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鄭知常의 詩 硏究

鄭知常의 詩 硏究
Other Titles
Study on Chung Ji-Sang's poems
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대학원 국어국문학과
이화여자대학교 대학원
Chung Ji-sang (鄭知常) was a poet who was highly evaluated in the histories of Korea (高麗) Dynasty and the Korean Chinese Literature in selecting of emotional poetical verses as well as in creating of some fresh image. He was very good at using delicate and splendid verses of Man Dang style (晩唐風) and accordingly he made his unique poetical world of his own and his poetical world was highly praised not only at that time but also at the Choseon (朝鮮) period. With emphasis on Chung Ji-sang's verses and essential image, I tried to explain his poetic world in this thesis. In the chapter Ⅱ, I tried to summarize the course how he became one of senior officials in the political field as a common people and trend of thoughts of early-Korea Dynasty period in which he lived and faced with. In the chapter Ⅲ, I studied on the uniqueness of several representing poets at the period before Chung Ji-sang as well Choe Chi-won(崔致遠), and I described hereby the literaty tradition of early-Korea Dynasty where Chung Ji-sang was able to write his poems. In the chapter Ⅳ, I pointed out that Chung Ji-sang's delicate verses and his fresh and neat image mainly depended on the readers' emotional experiences and that the poetic world he tried to reach at ultimately throughout his delicate and fresh verses and images as I described, was pointed to the stage where the nature and human being becomes just one body. In this view point, it is not because of his excellent abilities in his technical wording that his poems give us a fresh and beautiful feeling but because of his desire to reach at the world in which his philosophy, that is,the true character of a poem does not confront with the inconsistancy of his life. Chung Ji-sang's poems were conbined with poetic sense of Chinese poems looking for a noble emotion and delicate and splendid poems of Man Dang style and this is the very literary world that he established at that times.;鄭知常(?∼1135)은 感覺的인 詩語의 선택에 있어서나 新鮮한 이미지를 創出하는데 있어서 높이 評價되고 있는 詩人이다. 그는 晩唐風의 섬세하고 화려한 詩語를 쓰면서도 語氣를 강하게 하는 拗體에 능하여 자신의 독특한 詩世界를 구축했고 당대 뿐만 아니라 朝鮮에서까지 칭송의 대상이 되었다. 本 論文은 격찬의 대상이 되었던 鄭知常의 詩語와 이미지의 本質을 중심으로 해서, 그의 詩가 指向했던 世界를 밝히는데 역점을 두었다. 따라서 Ⅱ章에서는 平民 출신의 鄭知常의 政界의 中堅이 될 때까지의 과정과 그가 접했던 高麗前期의 다양한 思想을 요약하였고, Ⅲ章에서는 崔致遠부터 鄭知常 以前까지의 代表的인 詩人의 特徵을 살펴서 그의 詩가 나올 수 있었던 高麗前期의 文學的 傳統을 개괄하였다. Ⅳ章에서는 鄭知常의 섬세한 詩語와 맑고 깨끗한 이미지는 주로 독자의 感覺的인 經驗에 의존한 것이라는 점과, 그가 이와같이 섬세하고 맑은 詩語와 이미지를 통해서 궁극적으로 도달하려 했던 世界는 自然과 人間이 하나가 되는 境地를 指向하고 있음을 밝혔다. 이런 점에서 볼 때 鄭知常의 詩가 맑고 고운 느낌을 주는 것은 단순히 技巧的인 詩語만 뛰어난 결과는 아니다. 그것은 詩의 기본이 되는 그의 哲學 世界가 世俗의 모순과 대립이 없는 世界를 渴望했기 때문에 이루어진 境地일 것이다. 이러한 鄭知常의 詩는 高尙한 情緖를 指向하는 漢詩의 傳統的인 詩意識과 섬세하고 화려한 晩唐의 詩風이 결합하여 이루어낸 文學世界인 것이다.
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