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李朝時代 別錢에 나타난 紋樣의 造形的 分析

李朝時代 別錢에 나타난 紋樣의 造形的 分析
Other Titles
A Formative Analysis of Coin Charms Patterns in the Yi Dynasty
Issue Date
대학원 생활미술학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
The coin charms were first introduced from china into the Koryo Reign around the early part of 10th century. The charms were, however, only the imitations of the coin charms or China. The charms were, however, only the imitations of the coin charms or China. The special Korean coin charms dated from the fifth year of Sook Jong, the 19th King of the Yi Dynasty when made as samples at the time. The coin charms were used as accessories, ornaments, fortune-telling items, etc. Therefore, the charms were increasingly in high demand. As there were no clear and definite criteria as to when the coin charms were originally made,the analysis was made according to the patterns and forms of the coin charms. The patterns of coin charms are as follows: (1) Animal-snaoed patterns These are the patterns of bats, dragons, deer, turtles, cranes, phoenixes, a pair of fish, butterflies, honey bees, ets. (2) Plant-shaped patterns These are the patterns of lotus flowers,p□ar flowers, plum blossoms, palm□□tes, Posangwha( holy image flowers), ets. (3) Ten long-life symbol patterns (4) Figure patterns (5) Chil 80 patterns (6) Geometrical patterns The Yeol ssoe pae seems to be made much later than the ones which were used as accessories. The Yeol ssoepae was used with the keys attached, however, mainly patronized as ornaments of interior decoration. The Yeol ssoe pae consists of a linkage of several small coin charms, and has the forms of a bag, palmette, a dragon and an angular shape. The coin charms patt rn which seems to be the oldest, is the round shape with a square in side. Then comes the round one. There follows a round shape with a ring above, and a round shape with a flower inside and a ring above. In case the angular shapes or patterns form the shape of coin charms ware included in classification. The older the coin is, the more realistic the expression of the pattern is. The patterns of the later coin charms are less complex and rustic. In general the patterns of coin charms represent the customs, religion, ideas, and hope of the Korean people in the Yi Dynasty. The other side of the coin charms holds the characters or patterns which harmonize with the front or an overall shape of the coin. As the patterns of the coin charms were more various than those of the other Yi Dynasty industrial products and included a variety of expressions concerning every subject, they were considered good materials for the pattern analysis and a survey of coin charms. It is highly expected that some touch of modernization" based on the above patterns, is added to the industrial products of today and that the analysis can be of help to doing away with some of the "clumsy" patterns of the various products.
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