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dc.description.abstract본 논문에서는 일본 문화상품의 음성적인 유통구조로 일관하고 있는 한국의 문화산업, 예를 들어 만화, 컴퓨터 게임과 일본의 영향 하에 있는 언어 영역 등 분야별 문제점을 재검토함으로써 일본 문화개방을 둘러싼 가시적인 입장에 대한 분석과 함께 분야별 분석을 토대로 일본 문화개방에 대한 전반적인 이해를 도모하고자 한다. 그리고 일본문화유입 실태를 파악하고 대안을 정립하기 위하여 설문지를 통해 국민의식을 분석하고자 한다. 첫째로, 언어는 그 민족의 정체성과 정신성이 핵심적으로 드러나는 영역이다. 그런데 우리의 언어는 일제의 식민기를 거치면서 유입된 일본어의 흔적을 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는 게 현실이다. 일본어의 유행은 청소년 언어를 중심으로 우리 언어 발전을 저해하는 요소로 작용하고 있으며, 본 논문은 구체적인 일본어 남용의 사례와 어휘 사용의 빈도 수를 분석하고자 한다. 둘째로, 일본의 만화영화, 게임 분야의 유입사례를 다각도로 살펴본 후, 이에 대한 문제점과 해결 방안을 도출하고자 한다. 이러한 전반적인 일본 문화에 대한 고찰을 토대로 개방화 시대에 우리가 취해야 할 입장, 일본문화 유입에 대한 우리의 대응 방식이 보다 현실적인 방향으로 검토되어야 하겠다. ; This thesis attempts to examine 1) the vestiges of Japanese culture by sector, namely, the animation industry, dress code and language; 2) evaluate the level of cultural permeation in the areas aforementioned; 3) conduct a survey to assess the level of public consciousness in order to measure the level of sensitivity to the issue; and 4) and provide policy suggestions. As the survey results indicate, we are witnessing an all-out invasion of the Japanese culture in almost every aspect of the Korea culture as the Japanese culture has invaded, corrupted, and permeated into the Korean culture. In the survey, I have divided the subject groups into two - adolescents vs. non-adolescents - to verify the level of cultural impact according to these different age groups. Evidently, the cultural impact of the Japanese language and animation films is especially acute for the adolescent subject group, since the frequency level of exposure to the Japanese culture is higher than the non-adolescent subject group. Another important aspect of the study dwells on the long-term impact of the Japanese culture and the possibility of cultural isomorphism in Korea. Here, I used the theory of ‘institutional isomorphism’ by Dimaggio and Powell to assess the level of cultural assimilation among the subject groups. Interestingly enough, the findings suggest that the social and cultural behavior of the subject groups is isomorphic to the Japanese culture, especially in language and animation films. In the study, I have briefly touched upon the historical aspect of the anti-Japanese sentiment among many Koreans which stems largely from the unfortunate past of Japanese occupation in Korea. We should recognize that much of Japanese culture is already pervasive in our culture as the Koreans find themselves in a malaise, uncomfortably aware of the social double standards and self-defeatism which are also conveyed in the survey results. Lastly, I focused on the status quo of cultural and social factors, and provided a few policy suggestions. Now is the time to call for cultural discretion among the Koreans, and to do so, a properly designed and consistent cultural education is essential.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT = viii I. Introduction of Open Door Policy for Japanese Culture in Korea = 1 A. Purpose and Logic for Selection = 1 B. Research Method = 6 II. Analysis of Japan s Presence in Korea = 7 A. Institutional/ Historical Vestiges of Japanese Imperialism = 8 B. Cultural, Social, Educational Embeddedness = 10 1. Japanese Culture Policy Guidelines = 12 2. Theoretical Perspective = 14 3. Language = 18 4. Dress Code = 20 5. Mass Media = 22 a)Animation Industry = 22 b)Computer Game Industry = 26 III. Analysis of Survey Results = 28 A. Subject Groups = 28 B. Survey Analysis = 29 1. Adolescent Subject Group = 29 2. Non-Adolescent Subject Group = 32 3. Results of Early Acculturation = 34 IV. Policy Guidelines to Protect Korean Culture = 37 A. Development of Korean Culture and Institutional Safety Nets to Secure Cultural Identity = 38 V. Conclusions = 44 References = 48 Abstract in Korean = 50-
dc.format.extent1700012 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 국제대학원-
dc.titleThe open door policy toward Japanese culture in Korea-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.identifier.major국제대학원 국제학과- 2-
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