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韓國 傳承陶磁의 現況

韓國 傳承陶磁의 現況
Other Titles
Present Situation of Korea's Transmitted Pottery : Centering around regious of Kwangju-Kun and Yichun-Kun, Kyungki-Do
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산업미술대학원 산업미술학과요업디자인전공
이화여자대학교 산업미술대학원
각 시대의 사회성과 생활양식에 따라 인간과 밀접한 관계를 맺으며 발전되어 온 한국의 도자기는 조선시대 말기 급작스런 서양문물의 유입과, 일본에 의한 36년간의 통치로 말미암아 민족의 자주성과 창의성을 상실당하여, 그 맥이 끊긴다. 끊어졌던 우리의 전통도자를 재현해 보고자하는 노력이 1950년대 말기부터 이루어지기 시작하여 전승도자의 생산은 급격히 증가하게 된다. 전승도자는 현재 창작도예, 산업도자와 함께 양산되고 있다. 본 연구는 전통도자의 기법을 계승, 발전시켜 현대 대중문화속에 융화될 수 있는 도자생산 제작을 위하여 전승도자의 현황을 파악하고자 한다. 연구방법은 전승도자요장이 집약적으로 분포되어 있는 경기도 광주군, 이천군의 107군데 도자요장을 현지답사하여 작품제작과정을 직접 관찰하고, 설문조사와 면담을 통하여 통계를 추출하였다. 제Ⅱ장에서는 본 연구가 한국 전승도자의 현황을 파악하기 위한 것이므로 우리의 도자기에 대하여 일별하여 고찰할 필요를 느껴, 근대, 현대의 도자기를 유형별로 고찰하였다. 제Ⅲ장에서는 이천지구에 전승도자요장이 밀집되게 된 배경과 이천지구 도자요장의 규모와 실태를 파악하기 위하여 직원수와 설립년도를 살펴보았다. 또한 생산되는 도자의 종류를 살펴보기 위하여 1960년대까지는 생산되었으나 현재는 생산되지 않는 칠기와, 현재 생산되고 있는 옹기와 자기류(청자, 분청, 백자등)로 구분해 그의 성형방법, 장식기법, 그리고 가마의 구조등을 간단히 비교 하였다. 제Ⅳ장에서는 전승도자의 제작과정을 살펴본 것으로 태토 구입방법에 따른 전승도자산업의 분업화과정을 알아보았고, 성형방법과 장식기법을 살펴보고, 소성시 사용되는 연료에 따라 가마의 종류와 크기, 소성방법을 살펴보았다. 연구결과 한국의 전승도자가 현대 생활속에서 더욱 발전, 사용되기 위해서는 전통에 기반을 둔 합리적인 기능과 창의성을 발휘하는 디자인에 의한 작품개발이 요구된다는 것을 알 수 있었다.;Korean earthenware, pottery which had long developed in relation with human beings and in accordance with its contemporary sociality and living mode, abruptly ceased its vein of development as the Western culture being abosrbed into the society at the end of Yi dynasty, and also because of those 36 years' rule over Korean peninsula by Japan resulting in much loss of the Korean's peculiar automy and creativity. However, that temporarily ceased transmitted pottery blossomed once again to be realized with effort from the end of 1950, and then production of transmitted pottery increased rapidly. Nowadays, the transmitted traditional ceramics are mass-produced with creative ceramic art and in the forms of industrial ceramics. This thesis sets its purpose to grasp the present situatons of the succeeded traditional ceramics for the production of such porcelains in harmony with present bublic civilization as succeeding and developing such peculiliar and traditional technics of ceramics. As research methods, 107 Kiln sites in Kyungki-Do Gwangjukun, Yichun-kun ranged intensively as traditionally transmitted potlery kiln centers, were made of a field investigation, and since those production precesses viewed directly, through the questionaires and interviews, a reliable statistics has been abstracted. As the second(Ⅱ) chapter of this thesis being to grasp the present situation of traditionally transmitted pottery in Korea, with a necessity of studing ceramics of ours respectively, ceramics of recent, and present time were studied by their patterns. In the third(Ⅲ) Chapter, backgrounds why such succeeded, traditional kiln sites could be gathered intensively, and scales and actual conditions of the Yichun region's kiln sites were grasped as viewing the number of employees and the establishing years of those kiln centers. And also, for looking into what sorts of pottery, lacquerware which was produced until 1960, but not produced at present, and presently produced pottery and pocelain (jade-colored plain celadon, Punchung ware (Mishima in Japan), plain white porcelain, etc.) with methods of classification, were compared simply to its molding or forming methods, decorating technics, and kiln's structures. In the forth (Ⅳ) chapter, as being to view the production precesses of the transmitted pottery, devided working processes of the succeeded ceramic industry according to methods of material (clay) purchase were studied in, forming methods and decorating technics were looked into and it was also inspected that kinds and sizes of kiln, and cremation methods was varied in accordance with sorts of fuel in cremation precesses. The research resultants showed there needs much product betterment or development by designs which display rational functions and creativities based on tradition for those ceramic wares to be used and absorbed into modernized present livings as more developed ones.
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