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舊韓末 渡日官費 留學生에 관한 考察

舊韓末 渡日官費 留學生에 관한 考察
Other Titles
(A) Study on the aspect of the korean student in japan, 1881-1910
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대학원 사회생활학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
韓末의 開化思想과 富國强兵이라는 政治理念으로 인하여 日本에의 留學生 派遣이 이루어졌다. 日本留學生 團體는 近代 外來文化를 輸入하고 受容한 階層으로서 특히, 韓末 愛國啓蒙思想의 重要한 一部分을 擔當하는 位置에 있었다. 本 論文은, 日本留學이 시작되는 1881年부터 1910年까지의 官費留學生의 日本派遣史를 整理해보고, 그것이 當時의 社會的 文化的 脈絡속에서 어떠한 特質을 가졌는가를 考察하는 한편, 그들이 發刊한 學報를 통해서 그들의 近代意識을 考察해 보았다. 本 硏究의 內容을 槪述하면 다음과 같다. 第1章, 序論에서는 硏究의 目的과 方法을 提示하였으며, 第2章, 1881-1910年까지의 官費留學生派遣을 3期로 나누어보면서 各 時期의 特徵等을 그 時代的 狀況과 結附시켰으며, 第3章, 留學生의 學會活動을 學會의 變遷史와 學報發刊의 趣旨 등을 통해서 보았으며, 第4章, 그들의 近代意識을 政體의 近代社會, 敎育論, 國家經濟論, 社會改良論으로 나누어 考察해 보았다. 民族의 培養된 實力에 의해서 자기 힘으로 國權을 恢復하려는데 目的을 둔 그들이 提示한 主張들은 近代社會의 確立에 必要한 知識과 思想을 供給함으로써, 當時 韓國人의 意識과 思想의 變化에 큰 影響을 끼치고, 韓國 社會發展에 박차를 가하는 啓蒙的 役割을 遂行하였다.;The political ideas relating on the enlightenment, enrichment and strengthening of the country made it possible for the Korean students to study abroad in Japan. The organization of Korean students in Japan represented a group of people who were somewhat infuenced by modern foreign culture and they played an important role in patriotic movement for illuminationg people. In this paper, I have attempted to show the phase of the Korean students in Japan who obtained the government grant to study abroad during the period of 1881-1910, and its characteristics pertaining to social and cultural context. I also tried to find out the general trend of modern thinking of the Korean students in Japan through academic journal published by them. The contents of the paper are as follows : (1) purpose and method of the research. (2) the characteristics of the dispatchment of students referring its situation in each period. (the period of 1881-1910 is divided in three) (3) the activities of the students examining the change of their academic circle and the character of journal they published. (4) modern consciousness of the students relating on thoughts of modernization, education, national economy and social improvement. By advancing the Knowledge and thought necessary for the establishment of modern society, they have greatly influenced to change consciousness and thought of the Korean people taking the illuminating lead in putting spurs to social development of Korea.
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