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dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to describe general patterns of loss-related stress, social support, and depression of women who have lost their spouses and to examine an effect of social support in the course of adaptation to the conjugal bereavement during the first 7 years of their widowhood. The subject was composed of 97 women aged 29 to 59, without any experience of remarriage or cohabitation. Loss-related stress, social support were measured with scales adapted and modified for the purpose of the study from several measures frequently used in previous studies of stress and social support. Depression was measured with CES-D. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. Role-related strains(63.9%), financial strains(52.6%), relational strains(42.3%), and emotional strains(30.9%) were reported as the four most stressful life experiences assumed to be caused by the death of the spouse. 2. Parents and siblings(70.1%), friends(68.0%), neighbors, coworkers, religious groups(48.5%), children(40.2%), and in-laws(26.8%) were the 5 key supporters. The bereaved were found to have a mean of 5.32 supporters. In spite of the quantitative differences in each of the support provided, 91.8% of the bereaved received emotional support and 84.5% of them received financial support. 3. Depression was measured with the CES-D. The 91.8% of the subject were assessed as normal by the cut-off point of the scale. 4. Sociodemographic characteristics did not have a significant effect on .loss-related stress, social support, and depression in general. However, several effects were found: The higher the income, the more the emotional support offered to the bereaved. The longer the time had elapsed since the loss of the spouse, the less likely the bereaved had relational strains. The older the bereaved and the longer the time since the loss of the spouse, the more the support from their children. 5. Emotional strains were found to be moderated by financial support. Emotional support, on the other hand, had no moderating effect at all. 6. Those who suffered relational strains were likely to have parents and siblings as their supporters, and these supporters were found to mediate the emotional and financial support provided to the bereaved. However, the support provided had no significant effect on reducing depression level of the bereaved. 7. Those who had financial strains were likely to have neighbors, coworkers, and religious groups as their supporters. 8. Neighbors, coworkers, and religious groups had a direct effect on depression level irrespective of various strains experienced by the bereaved. Furthermore, they suppressed the effect financial strains had on depression.-
dc.description.tableofcontents목차 Ⅰ. 서론 = 1 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 = 6 A. 배우자와의 사별로 인한 어려움 및 적응 = 6 1. 스트레스 이론 = 6 2. 배우자와의 사별로 인한 어려움에 대한 선행연구 = 10 3. 배우자와의 사별에 대한 적응 = 13 B. 대처자원으로서의 사회적 지지 = 15 1. 사회적 지지의 개념 및 효과 = 16 2. 대처자원으로서의 사회적 지지에 대한 선행연구 = 19 C. 사회인구학적 변인 = 24 1. 연령 = 24 2. 교육 및 수입 = 25 3. 사별기간 = 25 D. 연구문제 = 27 E. 연구모형 = 28 Ⅲ. 연구방법 = 29 A. 연구대상 = 29 1. 연구대상의 사회인구학적 특성 = 29 B. 측정도구 = 32 1. 사회인구학적 특성 = 32 2. 배우자와의 사별로 인한 어려움 = 32 3. 사회적 지지 = 34 4. 우울감 = 36 C. 자료수집 = 37 1. 예비조사 = 37 2. 본조사 = 37 D. 자료분석 = 38 Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 해석 = 39 A. 배우자와의 사별로 인한 어려움, 사회적 지지, 우울감의 일반적 경향 = 39 B. 사회인구학적 특성이 배우자와의 사별로 인한 어려움, 사회적 지지, 우울감에 미치는 영향 = 42 C. 배우자와의 사별로 인한 어려움이 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향 = 47 1. 배우자 상실감이 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향 = 47 2. 대인관계의 어려움이 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향 = 48 3. 경제적 어려움이 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향 = 52 D. 사회적 지지가 우울감에 미치는 영항 = 54 E. 배우자와의 사별로 인한 어려움이 우울감에 미치는 영향에서 사회적 지지의 효과 = 56 1. 배우자 상실감이 우울감에 미치는 영향에서 사회적 지지의 효과 = 56 2. 대인관계의 어려움이 우울감에 미치는 영향에서 사회적 지지의 효과 = 58 3. 경제적 어려움이 우울감에 미치는 영향에서 사회적 지지의 효과 = 60 Ⅴ. 논의 및 결론 = 62 참고문헌 = 74 Abstract = 84 설문지 = 87-
dc.format.extent4021226 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title배우자와의 사별로 인한 스트레스 및 사회적 지지가 우울감에 미치는 영향-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.subtitle성년 및 중년기 여성을 중심으로-
dc.format.pageiv, 91p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 가정관리학과- 2-
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