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dc.contributor.author李仁福 .-
dc.creator李仁福 .-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to elucidate the correlation of disparity between an individual's real self-concept and his ideal self-concept to his development and adjustment using McGuire's spontaneous method. The following problems were investigated in the present study. 1. The correlation of the degree of disparity between the tow self-concepts to the individual development. 2. The correlation of the degree of the disparity to the adjustment and the maladjustment. 3. The determinants resulted in the correlations. if any, in the above problems. 4. the differences in the real self-concept and the ideal self-concept expressed by two groups which have different social economic levels. 5. The possibility of measurement of disparity using the McGuire's spontaneous method. In order to elucidate the above problems, investigations using McGuire's method and personality diagnosis test were carried out with the groups of 682 male and female students who were at the first, second and third year classes in regular middle schools, and 128 students at the same year classes in a civic education institute. The results obtained were analyzed as follows. 1. The differences in an average numbers of responses to the two self-concepts were showed as 1.67 among the students of the first year class and 2.49 among the third year class student (female and male) groups. The degree of the disparity was increased with students' class promotions. 2. The difference in the numbers of responses to the two self-concepts among the maladjusted students were showed as 1.73 for male students and 2.43 for females, while the difference among the adjusted students were 2.09 for the males and 3.21 for the females. Thus, it showed that the degree of disparity of the adjusted students was higher than that of maladjusted. 3. The determinants which increased the degree of the disparity were seemed that the number of responses to the real self-concept was increased and the contents of the responses became subdivided by the development. Meanwhile, the number of responses to the real self-concept of the adjusted female students was higher than that of the maladjusted female students. It seemed the factor which increased the degree of the disparity of the adjusted students was caused by the higher disclosure of the real self-concept. 4. There was no remarkable difference in the degree of the disparity between the two student groups of the civic education institute and the regular middle schools. But, throughout the whole students, the numbers of the responses of the students in the civic education institute was less, and little variable contents of the response were checked in them comparing with those of the students in the regular middle schools. Particularly, the number of responses to the real self-concept of the male students in the civic education institute was remarkably small. 5. Using the McGuire's method of spontaneous measurement, particular differences of the numbers of the responses to the two self-concepts were revealed among those groups at different classes, sex and social levels. It was showed, accordingly, that this method had an objectivity to be generalized in usage.;本 硏究의 目的은 종래의 反應的 測定方法(reactive method)이 아닌 McGuire의 自發的 測定方法(Spontaneous method)을 使用하여 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致와 個人의 發達 및 適應등이 어떠한 相關이 있는가를 알아 보고자 하는 것이다. 本 硏究에서 究明하려고 있는 問題는 다음과 같다. 1. 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致 정도는 發達과 相關이 있는가? 2. 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致 정도는 適應 및 不適應과 어떠한 關係가 있는가? 3. 위의 것들이 關係가 있다면 어떤 要因에 의한 것인가? 4. 사회경제적 수준이 다른 두 集團의 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念은 어떠한 差異가 있는가? 5. McGuire의 自發的 測定方法으로 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我개념의 不一致를 測定할 수 있는가? 이와 같은 問題를 糾明하기 위하여 일반중학교 남녀학생 1, 2, 3學年 682名과 공민학교 남녀학생 1, 2, 3學年 128名에게 McGuire의 自發的 自我槪念 測定方法과 性格診斷檢査(鄭 元植, 金 豪權, 1965) 等을 使用하여 調査를 實施하여 그 結果를 分析하였다. 그 結果 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 反應數差의 平均은 일반중학교 남녀학생 1학년이 1.67, 3학년이 2.49로 학년이 높아감에 따라 不一致의 정도가 커지는 것으로 나타났다.(P<0.001) 2. 不適應 學生의 現實的 및 理想的 自我槪念의 反應數의 差는 男學生이 1.73, 女學生이 2.43이었고, 適應학생이 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致 정도가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 3. 現實的 自我槪念의 反應數가 發達에 따라 增加하고 反應內容이 細分化되는 것이 自我槪念의 不一致 정도가 커지는 要因으로 나타났다. 한편 適應 女學生의 現實的 自我槪念의 反應數가 不適應 여학생보다 더 많다. 즉 現實的 自我槪念의 露出이 많은 것이 適應 학생의 두 自我槪念의 불일치 정도가 큰 것의 要因으로 나타났다. 4. 공민학교 학생과 일반중학교 학생의 現實的 및 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致 정도의 差異는 거의 없었고 전체적으로 공민학교 학생의 反應數가 일반중학교에 비해 적었으며, 內容的으로도 다양한 反應이 나오지 않았다. 특히 남학생의 現實的 自我槪念의 反應數는 현저하게 적었다. 5. McGuire의 自發的 自我槪念 測定方法을 사용한 結果 학년별, 성별, 사회계층별로 現實的 및 理想的 自我槪念의 反應數의 差異가 각각 다르게 나타났다. 즉 이 測定方法이 一般化될 수 있는 客觀性을 지닌 것으로 나타났다.-
dc.description.tableofcontents論文槪要 = ⅵ Ⅰ. 緖論 = 1 A. 問題의 提起 = 1 B. 問題의 陳述 = 2 Ⅱ. 理論的 背景 = 3 A. 自我槪念의 意味 및 종류 = 3 B. 현실적 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致에 관한 硏究들 = 5 C. 현실적 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致의 測定方法 = 10 Ⅲ. 硏究方法 = 14 A. 조사대상 및 節次 = 14 B. 測定方法 = 15 C. 자료처리 = 15 Ⅳ. 結果 및 해석 = 17 A. 발달적 側面과 自我槪念의 不一致 = 18 B. 사회계층적 側面과 自我槪念間의 不一致 = 22 C. 적응과 自我槪念의 不一致 = 27 Ⅴ. 要約 및 結論 = 30 參考文獻 = 32 ABSTRACTS = 37-
dc.format.extent1396589 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.subject현실적 자아개념-
dc.subject이상적 자아개념-
dc.subject자발적 측정방법-
dc.title自發的 測定方法에 의한 現實的 自我槪念과 理想的 自我槪念의 不一致에 관한 硏究-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translated(A) Study on the Disparity between the Real self-concept and the Ideal self-concept by Spontaneous method-
dc.format.page40 p. : 表.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 교육심리학과- 2-
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