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dc.description.abstractIt has been pointed out that there are various legal issues arising out of corporate mergers. This thesis reviews and analyzes corporate mergers with emphasis on fairness of mergers. The concept of fairness has two aspects : fair dealing and fair price. This thesis is composed of major parts as follows : disclosure of information about the merger, shareholder approval of the merger, dissenter s right to obtain cash payment and rescission of the merger. As to disclosure of information about the merger, the Korean Commercial Code and the Securities Exchange Act have provisions regarding notice of shareholder meeting, proxy statement, and balance sheet of the merging and merged corporations. To make the disclosure scheme adequately function, the reports of the board of directors or the reports of independent accounting experts containing the merger terms should be enforced, with the result that shareholders can get the opportunity to know the merger terms which are essential for them to exercise their voting rights. The Korean Commercial Code requires shareholder approval for a merger. The merger contract, which is the object of shareholder approval, needs to contain all particulars affecting the shareholders interest. At the same time, statements in the merger contract must be true. It is suggested that the relevant parts of the Korean Commercial Code needs to be revised so that the contents of the merger contract may be more detailed, and inspection by an independent expert like C.P.A. may be introduced to assure the accuracy of relevant materials. Dissident shareholder s right to obtain cash payment from the corporation, so-called "appraisal right", is a mechanism suited to reconcile the need to allow the majority to pursue a merger to adapt their company to drastically changing environments, with the need to protect the minority against being involuntarily dragged along into the merger process. Rescission of a merger is a final remedy arising from unfairness of ratio or price. Unfairness of ratio or price is the most serious defect of the merger and no other remedies could be proper alternatives for the shareholders who suffer therefrom. However, as the method of rescission causes instability and inconvenience, it is suggested that a pre-merger injunctive relief should be introduced into the Korean Commercial Code. In practice, most mergers are carried out for the sake of the maximum profits by way of unfair ratio. Nevertheless, the protection of shareholders has been ignored by the voting machinery and has been treated even as meaningless because of the parent-subsidiary relationship of the corporations concerned. To solve these problems, suggestions mentioned above should be introduced into the Korean Commercial Code.-
dc.description.tableofcontents第1章 序論 = 1 第2章 合倂의 一般論 = 3 第1節 合倂의 意義와 性質 = 3 1. 合倂의 意義 = 3 2. 合倂의 法的 性質 = 4 (1) 人格合一說 = 4 (2) 現物出資說 = 4 (3) 財産合一說 = 4 (4) 小結 = 5 第2節 合倂의 方法 = 5 1. 吸收合倂과 新設合倂 = 5 2. 簡易合倂과 小規模合倂 = 6 第3節 外國의 合倂制度 = 7 I. 序說 = 7 II. 日本 = 8 III. 美國 = 9 1. 序說 = 9 2. 判例法上의 株式保護 = 10 3. 成文法上의 株主保護 = 12 IV. 獨逸 = 13 第3章 事前的 合倂情報開示에 의한 合倂의 公正性確保 = 15 第1節 序說 = 15 第2節 外國會社法上 事前開示制度 = 15 I. EU法 = 15 1. 合倂計劃書 = 15 2. 理事의 合倂報告書 = 16 3. 檢査人制度 = 16 4. 株主의 合倂資料에 관한 閱覽 및 謄本交付請求權 = 17 II. 獨逸 = 17 1. 合倂契約書 또는 合倂契約書草案 = 17 2. 理事會의 合倂報告書 = 17 3. 合倂檢査人制度 = 18 4. 株主의 合倂資料에 관한 閱覽 및 謄本交付請求權 = 19 5. 株主總會에서의 合倂情報開示 = 20 III. 프랑스 = 20 1. 合倂計劃書 = 20 2. 理事會와 執行委員會의 合倂報告書 = 21 3. 會計監査人 = 21 4. 出資檢査人 = 21 5. 合倂資料에 관한 閱覽 및 謄本交付請求權 = 22 第3節 合倂承認株主總會의 召集通知 및 公告에 의한 合倂情報開示 = 22 I. 序說 = 22 II. 商法 第522條 第2項 = 23 第4節 委任狀 參考書類에 의한 合倂情報開示 = 23 I. 序說 = 23 1. 議決權의 代理行使 = 23 2. 議決權 代理行使의 勸誘에 관한 規則(委任狀 規則) = 24 3. 委任狀 參考書類에 의한 合倂情報開示 = 24 II. 委任狀規則의 適用範圍 = 25 1. 上場株式 = 25 2. 勸誘 = 25 III. 委任狀 參考書類에 의한 合倂情報開示의 內容 = 26 IV. 委任狀 參考書類 記載事項의 眞實性 確保 = 27 1. 序說 = 27 2. 事前的 確保手段 = 28 3. 事後的 確保手段 = 28 V. 現行 委任狀 參考書類에 의한 合倂情報開示에 대한 批判 = 29 第5節 株主의 合倂關係書類 閱覽 및 謄抄本請求에 의한 合倂情報開示 = 30 I. 序說 = 30 II. 商法 第522條의2에 의한 合倂情報開示 = 31 1. 合倂貸借對照表의 意義 = 31 2. 合倂貸借對照表의 作成 및 備置 = 31 III. 商法 第522條의2에 대한 批判 = 32 제6節 事前的 合倂情報開示에 의한 公正性 確保의 限界와 改善方案 = 32 第4章 株主總會의 合倂承認決議 및 合倂報告總會에 의한 公正性 確保 = 34 第1節 序說 = 34 第2節 合倂契約書의 法定記載事項 = 34 I. 合倂契約書의 絶對的 記載事項 = 34 1. 合倂으로 인한 授權株式數의 증가에 관한 事項 = 34 2. 存續會社의 增加할 資本과 準備金의 總額 = 35 (1) 序說 = 35 (2) 解散會社 純資産額에 의한 存續會社의 資本增加額의 制限 = 36 (3) 無增資 合倂 = 37 (4) 增加할 準備金의 總額 = 38 3. 合倂比率 및 合倂新株의 配定에 관한 事項 = 40 (1) 序說 = 40 (2) 數種의 株式이 발행되는 경우 = 40 (3) 自己株式의 處理 = 41 (4) 合倂比率 = 41 4. 合倂交付金에 관한 事項 = 44 (1) 序說 = 44 (2) 合倂交付金의 槪念 = 45 (3) 合倂交付金의 許容限界 = 45 (4) 合倂契約書에의 記載 = 46 (5) 關聯問題 = 47 5. 各 會社에서 合倂承認 決議를 할 株主總會期日 및 合倂期日 = 47 6. 存續會社의 定款變更事項 = 48 II. 合倂契約書의 任意的 記載事項 = 48 第3節 合倂承認決議 = 49 I. 序說 = 49 II. 合倂이 株主의 義務를 加重시키는 경우 = 49 III. 種類株主總會의 合倂承認決議 = 49 第4節 合倂報告總會 및 創立總會 = 51 第5節 株主總會의 合倂承認決議 및 合倂報告總會에 의한 公正性 確保의 限界 = 52 第5章 株式買受請求制度에 의한 公正性確保 = 53 第1節 序說 = 53 第2節 株式買受請求權의 成立要件 = 54 I. 株式買受請求權을 발생시키는 會社行爲 = 54 II. 株式買受請求權者 = 55 1. 株主名簿上의 株主 = 55 2. 無議決權優先株主 = 55 III. 株式買受請求의 節次 = 56 第3節 株式買受 = 57 I. 反對株主의 買受請求 = 57 II. 買受價格 = 57 1. 買受價額의 決定 = 58 2. 買受價額에 反對하는 경우 = 59 3. 株券非上場法人의 買受價額 = 59 第4節 株式買受請求制度의 排他性 = 59 第5節 株式買受請求制度에 의한 公正性 確保의 限界 및 改善方案 = 60 第6章 合倂의 留止 및 無效에 의한 公正性 確保 = 62 第1節 序說 = 62 第2節 合倂의 留止 = 62 I. 意義 = 62 II. 解釋論的 檢討 = 62 1. 商法 제402條와 合倂의 留止 = 62 2. 商法 제424條와 合倂의 留止 = 64 3. 立法論 = 64 第3節 合倂의 無效 = 65 I. 問題의 所在 = 65 II. 合倂比率의 不公正과 合倂無效의 原因 = 65 1. 序說 = 65 2. 學說 = 66 (1) 否定說 = 66 (2) 肯定說 = 67 (3) 學說의 檢討 = 67 III. 合倂無效의 訴와 株式買受請求權 = 69 1. 序說 = 69 2. 立法例 = 69 (1) 우리나라와 日本 = 69 (2) 美國 = 70 第4節 合倂無效에 의한 公正性 確保의 限界 및 立法論 = 71 第7章 結論 = 72 參考文獻 = 76 Abstract = 82-
dc.format.extent848851 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title株式會社 合倂의 公正性確保方案에 관한 硏究-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.identifier.major대학원 법학과- 2-
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