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우리나라 정보산업이 공간적 분포에 관한 연구

우리나라 정보산업이 공간적 분포에 관한 연구
Other Titles
(A) Study of The Disribution of The Information Industry
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대학원 사회생활학과
정보산업공간적 분포수도권우리나라
이화여자대학교 대학원
The information industry is a enormous system that facilitates the center of the information society. The information industry, in broad terms, means all related to collecting, processing, storage, transport and selling of manufactured goods, and narrow terms, the newly developing industry by conjunction of computer and communication technology. In Korea, where the population is large and natural resorces is rather scarce, the information industry is an important part of the national industry. The object of this study is to discuss the development and distribution of the information industry in Korea. First, the information industry was classified into the hardware, information processing and information communication industry by adopting the classification system employed by the Korean Electronics Industry Development Association. The regional distribution of the information industry was investigated by the descriptive approach based on the literature and existing data and by the statistical approach using IR and LQ. The inforamtion industry is concentrated around the national capital metropolitan area including Seoul, Inchon and Kyonggi and major cities in the country. The information industry is conducted only in small scale. The national capital metropolitan area has adventages of easy accessibility to the information, technologies and affluent skilled labor force thanks to the numerous education institutes. Among this area, in Inchon, Ansan and Whasung, where large industrial complexes are located, the hardware industry is well developed, whereas in Kangmyung and Buchon the information processing industry is specialized. The development of the information industry would strenthen our export industry, enable foreign resource acquisition and expend our influence on the international ground. The information industry will be the major industry in future world and lead changes to the information society.
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