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韓國都市婦人의 結婚適應에 關한 硏究

韓國都市婦人의 結婚適應에 關한 硏究
Other Titles
(A) study of the marital adjustment af urban women in Korea
Issue Date
대학원 가정관리학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
As the traditional familism is attacked by the democraticism in Korean urban family, the pattern of marital adjustment is also getting changing. In traditional marriage, the interrelationship between marriage partners required the wife a kind of "putting up-with-it" of accomodation which differs from pleased acceptance. But now, it tends to be an interaction between two partners, satisfying their marital expectations through harmonizing the two partnerst wishes, attitudes, values, emotions. At the same time, it is much more difficult for man wife to establish a marital arrangement in such a transitional society as in Korea, because of their confused expectations, each partner's different expectation, etc. Especially these trends are appeared to be clear in Seoul where is rapidly urbanized. From the 5th to 20th of August in 1974, the questionaires from 291 wives who live in the Yeo Eui Do Apt. and the Kum Hwa Apt. in Seoul have been completed for this study through an extensive interview. For measuring the marital adjustment, multiple indices of marital adjustment are used. These include marital permanance, happiness, consensus about family matters, sexual adjustment, compatability of personality, companionship and the amount of marital conflicts. This study aims to contribute understanding of Korean urban marriage life through searching the relationship between the marital adjustment and consensus, sexual adjustment, child, family structure, marital conflicts and socio-economic factors, Hereby the followings are concluded : 1. The essential arrangement on the family matters(the management of family income, the education of children, the method-of spending the leasure time, the attitude to the partner's parents, value that are critical issues in their relationship) helps to adjust the marriage life. 2. The more conflicated in marriage, the more difficult in adjusting between two partners. Especially, a temperamental incompatability is deeply related to the marital adjustment. 3. Sexual maladjustment disturbs the marital adjustment; the more sufficient in the demonstration of the affection, the more compatable of two partners' sexual desire, the more frequent of sexual intercourse, the higher sexual satisfaction, the higher marital adjustment score is. Especially the wives orgasm adequacy and the-compatable-sexual desire-between two partners' are significant to sexual adjustment. 4. Generally, a negative relationship between the number of children and the mother's marital adjustment exists, though not significant in the statics. As for the women in the low marital adjustment score, they are the women who are in the low economic status, if they start their marriage life again, want fewer children, think that children are due to an obstacle in marriage life, feel no happiness or feel it with mother rather than wife. So, it can be said that the traditional value which they have thought it one of the happiness to have many children with them is much released. 5. Through this study, it can't be mentioned that living with a partner's parents is an obstacle in marital adjustment. It can be explained that one is originated from the reason why the power structure of the extended urban family in Korea is transferred from the parents to the couples, the, parent's power is much weackened comparing with the traditional family, and the other from the reason why the Korean neuclear family is characterized the extended family, though it is composed of the couple and the unmarried children. 6. The higher socio-economic status is, the higher marital adjustment score is. Saying again, the woman whose husband's education level is higher, whose husband's monthly income is more and whose husband's job is more satisfactable, is easier to adjust in marriage. This study is not attempted to generalize all over Korea, because of small sample size and of uncompleted random sampling. But this conclusion is applied to the urbanized and modernized group in Korea.;家族主義的 價値觀이 지배하고 있었던 전통적인 家族規範이 西歐文化의 영향으로 個人의 성장과 자유를 守護하는 民主主義 가치관의 挑戰을 받게됨에 따라 結婚適應도 여성만의 절대적인 服從에서부터, 부부 두사람의 所望과 태도 및 감정들을 調和시킴으로써 두 사람이 結婚에 대해 갖고있는 期待들을 충족시켜 나가려는 相互作用으로 변동되가고 있다고 본다. 특히 이러한 경향은 都市化의 첨단을 걷고있는 서울에 나타나고 있다. 本 硏究에서는 1974年 8月 5日부터 20日 사이에 서울의 여의도 아파트와 금화 시민아파트에 살고있는 主婦 291名을 대상으로 面談法에 의해서 結婚適應度를 調査했다. 各 個人의 結婚適應度는 結婚適應 test에 의해 측정되었으며 實際 그 test는 중요한 家庭問題에 대한 夫婦間의 意見一致度, 結婚에 대한 幸福度, 葛藤의 量, 性的適應, 性格의 調和, 夫婦間의 공통된 관심과 행위의 成就등에 중점을 두고 있다. 本 硏究는 이렇게 測定된 結婚適應度와 夫婦間의 意見一致度, 性生活, 子女, 家族構造, 社會經濟的 要因들과의 관계를 考察해 봄으로써 現代韓國 都市家族의 結婚生活을 보다 包括的으로 이해하는데 기여하고자 한다. 本 硏究에서 나타난 調査結果들을 보면 다음과 같다. 1. 結婚生活의 基本的이고도 주요한 活動들이라 볼 수 있는 金錢管理問題. 子女養育問題, 餘暇利用方法, 친척관계, 價値觀 등에 대해 남편과 부인의 의견이 거의 항상 一致되는 것이 結婚適應에 도움을 주었다. 2. 結婚의 葛藤이 비교적 적은 것이 즉, 結婚生活에 어려움을 주었다고 지적된 數가 적을수록 結婚適應度는 높아졌다. 특히 夫婦間의 性格不調和로 생기는 葛藤이 結婚適應과 有意的 이었다. 3. 性生活의 適應은 結婚適應과 有意的인 관계가 있었다. 즉 夫婦間의 愛情表示度가 높을수록, 性交頻度가 높을수록 性滿足度가 높을수록, 부부의 性慾調和가 잘 이루어질수록, 부인의 오르가즘 經驗率이 높을수록 結婚適應度는 높았다. 또한 性生活適應에서 특히 有意的이었던 것은 부인의 오르가즘能力과 夫婦의 性慾調和였다. 4. 子女數와 結婚適應사이에는 통계적으로 有意的은 아니더라도, 대체로 逆關係가 나타났다. 應答者들중에서 특히 結婚適應度가 낮은 부인들의 集團을 보면 經濟水準이 下流인 부인들, 結婚生活을 다시 시작한다면 지금보다 子女를 조금 낳겠다는 부인들, 자녀가 結婚生活에 支障을 준다는 부인들, 家庭生活에서 아무런 기쁨을 못느끼거나, 아내로서 보다는 어머니로서의 기쁨이 더 크다는 부인들이었다. 5. 家族構造와 結婚適應사이에는 有意的인 관계가 없었다. 6. 社會經濟的 地位가 높은 사람들이 結婚에 適應하기가 쉬었다. 즉, 남편의 敎脊水準이 높을수록, 月平均收入이 많을수록, 남편의 직업에 대한 滿足度가 높을수록, 結婚適應度는 높았다. 以上의 결과들은 韓國의 都市婦人 전체에 일반화시키긴 어려우나, 都市化가 많이됐고 近代的 家族規範이 높은 집단에는 적용할 수 있다 본다.
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