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Nonionics (Sorbital 化合物)의 乳化力에 關한 硏究

Nonionics (Sorbital 化合物)의 乳化力에 關한 硏究
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대학원 약학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
The present studies deal with the effect of emulsification of nonionics, such as sorbital compounds. Under the condition of constant Volume of liquid paraffin and dist water, it has been measured the optimum H.L.B Value of emulsification when liquid paraffin was emulsified (o/w Type) with mixture of surface active agent of o/w Type emulsifier, Tween 20, 60, 80 and w/o Type emulsifier, Span 20, 40, 60, 80. The factors affecting on the emulsification and the results were as follows; ① It has been found that the optimal range of H.L.B value was between 9 to 13 when liquid paraffin was emulsified to o/w Type with the mixture of surface active agent of nonionics, Sorbital compounds, la general, the optimal condition of the emulsification was around 11.5 H.L.B value. ② Each mixture of surface active agent with span 20, that is, tween 20 + span 20, tween 60 + span 20, and tween 80 + span 20. showed the best condition to emulsify it in comparision with mixture of the other surface active agents. ③ Thee state of emulsification was generally stable in acidic pH, but in alkaline solution the emulsion was unstable and was separated into its components. ④ emulsification depended on the speed of stirring and reacting temperature, that is, the faster of the stirring, the finer of the particle and the better in emulsion formation. The optimum temperature in emulsification was around 75-80℃ and emulsion was also very stable in this temperature. ⑤ In general, the addition of the electrolyte has made the state of emulsification bed, but the mixture of surface active agent, which is the state of emulsification was bad, has been better if there is a little electrolyte. Particularly, when the electrolyte was added, the emulsion of the mixture of surface active agent with span 20 was separated into its components and its emulsion was bad condition. ⑥ It has been difficult eo identify the state of emulsification between good & bad with the viscosity, and the viscosity of the emulsion, that the salts was added, has been fallen down remarkably. ;本 實驗은 Nonionics(Sorbital 化合物)의 浮化力에 關한 硏究로써 主藥인 유동paraffin과 水의 量에는 변동을 없이하고 o/w型 乳化劑인 Tween(20.60.80)과 w/o型 乳化劑인 Span(의 混合活性劑로 유동 Paraffin을 乳化(o/w型)시킬때 가장 좋은 乳化狀態 H.L.B價를 求하고 乳化에 영향을 주는 各種效果에 대한 硏究를 다음과 같이했다. 1. Nonionics (Sorbital 化合物)의 混合活性劑로 유동 Paraffin을 o/w型으로 乳化시킬때 H.L.B價 範圍는 9~13이나 전반적으로 H.L.B.11.5 전후에서 가장 좋은 乳化狀態를 나타냈다. 2. 各 混合活性劑중 Span 20이 混合된 tween 20 + Span 20, tween 60 + Span 20, tween 80 + Span 20의 混合活性劑로 乳化시킨 것이 其他의 것을 混合한 것보다 小量으로 反應이 잘되고 乳化狀態가 좋았다. 3. 乳化狀態는 一般的으로 산성의 PH용액에는 별로 영향을 받지 않으나 alkali의 pH용액에는 현저하게 그 乳化狀態가 나빠지고 乳液이 分離되었다. 4. 乳化時 교반속도가 빠를수록 입자가 미세하고 균등하지만 大差는 없고 온도는 보통 75°~80°C에서 乳化가 잘되며 乳化狀態도 좋았다. 5. 一般的으로 전해질의 첨가는 乳化狀態를 나쁘게 하나 원래 乳化狀態가 좋지않았던 混合活性劑는 소량의 전해질이 존재할때 그 乳化狀態가 다소 좋아지는것 같으며 특히 Span 20이 混合된 乳化劑는 전해질의 첨가시 대부분 乳液이 分離되었으며 乳化된 것도 그 狀態가 좋지 않았다. 6. 점도로써 乳化狀態의 좋고 나쁨을 판별하기 곤란하고 염류를 加한 乳液의 점도는 현저하게 저하 되었다.
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