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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2011Investigation of Structural Integrity of PLGA During Ammonolysis-based Microencapsulation Process허선주Master's Thesis
2011Effects of Inflammatory Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms on Warfarin Maintenance Doses in Korean Patients with Mechanical Heart Valve최윤정Master's Thesis
2011Development of Acid-catalyzed Chemical Reaction to Prepare Weakly Acidic Drug-containing PLGA Microspheres이홍화Master's Thesis
2011국내 허가 의약품의 1 일 최대용량ㆍ최대기간 및 치료역이 좁거나 오남용 위험이 있는 의약품에 대한 적정 용량 검토장유진Master's Thesis
2011Sustained paclitaxel elution from novel stents coated with electrosprayed PLGA nanoparticles for the prevention of restenosis장미란Master's Thesis
2011Functional characterization of Hes1 WRPW domain in degradation and protein-protein interaction정예원Master's Thesis
2004Synthesis of Monoacetyldiglyceride (MADG) and Caprolactam-Attached MADG Synthetic studies toward L-6-Chloropyrroloindoline김미금Master's Thesis
2004Functional Roles of human Fas Associated Factor 1 (hFAF1) in Ubiquitin - Proteasome Degradation Pathway고선영Master's Thesis
2004Specific Role of Syndecan Transmembrane Domain최성문Master's Thesis
2004Regulatory role for Peroxiredoxin II in TNF-α-Induced Apoptosis丁炯玎Master's Thesis
2004Design and Characterization of the Antibodies Detecting Reversible Oxidation of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases강은주Master's Thesis
2004Towards identification of HRT2 Interacting proteins허예림Master's Thesis
2005Defensin-like protein encoding cysteine-rich peptides in immune response of Silkworm, Bombyx mori. (Lepidoptera)朴寶鈴Master's Thesis
2011Daphnane diterpenoid계 물질의 gefitinib 내성 사람 폐암 세포에서의 내성 극복과 세포성장 증식 억제 작용기전 연구이혜정Master's Thesis
2012Function of a novel adaptor protein ARAP in T cell adhesion송현명Master's Thesis
2012Oxidative stress induces IKK activation by releasing Hsp60 from mitochondria김지연Master's Thesis
2002중금속 오염토양 복원을 위한 내성 식물 종 선별 및 자귀풀(Aeschynomene indica)의 Cd 흡수능에 관한 연구김현아Master's Thesis
2002Identification of Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitor (Cystatin; CPI) in mungbean (Vigna radiata[L.] wilczek) = 녹두에서의 Cysteine proteinase inhibitor 탐색류다운Master's Thesis
2002Identification and mRNA expression level of Cysteine Proteinase Inhibitor (Cystatin; CPI) in mungbean (Vigna radiata L. wilczek) = 녹두에서 Cysteine proteinase inhibitor의 확인과 mRNA 발현양 분석김민정Master's Thesis
2001한국산 산호충류의 공생조류에 관한 분류학적 연구 A taxonomic study on the symbiotic algae of the Korean anthozoans임효숙Master's Thesis