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dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to delineate how user's space feeling, consciousness, behavior and etc. are influenced by indoor physical environmental of university library and to provide fundamental data and direction for interior design of reading space of university library. The method of this research was as follows: 1. To investigate elements which have an effect on interior design through refering to documents. 2. To decide how to compare these interior design elements(purposes of university library, esthetic factors, physical factors and etc.) with each other. 3. To select five groups which are different from each other in indoor physical environment and to make a social survey to these groups by utilization of questio-naire poll. Chi-square was used to test how the significance of physical circumstance factors on user's space feeling, consciousness behaviors and etc. Table: Physical environmental factors of five groups Constant: Height from bottom to celling 2.7m□h□2.8m area 436㎡□a□500㎡ ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) The results obtained from the study were as follows. 1. In the respect of space feeling, in spite of the fact that their area and height were the same, users of B and C felt wider space and was more scatterbrained than users of A and E. It was verified that number of seats , furniture arrangement, size of windows and indoor main colour have an effect on space feeling. Taking this result into consideration, to arrange shelve low partition and planting tress properly and divide space suitably and to adjust height from bottom to ceiling will be able to alleviate scatterness of reading space. 2. In the respect of consciousness, users of A and I were satisfied with indoor facilities which as shape and disposition of furniture, aisle of reading space, number of seats. And noise was felt the severest obstacle to learning in all physical factors. Users of A, D and E were more highly content with the size of window than users of B and C. Indoor main colour and shape of furniture are the common problems of most university libraries. These results show that the most important point of furniture arrangement is to protect user's privacy. Arranging shelves and partition properly and adjusting partion of reading desks appropriately will be able to protect user's privacy. The scatterness by center aisle will be alleviated by dispersing narrow aisles. Regarding to colour, we can make the atmosphere of room become liverly by emphasizing colours of medium chlora. The size and shape of windows must be planned with mutual relation to indoor colour, arrangement and shape of furniture. 3. In the respect of behavior, users of A, D and E stayed longer, rested shorter and conversed with each other fewer than use's of B and C. It shows that the arrangement of reading desks had an effect on the position of user's bags and the way how to rest in room. As to seating preference, most users of A and E sat evenly but users of B, C and D sat at windows or at corners. This shows that indoor physical environmental factors, especially windows, have an effect on seating preference. User will sit evenly by making the size of window not overwide and arranging furniture and partition to cut off passer-by's eye. 4. Regarding to user's requirement, users of B and C required partition, partitioned desk, users of A and E required partitioned desk. This shows that it is necessary to install carrels. Users of A, B, C, D and E reacted positively to establishing rest space. It is necessary to establish browsing corner in open shelves system and partition in general reading room, to adjust height properly, to arrange furniture comfortably and not to interfere with user's learning. The fact that users of five groups' space feeling, consciousness, behavior and etc. were different from each other verifies that different indoor physical environmental factors have different effects on users. Accordingly interior design of reading room must be planned after analyzing accurately various factors of determination.;本 論文은 大學圖書館 閱覽室 室內 物理的 環境要因의 差異에 따라 使用者의 空間感, 意識, 行爲 및 活動狀態등이 어떻게 달리 나타나는가를 比較 檢討하여 大學圖書館 閱覽室 室內디자인에 基本的인 資料와 方向을 提示하는데 目的이 있다. 硏究의 方法으로는, 文獻硏究를 通하여 室內러자인 決定因子를 檢討하고 이를 理論的 基礎로, 閱覽室 室內디자인 決定因子(大學圖書館의 目的, 美的 要因, 物理的 要因)를 考察, 集團 比較에 대한 方向을 設定하였으며, 그 方向에 따라 室內 物理的 環境要因에 差異가 있는 5集團을 선정, 社會調査를 實施하고 使用者의 空間感, 意識, 行爲가 이들 環境要因에 따라 어떠한 差異가 있는지 χ^(2) - Test로 比較 檢證하였다. 調査對象集團의 物理的 環境要因 分析表 Constant(常數) 天井高(h)2.7m□h□2.8m 面積 (a) 436㎡□a□476㎡ Variable (變數) ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 分析結果 1. 集團別 空間感의 差異를 보면, 같은 面積과 天井高로 이루어졌음에도, B,C集團이 A,E集團보다 空間을 크게 느껴 散漫한 것으로 나타나 閱覽室內 좌석數, 家具配置, 窓의 크기, 室內色彩등이 空間感에 영향을 주는 要因임이 확인되었다. 以上의 結果로 볼 때 空間이 큰 閱覽室은 書架나 낮은 partition, 植木類등을 配置하여 空間을 分割해주거나 天井高 및 바닥면의 높이에 차이를 줌으로써 해결할 수 있다. 2. 集團別 意識의 差異를 보면 室內施設狀態에 대해서 A, E集團이 B, C集團보다 家具形態, 家具配置, 閱覽室 通路. 좌석수 등에 만족하고 있었고 物理的 要因중 소음은 가장 큰 學習 장애要因으로 나타났다. A,D,E集國은 窓의 크기에서 높은 滿足度를 나타냈고 室內色彩, 家具形態는 일반 大學圖書館의 보편적인 문제로 지적되었다. 以上의 結果로 볼 때 家具配置에 있어서 가장 중요시해야 되는 점은 priacy 維持이며 書架, partition을 적절히 配置하거나 책상위 칸막이의 높이 조절로 접근이 가능하고, 중앙 통로에 의한 散漫함은 좁은 통로로 分散시킴으로써 해결할 수 있다. 色彩計劃으로는 中間 彩度의 色에 액센트를 줌으로써, 분위기를 활기있게 하며, 窓의 크기 및 形態는 室內色彩, 家具配置 및 形態와 相互關係下에 計劃되어야 한다. 3. 集團別 行爲의 差異를 보면, A, D, E集團은 B,C集團에 비해 閱覽室에 오래 머무르며, 휴식시간이 짧고 대화도 적게하는 것으로 나타났으며 책상구조에 따라 가방 놓은 위치와 室內휴식방법에도 差異가 있었다. A, E集團은 着席嗜好性도 대체로 고른 分布를 보인 반면, B,C, D集團에서는 窓측이나 코너부분에 편중현상을 보여 室內物理的 環境要因에 따라 差異가 나타났고 이는 窓과도 關係가 있음이 檢證되었다. 過多한 窓의 面積을 止揚하고 通行人으로부터 視線을 遮斷시켜주는 家具配置 및 partition을 設置함으로써 着席을 分散시킬 수 있다. 4. 集團別 要求事項의 差異를 보면, B, C集團에서는 partition, 칸막이 책상을 원하며 開架制인 A. E 閱覽室에서도 칸막이 책상에 대한 求度가 높은 것으로 나타나 Carrel의 設置가 필요하다. 휴식공간 設置에 대해서는 5集團 모두 긍정적인 반응을 나타내 開架制 閱覽室에서는 Browsing corner를 設置하고 일반 閱覽室에는 partition 設置, 天井高, 바닥면에 差異를 주고 안락한 家具를 配置, 學習에 지장을 주지 않는 室內휴식공간을 부여한다. 以上과 같이 使用者의 空間感, 意識, 行爲등이 室內 物理的 環境要因의 差異에 따라 다르게 나타난 것으로 보아 각기 다른 室內環境은 使用者에게 다른 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 閱覽室 室內디자인은 이러한 要因들을 정확히 分析한 후 計劃되어걱야 한다.-
dc.description.tableofcontents論文槪要 = ⅴ Ⅰ. 序論 = 1 A. 硏究의 目的 = 1 B. 硏究의 範圍 = 1 C. 硏究의 方法 = 2 Ⅱ. 室內디자인 決定因子의 理諭的 考察 = 5 A. 理論的 體系確立 要因 = 6 B. 美的 要因 = 20 C. 物理的 要因 = 28 D. 社會, 文化, 心理的 要因 = 49 Ⅲ. 閱覽室環境에 따른 意識 및 行動에 관한 調査分析 = 53 A. 調査槪要 = 53 B. 調査對象 集團의 物理的 現況 = 56 C. 調査內容 分析結果에 關한 考察 = 64 D. 結果綜合分析 = 97 Ⅳ. 結論 = 101 參考支獻 = 105 부록 = 108 -ABSTRACT- = 136-
dc.format.extent4199274 bytes-
dc.publisher이화여자대학교 대학원-
dc.title大學 圖書館 閱覽室의 室內 物理的 環境要因이 使用者의 意識 및 行爲에 미치는 影響-
dc.typeMaster's Thesis-
dc.title.translatedEffects which indoor physical environmental factors of the reading room of University library have on user's consciousness and behavior-
dc.format.page140 p.-
dc.identifier.major대학원 장식미술학과- 2-
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