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설화표재희곡의 특성연구

설화표재희곡의 특성연구
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대학원 국어국문학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
현대문학작품에서 민족 고유의 설화에서 그 소재를 취할 경우 전통의 계승이라는 일면과 함께 소재를 취급하는 양상에 따라 독특한 작가의식이 부각된다는 의의를 지닌다. 특히 희곡에서 설화를 소재로 작품을 쓰는 데는 전통극의 현대적 계승과 한국적 현대극을 모색하기 위한 노력이라고 하겠다. 최 인훈은 설화에서 희곡의 요소를 구하여 독자적인 희곡세계를 전개하여 한국적 현대극의 바람직한 면모를 제시한다는 점에서 희곡문학계의 주목을 받고 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 최 인훈의 희곡 작품을 대상으로 하여 설화소재희곡의 특성을 살펴봄으로써 한국희곡문학의 특이성을 이해하고 앞으로 희곡문학이 나아가야 할 방향을 제시하는데 역점을 두었다. 최 인훈의 희곡에 나타난 설화소재희곡의 특성은 다음과 같이 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 설화의 줄거리를 취하는 것이 아니라, 설화의 핵심을 수용하여 작가의 창의석에 의해 보편적인 인간의 문제를 탐구한다. 그리하여 인물이나 사건에서 설화적 인과관계가 배제되는 한편 실존적인 의미가 부여된다. 둘째, 행동의 모방으로서의 희곡의 특색을 살려 논리적인 사건의 연결이 아니라, 매순간 행동의 본질을 실현하는 구성(Plot)을 취한다. 극을 주도하는 ‘마음의 움직임’은 각 작품에 따라, 꿈이나 보조 인물을 통한 상황설정, 의문을 제기시키는 전개방법, 역할극(role-play) 등 적절한 매개를 통하여 강화되어 극의 이념에 접근한다. 셋째, 대사를 압축하고 지문을 늘여서 연기적 감수성(histrionic sensibility)을 위한 표현을 구현한다. 즉 일상 언어에 극적인 함축을 지니게 하고, 행동의 모방적 지각을 환기시키는 연기력을 통하여 독자의 정서에 의한 공감적 반응을 획득하는 것이다. 넷째, 설화가 지닌 해석의 다의성, 표현의 증폭성, 비현실적 일면을 활용하여 설화와 희곡의 특색을 동시에 살린다. 다섯째, 민족의 비극적 심성을 바탕으로 전통극의 외형적 요소를 끌어들이는 전통내재적 접근과 함께, 작품의 전반적 분위기, 시간과 공간 개념의 특수성, 결말 부분의 구조에 제의성을 내재시켜 전통과의 연관을 가진다. 여섯째, 생의 본질인 내면적 현실을 표현하고자 하는 작가의식이 희곡 양식을 통하여 효과적으로 형상화 된다. 이러한 면을 꿈과 현실을 현실적으로 수용하여 동시에 표현해주는 <열린 완결>을 제시하여 설화의 세계와 인간의 본질을 연결시킴으로 현대문학적 가치를 지닌다.;The social welfare policy for the disabled in Japan has developed for the quality and quantity. Social activity of the disabled is one of the main issue in Japanese society. Talking of social welfare policy for last 55 years, it is essential to consider the establishment of policy and the progress. We should estimate the progress and environment of the policy development with today's view. Furthermore, since the policy was embodied by US military administration government, it is such a good resource to figure out whether it was important issue at that time or not. It is also worthy of evaluate the environment and other factors with historical view. With this view, this paper will analyze the establishment and other influential factors of Disabled Act. The social welfare policy of Korea was embodied 20 years ago. It is the year of the disabled and the gravity of the social welfare policy for the disabled became larger. The social welfare policy of Korea was established due to the rapid economic development of 196 0∼1970. It is totally different from social welfare policy for the disabled and the retired of 1981. It is due to the effort for democratization and labor dispute for income redistribution. In other words, the evaluation of the Disabled Act establishment progress and the environment is really important. In this paper, I will concentrate on figuring out the difference between the historical background between Korea and Japan. In other words, with political method, I will redefine the embodiment of welfare policy for the disabled of both countries as administration policy. First of all, I will compare and rearrange the factors of policy determination and the background of policy establishment. The factors here includes politics, economics, society, and outer factors and environment means the policy requirement activities and the disabled recognition process and the status of disabled showing in Disabled Act. Next, I will compare the policy embodiment process of Korea and Japan by using Anderson's policy embodiment 5 step model. The step of this policy is individual problem → society problem → policy subject → policy topic → policy establishment. The purpose of the thesis is analyzing the formation 'social welfare policy for disabled' of Korea and Japan and use the historical lesson for the disabled social welfare. I used document analyzing method for this thesis. The difficult period of Japan right after World War Ⅱ produced the transition from military-ruled society to democratization one by GHQ and it served as a momentum for social welfare development. GHQ promoted democratization policy to overcome the social turmoil right after the war and enacted democratic constitution. It also secured people's right publicly, the basis of social welfare and produced 'Protection Law' which is for the poor and war orphans. But this transition from military-ruled society to democratization one by GHQ released the protection of disabled veterans who were the majority of the social welfare subject. This conflict between Japanese government who wanted to give more benefits to disabled veterans and GHQ who like to establish democratization government delayed the enactment of Disabled Act. Moreover, the basic concept of GHQ social welfare law, the equal treatment of SCAPIN775 denied the veteran favorable treatment. GHQ denied the concept of wealth and military strength of the nation and tried to implant the concept of universality and generality. In case of the disabled, they made no distinction between veterans and normal citizens. It is historically worthy of figure out the background of social welfare policy for the disabled. Furthermore evaluating the attitude difference between GHQ and Japanese government toward the disabled helps measure the establishment of social welfare policy for the disabled and policy determination factors. Even though both countries established the social welfare policy at different time, it is interesting to compare each factors. For example, if the political factor that GHQ's occupying Japan led indiscriminate equality of social welfare, we can say that it is a factor which influences the universality. In case of Korea, the military government pushed economic development policy during 1960∼1970 and achieved the improvement of life quality and quantity. In contrast, in the course of industralization and urbanization, the value and life style has changed, the poverty emerged, the gulf between the rich and the poor became wider, the traffic accident increased and the environment damage caused to spend more money. In other words, the economic development policy of Korea brought economic benefits and dictatorship at the same time. It also caused labor dispute which claims for income redistribution. The complaint for economy prior policy ensued the distrust toward the government and the politics and it also embarked the democratization movement. Therefore, I evaluated how Korea and Japan recognized the disabled issue in different periodic background, administrative bureaucrats' role, critical mind, and policy requirement movement. How those factors influenced the formation of policy for Disabled Act of Japan(1949) and Korea(1981). We rearranged the formation of Disabled Act of Korea and Japan by using Anderson's 5 step model. It started from individual to the policy formation in 5 steps and I used this model to evaluate the formation of policy of Korea and Japan. Therefore, this following will be the 5 steps : individual problem → the enlargement of individual problem to social problem → set up the subject of policy to consider the countermeasure of social problem → the formation of subject to policy topic → enact the constitution to solve these problems. In conclusion, this research is based on many document evaluation and factors related to policy formation can be measured in various ways. In this paper, I researched based on factors influenced policy formation and environment of policy formation. The conclusion from this research was there were outer factors for both of Korea and Japan and many related organization acted in the process of policy formation. Especially when disabled problem is emerged as a policy subject, individual poverty and related organization's movement was influenced a lot. Politics influenced as a policy determination factors for both countries. In other words, in case of Japan, GHQ was the most influential factor and in case of Korea, President was the most powerful one who has the right of decision. Furthermore, the actor was playing an real important role in the final revision stage. In Japan, internal disabled, mentally handicapped and mentally disordered people was excluded from the constitution, and later constitutions for each different disabled was enacted. In Korea, all disabled people were included from the beginning and the constitution was like disabled general social welfare constitution. These differences are deeply related to the actor's recognition, decision, environment.
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