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한국화를 응용한 의상디자인

한국화를 응용한 의상디자인
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산업미술대학원 산업미술학과의상디자인전공
이화여자대학교 산업미술대학원
현대는 과학, 기술문명의 발달로 고도산업사회의 급진적 진보를 이룩하고 있다. 이러한 사회적 여건에 따라 美術的 表現技法 또한 다양하게 변화, 발전하여 왔다. 오늘날 이러한 다양한 표현성을 토대로 한 조형형태의 比重을 감안하여 외상에도 반영되어 단순히 입는다는 기능면에서 한 걸음 더 나아가 美的 術動을 바탕으로 미적 기능을 살리고 창조의 자율성을 갖는 造形性의 志向을 추구하게 되었다. 그리하여 의상은 '입는다'는 단순한 기능적인 의미보다는 인간을 基礎로 하여 움직이는 하나의 建築을 構築하듯이 예술적인 조형성을 강조한「입을수 있는 예술품」(Wearable art)으로 창작되고 있다. 최근 국내에서 화가와 의상디자이너가 만나 의상이 예술로 승화되어 만날수 있는 새로운 창작을 시도한 적이 있다. 이는 고도의 문화유산이나 뛰어난 예술작품이라도 우리의 생활속에 용해되어야 비로소 그 가치를 지니는것 처럼 순수예술의 독특한 표현기법을 효과적으로 적용하여 조형미술로서의 의상디자인을 창조한 것이다. 본 논문의 의의는 한국전통복식을 현대화시켜 응용한 실루엣에 현대한국추상화 기법을 응용, 반영하므로써 우리의 생활속에 접근하여 앞으로, 보다 독특한 표현방법과 기법의 연구에 정진하여 창조적이고 생명력 있는 조형예술적 의상으로서의 새로운 가능성을 제시한 것이다. 굳이 서양화가가 아닌 한국화를 선정한 것은 한국전통복식의 선을 응용한 디자인에 한국화를 도입함으로써 더욱 더 한국적인 이미지로 창출하고자 선택하였다.;The art-mode transformod according to the rapidly changing contemporary era, is being developed in variety in its artistic and experssional technics at the present era. Based on such the various expressiveness, and heavily depending on the formative forms reflected, fashion designers seem to be inclined to making arts which emphesixe the formativeness and can be dressed. Recently in the home-land, an artist and an fashion designer met together, and attempted to create anew technics by which the fashion can be sublimated into the art. This thesis set its real meaning on to create new formative, artistic dresses with an artistic will and characteristics of the pure art. To the silhouette applied by modernizing the lines of the Korean's traditional dresses, Korea's modern technics among the various pure arts were applied and reflected, then attempted to create new artistic dresses. As a production-method, formative characteristics of the modern Korean abstract-artists have been approached to the simplified form. For this approach, natural fivers such as ramie cloth, hempen-cloth, silk, and etc. were used as for the materials, and total 8 pieces of dress were produced. This thesis has its importance in the point of a new possibility suggested on the ereative, lively, formative and artistic dresses, as the pure art being applied and reflected to dress-making, then closely being drawn into our livings, and as we proceed to study on the expressional methods and technics The real works produced were total 8 pieces, and the directly dyeing materials were used in dyeing, and, of course, the Korean's specific drawing technics using the DESIGN-COLOURS was used in the production. Attemts pursued therough the work-production are as follows : first, when the pieces of the silhoutte in which the plane, pure art gives a motive to the lines of the traditional dresses, dressed the human body, there showed an effect of the third dimenssional sense of perspective. Second, when plane, pure arts were combined with human body, then utilized, a new visual effect as a movable, formative art could be seen. Third, as pursueing an ideal effect at the poing where the dress and pure art meet, a fact that the dress was sublimated into the art could be confirmed. Fourth, by using the dress as a canvas, then drawing pictures on the various dresses which are not paper, and adding some effects of quality fitted to the pictures with other various technics, works are well expressed in the attempted direction. The combinations of drawing and dress have been attempted by many artists. And, because of the prospect of the non-limitation in the expressional possibility of the various, formative art, when artists and fashion designers develop creative desings in the practical situation and continue studing on the experinemtal researches with positive concerns, creative Possibility and direction for the development of this kind of art will be groped and found.
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