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dc.contributor.authorHasan, Tehmina-
dc.creatorHasan, Tehmina-
dc.description.abstract본 논문은 Age Khan 대학(이하 AKU)의 기금 요청 심사에 대한 사례 연구이다. 본 연구의 목적은 기금 지원 기준과 국제적인 기금 지원 기관이 개발도상국에서 교육 및 보건부문의 프로젝트 수행시 요구하는 기금 심사 과정을 논의하는 것이다. 본 연구는 AKU에 대한 기금 수여의 현황과 앞으로의 요구를 분석하였다. 연구에서는 특히 다음과 같은 질문사항에 대한 답을 제시하고 있다. 즉 첫째, 기금 조성에서 필수적 요소는 무엇인가? 둘째, 기금 및 보조금은 어떤 출처에서 지급 될 수 있는가? 셋째, 어떠한 기금 지급 기관이 AKU에 기금을 조성하였는가? 넷째 기금 지급을 위한 특정 조건 및 과정은 무엇인가? 다섯째, 다양한 재단의 성격은 무엇이며 어떠한 재단이 미래에 AKU의 기금을 제공할 수 있을 것인가? 여섯째, 기금 지급기관에 기금을 요청하기 위한 가이드라인의 개요 등이다. 또한 미국의 재단들로부터 기금을 신청하거나, 지원 받는 개인이나 단체의 자격기준을 요약하였으며 기금 지원을 가능케 하는 지원서의 최종적 형식을 제시하였다. 결론적으로 본 연구를 통해 기금을 확보하는 최선의 방법은 미국에 소재하는 국제적인 재단을 통한 것으로 이들은 기금 조성에 능동적이며 규모 또한 최대임을 알 수 있었다. ; This thesis, by examining the funding requirements of Age Khan University, as one case-study, aims to discuss the fund granting criteria and procedures, International Donor agencies follow for evaluating funding requests for projects in health and education sector in the developing countries. This study reviewed the present status of grants to AKU and researched prospective foundations from which future grants could be solicited. Moreover, the criteria for eligibility of organizations/individuals to apply and receive grants from USA foundations was summarized. A final format to bid successfully for grants was also given. In the end it was seen that the best opportunities for obtaining funds were offered by International foundations, the largest and the most generous of which exist in USA.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsCONTENTS TABLES OF CONTENTS = iv LIST OF TABLES / GRAPHS = vi EXPLANATIONS OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS = vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = viii DEDICATION = ix Abstract = x I. INTRODUCTION = 1 A. Preamble = 1 1. Reasons for selecting Age Khan University = 1 2. Fund Raising = 2 B. Significance of the study = 2 C. Scope and objectives = 3 D. Limitations = 4 E. Definition of terms = 5 F. Literature review = 9 II. FUND RAISING AND ROLE OF FOUNDATIONS = 11 A. What can be classified as charitable work = 11 B. Sources for fund raising = 12 1. Individuals = 12 2. Foundations = 13 3. Business corporations = 13 4. Government = 14 5. Religion Institutions = 14 6. Federal fund raising organizations = 14 7. Association of individuals = 15 C. Methods of fund raising = 15 1. Form individual = 15 a. Person to person on a face to face basis = 15 b. Letter to individual = 15 2. Form foundation and corporations = 15 a. Grant proposals = 15 b. Person to person = 15 3. Form advertisements = 16 4. By telephone requests = 16 D. Foundations = 17 1. History of foundations = 17 2. Types of foundations = 17 a. Purpose of grants = 18 (1) General support purposes = 18 (2)Program or project grants = 18 (3)Capital grants = 18 b. Grant making decision = 18 E. Motivation behind giving by foundations = 19 H. Advantages of obtaining support from foundations = 19 I. Disadvantages of obtaining support from foundations = 20 III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY = 21 A. Sampling = 21 B. Instrumentation = 21 C. Procedure = 21 IV. ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION OF DATA = 25 A. Interpretation and evaluation of the current donor agencies funding AKU = 27 B. Interpretation and evaluation of the funding criteria of the four donor agenices = 28 C. Interpretation of the funding criteria of five prospective foundations, which support health and education programs in Africa and South Asia = 33 V. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS = 36 A. Conclusion = 36 1. Criteria for eligibility of organization/individuals to apply and to receive grants from US foundations = 36 2. Final format for a successful bid for a grant = 37 B. Recommedations and guidelines for fund raising = 38 References = 40 Appendices = 42 Appendix 1 : Proposal = 43 Appendix 2 : Current donor agencies funding AKU = 45 Appendix 3 : Letter sent to current donor agencies = 69 Appendix 4 : Current donor agencies policies and criteria for funding = 70 Appendix 5 : Prospective foundations policies and criteria for funding = 84 Appendix 6 : Prospective foundation tables = 124 Table 3 a : William and Flora Hewlett Foundation = 124 Table 3 b : Carnegie Corporation = 125 Table 3 c : Rockefller Foundation = 127 Table 3 d : Ford Foundation = 128 Table 3 e :Kellogg Foundation = 132 Abstract in Korean = 134-
dc.format.extent4800893 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 국제대학원-
dc.titleFund raising in development countries : focusing on education and health sectors-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.identifier.major국제대학원 국제학과- 2-
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