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방석복(防石服)의 착용실태 및 평가에 관한 연구

방석복(防石服)의 착용실태 및 평가에 관한 연구
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대학원 의류직물학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
우리나라는 1990년대에 들어서면서 시위형태가 많이 바뀌고 있다. 1980년대의 학생중심의 과격시위와는 다르게 현재는 시민중심의 평화시위가 많이 정착되고 있다. 시위의 형태가 달라짐에 따라 시위진압시 착용하는 방석복의 종류와 형태에도 많은 변화가 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라 의무경찰과 전투경찰이 시위 진압시 착용하는 신․구방석복의 착용실태 및 만족도를 조사하였다. 또한 피험자 6명에게 두 가지 방석복을 입히고 인공기후실에서 온열감 평가 및 쾌작감과 활동성에 관한 주관적 평가를 실시하였으며, 일정 환경조건에서 건조속도를 비교함으로써 신․구방석복에 대한 장․단점과 앞으로 방석복 개발에 기초자료를 제시하고자 한다. 1. 방석복 착용실태조사 설문의 응답자 대부분이 방석복을 착용하고 시위 진압 경험이 많은 것으로 나타났으며, 이중 과반수 이상이 시위 진압시에 신체에 위험을 느낀다고 응답하였다. 구장석복은 방석복의 구조상 활동에 지장이 많고, 소재에 방염처리가 되어있지 않은 이유 등으로 안정성이 떨어진다고 나타났으며, 신방석복 착용자는 아이템의 간소화로 활동성이 높아진 반면 팔과 다리의 보호구가 미약한 것으로 나타났다. 신․구방석복에서 가장 문제점으로 드러난 것은 여름철 열압박과 중량으로 인한 신체에 부담감이었다. 따라서 흡수성이 좋고 통풍이 잘되는 소재와 디자인의 방석복이 필요하며 충격보호용으로 기존의 대나무를 대체 할 수 있는 보호구의 개발이 필요하다. 2. 방석복의 온열감 생리 실험에서는 신방석복이 의복내 습기과 온기를 빠르게 내보내는 것으로 나타났다. 3.방석복의 온열감 생리 실험 후 주관적 평가에서는 신방석의 쾌적감이 더 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 활동성 평가에서는 무릎을 제외하고 신방석복이 신체 부위별 활동성이 더 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 무릎은 신․구 방석복 모두 불편하다고 응답하였다. 5. 건조속도 실험에서는 신방석복의 조끼가 가장 늦게 건조되었다. 이것은 방석복 내부에 있는 양모 휄트의 건조가 더디기 때문으로 생각된다.;Protective uniforms for policemen against riot have to ensure safety and security when they are exposed to demonstration. We can see changed features of demonstration culture since 1990 these days. We could see very dangerous scenes in field of demonstration by college students before 1990, but the degree of danger in demonstration field decreased recently. Therefore protective uniform and shield of policemen have to be reformed according ti their function. The purpose of this study were to investigate the responses and evaluation of policemen on protective uniform and shield by questionnaire and experiment. The subjects of this study were 450 policemen who had experienced wearing protective uniform when they were sent for quell of riot. They answered on questionnaire about protective uniform. Among them 6 volunteers were chosen for experiment to evaluate the function of protective uniforms in a specially controlled chamber. they were dressed in two kinds of uniforms (the old and new uniform), respectively and asked to compare the pros & cons of fabrics and design of the two kinds of the uniforms. Statistical methods for data analysis used in this study were frequency distribution, percentile, mean, t test, 𝑥² test, ANOVA and Duncan test by SAS package. The major findings are as follows; 1. Responses on protective uniform by questionnaire Most of subjects in this study had a lot of experience in the demonstration field. Over half of respondents answered that they felt physical danger when they were sent to demonstration fields. They thought that the security of old fashioned uniform was lower than that of new fashioned uniform because of lack of flame resistance. On the other hand, they showed their opinion on the new fashioned uniform that the activity of the new fashioned uniform is better than that of the old fashioned uniform because of simplicity of items, the function of new fashioned uniform is not safer than that of old fashioned uniform especially in arm and knee protection. Respondents answered that the serious problems of two kinds of uniforms were thermal pressure in summer and physical pressure by the weight of clothes. Therefore, new fabrics and design are required for absorbing swear, and the development of new material is needed for impact protection instead of heavy bamboo pieces. 2. Experiment on functional aspects of protective uniform. 1) In experiment on physiological thermal sensation, the higher humidity within clothes and skin temperature after exercise were released faster in fabrics of the new uniform than that of old-fashioned uniform. 2) In the subjective sensory evaluation, subjects replied that the feeling of clothing of new-fashioned uniform was better than that old-fashioned uniform. 3) In the evaluation on activity, they showed their opinion that the activity of new-fashioned uniform except knee was better than that of old fashioned uniform. They answered that they did not feel comfortable in knee with both kinds uniforms. 4) In experiment on the speed of dryness after washing, the time of drying for vest of new-fashioned uniform was the longest among many pieces of two kinds of uniforms. The reason about that might be on account of wool felt inserted within inner side of the new-fashioned uniform for impact absorbtion.
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