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dc.description.abstract공적수출신용제도란 자국의 수출거래를 지원하기 위해 재정자금으로 운영되는 수출지원제도로서 수출보험보증제도와 수출금융으로 구분할 수 있다. 선진각국은 수출확대를 위해 상대적으로 낮은 수출보험 보증요율을 유지함으로써 과다한 운영적자를 안게 되었으며 이러한 운영적자를 해소하고 국가간 수출보험 지원조건을 통일하기 위해 OECD 국가간의 수출보험료 통일안을 확정하고 99년부터 시행하기로 결정하고 이를 OECD 가이드 라인에 포함하였다. 우리나라의 경우 신흥시장개척의 필요성, 금융산업의 미성숙의 경제여건을 감안할 때 공적수출신용제도는 우리에게 매우 중요한 대외정책 수단이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 OECD 가이드 라인을 통하여 각국의 공적수출신용제도는 규제가 강화되고 있는 상황이다. 공적수출신용제도의 운영목적은 시장기능에 대항 보완에 있으며 자국기업의 경쟁열위를 방지하기 위함에도 그 목적이 있다. 미국, 유럽, 일본, 신흥 시장진입국은 경제 사정에 따라 각기 다양한 방법으로 공적수출신용제도를 운영하고 있다. 운영구조는 해외위험담보기능(수출보험 보증) 유일운영구조, 수출보험보증기능 및 수출금융기능 병립운영구조, 수출보험보증기능 및 수출금융기능 통합운영구조 3가지로 나눌 수 있다. 우리나라는 자본재 수출시장의 신규진입국으로서 수출기업의 원활한 시장진출을 지원해야 하므로 선진국 전략과는 달리 고위험시장에 대한 적극적인 수출보험보증 전략을 채택해야 할 것이다. 미국과 유럽의 경우 일반 상업은행의 발달로 공적수출 금융이 아니라도 일반은행의 수출금융을 이용한 수출지원이 가능하나 우리나라의 경우는 금융산업의 미성숙으로 일반은행의 수출금융 참여에 한계가 있다. 따라서 재정차원의 공적수출금융의 존속 발전이 필수적이다. 중장기적으로는 국내 일반상업은행이 경쟁력을 강화하고 금융산업이 전반적으로 성숙되는 시점에서는 우리나라 공적수출금융의 지원 구조를 검토, 조정하는 것이 바람직하다고 하겠다. ; Officially Supported Export Credit System can be divided into "export insurance/guarantee" and "export financing." The role of export credit insurance/guarantee is to help Korean manufactures and investors trade overseas by providing them with insurance, finance, and protection against non-payment risks. Export financing provides exporters the required capital for shipping the abroad of merchandise, or for the rendering of services in a different country. In developing countries, where financial and working capital market are not mature enough, large scale and long-term exports financing is not possible from the private sector. Export credit system provides bilateral programs or industrial support programs for exporting companies. To promote export, many developed countries maintained a relatively low credit insurance premium rate, which ended up with a huge amount of deficit. To solve this problem, the "Knaepen Package" was signed in June 1997, a major achievement by setting a policy of minimum premium benchmark for export credit insurance operation for the first time. Developing countries such as Korea, which have just started to have a share in the capital goods export industry, still lack in technology and are not competitive enough. Korea needs even more aggressive support for export of industrial plants than the United States or Japan s strategy. The minimum premium benchmark is better for the developed countries with superior technology than countries that are without the technology. This is why Korea tried to keep the premium rate as low as possible. But the policy of minimum premium benchmark has been effective since April of 1999. There has been some changes made in the export market; high opportunity to establish market share in emerging economies has never been greater. Also in financial market, private insurers are now stepping into areas that have been reserved to public institutions so far. Such environmental changes have made the role of export insurance an increasingly important measure of indirect subsidy for promoting competitiveness of trading companies. A majority of developing countries are not in a position to attract private flows and will continue to rely on Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) guarantees. In the long run, the participation of commercial bank in export financing will be a general trend. But the current situation of Korea s commercial banks has the limitation in terms of scale, creditworthiness, foreign currency financing, and borrowing rate. Once again, the role of ECA is crucial in Korean economy.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsAbstract = vii I. INTRODUCTION = 1 II. LITERATURE REVIEW ON OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED EXPORT CREDIT SYSTEM A. Definition of Officially Supported Export Credits System = 4 1. Export Credit Insurance/Guarantee = 4 2. Export Credit Financing = 5 B. Purposes of Officially Supported Credit System = 10 1. Complement of Market Forces = 10 2. Preventing Competitive Disadvantage of National Corporations = 12 B. Operational Conditions of Officially Supported Export Credits System = 11 1. Harmonize Premium Rates = 11 2. Commercial Interest Reference Rates (CIRRs) = 13 III. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED EXPORT CREDIT SYSTEM OF MAJOR FOREIGN COUNTRIES A. A Comparison of Operational Strategies of Officially Supported Credit System among selected economies = 15 1. United States, Europe and Japan = 15 2. Korea = 16 IV. STRUCTURE OF OFFICIALLY SUPPORTED EXPORT CREDIT SYSTEM AND ITS OPERATION A. Structure of Officially Supported Export Credits = 19 B. Principles of Export Credit System = 23 V. ASSESSING CHANGES IN MARKET ENVIRONMENT AND IMPORTANCE OF KOREA S OFFICAILLY SUPPORTED SYSTEM A. Changes in Export Market = 25 B. Changes in Financial Market = 27 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS = 31 VII. CONCLUTION = 35 References = 36 Abstract in Korean = 49-
dc.format.extent448969 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 국제대학원-
dc.titleAn analysis of officially supported export credits system : challenges and recommendations-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.identifier.major국제대학원 국제학과- 2-
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