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간호학적 견지에서 본 심장맥관질환 환자의 통계적 고찰

간호학적 견지에서 본 심장맥관질환 환자의 통계적 고찰
Issue Date
대학원 간호학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
This data to be presented was obtained from 9308 patients admitted to Ewha Womans University Hospital from .Jan. 1967 to June 1969 and also from 53 professional nurses who were working an the medical wards of 4 university hospita1s( Ewha, Yonsei, Seoul National, Catholic university Hospitals ) as well as Cho K.H. Private Hospital ( heart major)in Seoul, Korea. The prime purpose of this study was to investigate 9308 patients admitted in relation to the number of admissions to each department, the number of deaths and the actual nursing care of these cardiovascular disease patients. The aim of this study was to improve the special nursing care of patients with cardiovascular disease and this also will contribute to better health for the people as a whole. The results obtained from this study were as follows: 1. The number of admissions to the Obstetric & Gynecological Department was higher(55.6 %) -than the admissions to the Departments of Internal Me야cine(14.7 %), Pediatrics (11.2 %), Surgery(10.0 %), Ortho-pedics(3.5 %), E.N.T.(3.0 %), Eye(1.O %), Psychiatrics (0.8 %),& Uro1ogy((0.2 %). 2. Among the 9308 patients, the number of cardiovascular patients were 285(3.1 %). There were more females.61.1 % (174) than males38.9 %(111), It was interesting to notice that female 56-60 years of age(9.8 %) showed the highest incidence, while male patients from 51-55years of age (6.3 %) showed the heghest incidence. On the other hand in the case of males nonoccurence was noted in ages from 6-10 and 21-25. 3. The total number of deaths among the 9308 patients was 219(2.4 %). It is important to point out that the most common couses of deaths were due to cardiovasular disease (20.5 %). These findings indicate the great meed to emphasize the importance of preventing as well as reducing the death rate of these cardiovascular disease. The others couses of death were from hypertensive C.V.A.(42.3 %), nonhypertensive subarachnoid hemorrhage (24.4 %), heart failure (17.8 %),essential eclampsia (6.7 %), cerebralthrombosis (4.4 %) and hypertension(4.4 %). 4. The majority of nurses (66.1 %) were gratuates of 4 year collegiate nursing schools in Korea and 33.9 % were graduates of 3 year diploma courses. 5. One half of the nurses (60.4 %) had from 6 months to one and a half year of clinical experience on Medical Wards and the more experienced, the less in number. 6. It can not be ignored that the actual care practised by the nurses was mainly symptomatic care (55.2 %), physical care (8.6 %) and very little special cares was given (35.5 %). 7. The major concerns expressed by more than half of the nurses in caring for the cardiovascular disease patients was to provide " the patients with rest both physical and mental" while 47.7 % of nurses cared for the patients according to the doctors order only. It is very evident that these nurses new better nursing care than they actually practiced and this behavior should be corrected. The majority of the nurses (68.0 %) did patient teaching in terms of low salt diet, comfort measures, etc. However it seems significant that more broad and regular group patient teaching including every aspects of cardiovascular disease would be very effective.
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