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dc.contributor.advisorKim, In Hwan-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis deals with the forms of love which appear In the novels Armance, Lucien Leuwen, La Chartreuse deParme, Lamiel and le Rouge et le Noir by Stendhal. for Stendhal, love is crested and transformed. through a process of growth and education, The influence of such thinkers as Jean Jacques Rousseau is evident. Twee types of love appear in Stendhal's novels and are discussed in ·this thesis: emotional Love (generated by"heart") and national love (generated by·"head"). The former is the true and simple Love which occurs naturally. The latter arises out of strife between the heart and head as the will acts on naturally occurring love. This thesis is divided into taree parts, plus a conclu sion. In the first part, emotional love a sit a appears in Armance, Lucien Leuwen end La Chartreuse de parme is analyzed and examined. Many facets Of basically the same Kind of love may by discovered in hhese novels. In the second considered. Le Rouge et le Noir, in which love generated by heart and love generated by reason coexist, is investigated in the third part. The process by which Julien, the hero, finds happiness through emotional love is explored. In the conclusion, the three parts are synthesized. The loves and actions of the heroes in the five work are examined and compared.-
dc.description.tableofcontents목차 = 0 ABSTRACT = 0 서론 = 1 제1부 "마음의 사랑" = 7 제1장 Armance = 7 제2장 Lucien Leuwen = 19 제3장 La Chartreuse de parme = 31 제2部 "理性의 사랑" = 39 제1장 Lamiel = 39 제3부 "마음의 사랑"과 "理性의 사랑" = 53 제1장 le Rouge et le Noir = 53 결론 = 69 BIBLIOGRAPHIES = 78-
dc.format.extent2262447 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.titleStendhal 작품에 나타난 사랑의 형태-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.subtitle적과흑에 나타난 줄리앙소렐의 사랑의 형태-
dc.title.translatedQuelques considerations sur le type d'amours a travers les oeuvres de Stendhal-
dc.format.page79 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 불어불문학과- 8-
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