practice subjects30. Consequently, major subjects amount to 118. This indicates the self-styled and carelessly impromptu make up and results in overlapping the same school subjects, classifying therm into minute differences. b. Practice subjects, broken up into too many events against hours alloted insufficient, are found not to be able to conduct an intensive education. 2. Comparison in theoretical subjects with practice subjects. a. Time-tables show that the proportion of the allotment of the former and the latter is 55% and 45%, but, in fact, more accent is given to practice subjects. b. The unreasonal inverse proportion of 69 theoretical subjects to 55% credit, less than that which is due, clearly points to the fact that they are merely to taken subjects. c. Practice subjects cover a wide range more than 30 events and it occupy 45% credit vs. major subjects. This means that practice subjects are given more credit than theoretical subjects d. Major subjects of physical education lay more emphasis on practice than theory, thus show the tendency of managing it asa sort of technical education. 3. Weight of subjects. A. Theoretical subjects. a. In theoretical subjects, applied occupy 38% and 13% respectively, thus the fields of science. Philosophy of around 20%, theory on teaching method 8% and theory on games, only ana pure science reaching more than 50% of all physical education occupies11%, administrative management. Majoring in physical education requires, it is found, scientific knowledge. c. Some 20% is given to philosophy of physical education and is thought proper and fitting. d. That the theory on games unaccentuated by practical training occupies a nominal 1% attests to a deplorable state in which students practise training without theory. B. Practice Subjects. a. Track and field occupies only 15% gymnastics comprised of two events, 23%. Ball games, 29% for???´12 events and combats are 8.7%.b. This kind of distribution where gymnastic occupy a quarter of all the training events is a vivid indication of the deep-rooted tendency handed down from Japanese colonial rule period in which gymnastics was thought nothing but a kind of physical exercises. c. Ball games occupy 12 events and each event is given lees than 1 credit. Though such importance as to be ranked first in priority is being laid on ball games, it is practically thought little of. Therefore much more class hour is in order for ball games to be practised for the varied development of physical???raining. d. Other events are found to be nothing but nominal events. 4. Year-to-year distribution of credit of major subjects. a. In general, major subjects are evenly alloted to 8 semesters for 4 years, but 3 colleges are not given out in their freshman course. b. Major subjects are mostly alloted to sophomore and junior course except a small amount of them to freshman course. The opportunity of self-research and actual training is gingernut to only senior class. 5. Comparison in curriculum of general colleges with teacher's colleges. a. General colleges and teacher's colleges, except two, allot credit in accordance with the regulations governing major subject sand requirements. b. More than half of the colleges are denied the freedom of choice. c. Graduation credit more than 160 points are required. d. No distinction can be discerned between general and teacher's colleges, and vocational training tendencies are given accent at the both. 6. Comparison in curriculum of mean's¡¤with women's colleges. a. With the former, 55% is occupied by major subjects in theory and with the latter, 54%, thus showing no impressive difference. b. Co-educational colleges impose the same types of practical course and the same methods of training on both sexes. c. Men-oriented education is forced upon women without considering of difference in sex. d. Ball games exclusively played by men are substituted by dancing for women. e. In women's colleges, no distinction can be found between theory and practice, despite the emphasis put on for women. 7. Comparison in subjects of Korean Colleges with foreign colleges. a. In both theory and practice, the former is laid more stress on generally, but America, in particular, gives only 10%to practice. b. Czechoslovakia records 20%, followed by Japan and China. c. Korea as well as France puts emphasis on actual practice. d. Applied science is given more weight than other and theory on teaching method is placed the next. e. In America, they think much of actuarial teaching practice. In France, they lay an accent on practical theory on games. f. On the contrary, Korea puts an emphasis on science Instead of theory on games. It shows the fact that Korea is lacking in theory In abundance of practical training. g. America as well as France treats track and field as of great importance in its practice of sports. h. Korea is characterized by putting an emphasis on ball games and combat, ignoring track and field which is the basis of ball games. Generally speaking, conntries in Asia are making much of ball games. One of the common phenomena is that they all practise swimming. Korea, though unfavored with insufficient facilities, only record 3% in swimming, to our regret. The a defective points raised by the research should be honestly and diligently dealt with and at the same time more effective and systematic curriculum must be sought out.-
dc.description.tableofcontents목차 = 0 Abstract = 1 Ⅰ. 서론 = 1 Ⅱ. 연구 방법 = 6 1. 연구 계획 기간= 6 2. 대상 = 6 3. 자료 수집 및 처리 방법 = 8 Ⅲ. 결과 및 토의 = 11 1. 전공 과목 분야의 실태 = 11 2. 이론과 실기의 비중 = 13 3. 학과목별 비중 = 14 a. 이론 교과목의 비중 = 16 b. 실기 교과목의 비중 = 18 4. 전공과목 학점의 학년별 분포 = 26 5. 일반계 체육학과의 교육과정과 사범계 체육학과의 교육과정의 비교 = 32 6. 남. 여 대학의 체육과 교육과정 비교 = 35 7. 한국과 외국의 전공과목 비교 = 40 Ⅳ. 결론 = 45 Ⅴ. 제언 = 52 참고문헌 = 54-
dc.format.extent3349359 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title체육학전공 교육과정에 대한 실태 조사 연구-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translatedA Study on Status of Curriculum for Physical Education Major in Senior College Level in Korea-
dc.format.page4, 57 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 체육학과- 8-
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