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dc.contributor.authorMOHAMMED ABDELRAZIK, Aliaa Omar Hussein-
dc.creatorMOHAMMED ABDELRAZIK, Aliaa Omar Hussein-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to examine the reasons behind the broken link between higher education and economic growth in Egypt. I argue that there are two main reasons for this broken link. Firstly, the expansion of free higher education in public universities has not been well aligned with the economic growth. There has been an imbalance between the growing numbers of university graduates and the low absorptive capacity of the labor market due to the low economic growth and the inefficient investment policies. Moreover, there has been a bias towards higher education at the expense of primary and secondary education despite that the largest part of the labor market’s demand has been for labors with primary and secondary education. Secondly, because of the over dependence on the public subsidy to fund higher education in public universities, the expansion of higher education has not been sufficiently funded, especially if low economic growth is taken into consideration. Furthermore, the problem of lack of funds has been exacerbated by the misallocation of these funds by the government, which in turn has resulted in reducing the quality of learning in public universities. This fact has been reflected in many reports indicated that many university graduates lack skills and knowledge required in the labor market. The previous two reasons have replaced the crucial role of higher education, to produce the required human capital for economic development with a mass production of the unemployed labor. As a result, the higher education outputs have exacerbated unemployment and imposed a burden on the economic growth instead of accelerating it. On the other side, the Korean experience stands as a good model for the linkage between education and economic growth as both of them have reinforced each other under the strong governmental leadership. Consequently, the second part of this study aims to extract lessons from the distinctive South Korean experience to provide an inspiration for the reform of the Egyptian higher education and its linkage to the economic growth.;본 연구에서는 이집트 내에서 고등교육이 왜 경제발전으로 이어지지 않는지에 대하여 분석하였다. 이에 대한 이유로 크게 두 가지를 살펴보았다. 첫째, 공립 대학교를 통하여 무료로 공급되는 고등교육의 양적 증가가 경제성장으로 연결되지 못하였다. 이는 낮은 수준의 경제성장과 비효울적 투자정책 등으로 인해 노동시장의 수용력은 낮은 반면 대학교 졸업자는 증가하는 불균형이 있기 때문이다. 또한, 노동시장에서 초·중등교육을 수료한 노동자에 대한 수요가 큰 비중을 차지하는데도 불구하고, 초·중등교육보다는 고등교육정책에 치중하는 문제점도 있다. 둘째, 공립 대학교에서의 고등교육관련 재원조달이 공적자금에 대한 의존도가 지나치게 높은 상황에서 낮은 수준의 경제성장이 고등교육의 양적증가를 충분히 뒷받침하지 못하였다. 더불어, 열악한 재정상황은 정부의 부적절한 자금배분으로 인해 더욱 악화되었으며, 이는 결과적으로 공립 대학교의 교육의 질을 낮추는 결과를 낳았다. 많은 보고서에서 대학교 졸업자의 기술 및 지식수준이 노동시장에서의 요구치를 충족시키지 못한다는 사실을 밝히고 있다. 위의 두 가지 이유로 인해 이집트 내에서 고등교육은 경제발전을 위해 필요한 인적자본개발이라는 본래의 중요한 기능을 상실하고 실업인력을 대거 양산하는 결과를 초래했다. 결과적으로 고등교육의 산물은 실업률을 높임으로써 경제성장의 촉매가 아닌 장애물로 작용하였다. 이와는 대조적으로 한국의 사례는 강력한 정부의 지도하에 교육과 경제성장이 상호 강화되는 결과를 가져옴으로써 교육과 경제성장의 바람직한 연결구조의 예를 보여주고 있다. 따라서 이 연구의 두번째 부분에서는 이집트의 고등교육제도 개선과 고등교육이 경제성장으로 연결되도록 하는 개혁을 위하여 한국의 경험에서 얻을 수 있는 교훈을 살펴보고자 한다.-
dc.description.tableofcontentsI. INTRODUCTION 1 II. LITERATURE REVIEW 15 A. Education and Economic Growth 15 B. Higher Education and Economic Growth 21 C.The Effective Funding for Higher Education 26 1. Funding and raising the quality of education 27 2. Public subsidy for higher education 28 D. Higher Education and Economic Growth in Egypt 34 III. GENERAL BACKGROUND ABOUT THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN EGYPT 42 A. Higher Education in Egypt: A Brief History 42 B. The System of Higher Education in Egypt 46 C. Governmental Bodies Responsible for Higher Education 48 D. Financing System 50 IV. SOLVING THE MYSTERY OF THE BROKEN LINK BETWEEN HIGHER EDUCATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN EGYPT 52 A. Lack of Alignment between The Expansion of Free Higher Education and The Economic Growth 53 1. The imbalance between the growing number of university graduates and the low absorptive capacity of the labor market 54 2. The bias towards higher education 62 B. The Insufficient and Ineffective Funding for Higher Education 68 1.Lack of sufficient funds 70 2.Misallocation of limited funds 72 V. SOUTH KOREA AS A MODEL 83 A. South Korea : A Brief Introduction 83 1. The importance of education in the culture of Egypt and South Korea 83 2. Development process with different outcomes 84 3. The contribution of the Korean education to the economic growth 89 B. General Background about the Education System in South Korea 90 1. Education in South Korea: A brief history 90 2. The system of education 94 3. Governmental bodies responsible for education in Korea 97 4. Financing System 98 VI. LESSONS FROM SOUTH KOREA 101 A. Achieving Sustained Economic Growth Through Efficient Investment Policies 104 B. The Development of the Education System in Tandem with the Economic Growth 109 1. Manpower Planning 109 2. Giving priority to primary and secondary education 111 3. Depending on the private sector as the main funder of higher education 118 4. Quality control 124 VII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 129 A. Conclusion 129 B. Recommendations 133 REFERENCES 136 ABSTRACT IN KOREAN 155-
dc.format.extent2051557 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 국제대학원-
dc.titleHigher Education and Economic Growth-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.subtitleA Comparative Study of Egypt and Korea-
dc.creator.othernameOmar, Aliaa-
dc.format.pagexiii, 155 p.-
dc.identifier.major국제대학원 국제학과- 8-
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