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ERP 시스템 도입 후 운영 아웃소싱 성공요인에 관한 연구

ERP 시스템 도입 후 운영 아웃소싱 성공요인에 관한 연구
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정보과학대학원 전자상거래학전공
이화여자대학교 경영대학원
For the fast and precise decision-making and the organizational flexibility in rapidly changing environment, many companies have adapted ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning). The companies that implemented ERP try to overcome internal technology limitations and provide better services through IT outsourcing. Unlikely other Information systems, ERP is considered to be difficult to outsource because of it's own characteristics. There have been many attempts in the academia to examine IT outsourcing and issues surrounding it. However, the research of ERP system maintenance outsourcing is very little or limited. This study attempted to empirically test the relationship between success factors of outsourcing and the degree of outsourcing success. Based on the previous studies on ERP Success and IT outsourcing 4 propositions were identified for this study. Because of sampling limitations, it was impossible to conduct a study that was wide enough in scope to include a representative sample of the corporate population. 5 companies, which have more than 2 years experience of ERP maintenance outsourcing were selected and most of data was gathered through interviews with a representative of ERP operational organization. Hypothesis on this study is as following; H1 : The greater vendor capability, the greater outsourcing success. H2: The greater partnership between the customer and vendor, the greater outsourcing success. H3: The lower customization of ERP system, the greater outsourcing success. H4: The greater top management support and participation the greater outsourcing success. The purpose of this case study is to determine success factors of ERP maintenance outsourcing and to provide useful information for other companies which are concerning ERP maintenance outsourcing. The results of hypothesis testing provide that H1, H2, H4 are supported. But H3 is rejected. These results mean that vendor capability, partnership and top management support are important for the ERP maintenance outsourcing success. The contribution of this study is the empirical identification of the success factors of ERP maintenance outsourcing The result of this study will be useful for the executives of ERP to make more rational maintenance outsourcing decision making and the vendor’s marketing strategy developments.
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